"Maka apabila langit telah terbelah dan menjadi merah mawar seperti (kilapan) minyak" (Ar-Rahman: 37)


Yaa sayyid as-Saadaat wa Nuur al-Mawjuudaat, yaa man huwaal-malja’u liman massahu dhaymun wa ghammun wa alam.Yaa Aqrab al-wasaa’ili ila-Allahi ta’aalaa wa yaa Aqwal mustanad, attawasalu ilaa janaabika-l-a‘zham bi-hadzihi-s-saadaati, wa ahlillaah, wa Ahli Baytika-l-Kiraam, li daf’i dhurrin laa yudfa’u illaa bi wasithatik, wa raf’i dhaymin laa yurfa’u illaa bi-dalaalatik, bi Sayyidii wa Mawlay, yaa Sayyidi, yaa Rasuulallaah:

(1) Nabi Muhammad ibn Abd Allah Salla Allahu ’alayhi wa alihi wa sallam
(2) Abu Bakr as-Siddiq radiya-l-Lahu ’anh
(3) Salman al-Farsi radiya-l-Lahu ’anh
(4) Qassim ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(5) Ja’far as-Sadiq alayhi-s-salam
(6) Tayfur Abu Yazid al-Bistami radiya-l-Lahu ’anh
(7) Abul Hassan ’Ali al-Kharqani qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(8) Abu ’Ali al-Farmadi qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(9) Abu Ya’qub Yusuf al-Hamadani qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(10) Abul Abbas al-Khidr alayhi-s-salam
(11) Abdul Khaliq al-Ghujdawani qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(12) ’Arif ar-Riwakri qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(13) Khwaja Mahmoud al-Anjir al-Faghnawi qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(14) ’Ali ar-Ramitani qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(15) Muhammad Baba as-Samasi qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(16) as-Sayyid Amir Kulal qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(17) Muhammad Bahaa’uddin Shah Naqshband qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(18) ‘Ala’uddin al-Bukhari al-Attar qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(19) Ya’quub al-Charkhi qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(20) Ubaydullah al-Ahrar qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(21) Muhammad az-Zahid qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(22) Darwish Muhammad qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(23) Muhammad Khwaja al-Amkanaki qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(24) Muhammad al-Baqi bi-l-Lah qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(25) Ahmad al-Faruqi as-Sirhindi qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(26) Muhammad al-Ma’sum qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(27) Muhammad Sayfuddin al-Faruqi al-Mujaddidi qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(28) as-Sayyid Nur Muhammad al-Badawani qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(29) Shamsuddin Habib Allah qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(30) ‘Abdullah ad-Dahlawi qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(31) Syekh Khalid al-Baghdadi qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(32) Syekh Ismaa’il Muhammad ash-Shirwani qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(33) Khas Muhammad Shirwani qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(34) Syekh Muhammad Effendi al-Yaraghi qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(35) Sayyid Jamaaluddiin al-Ghumuuqi al-Husayni qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(36) Abuu Ahmad as-Sughuuri qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(37) Abuu Muhammad al-Madanii qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(38) Sayyidina Syekh Syarafuddin ad-Daghestani qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(39) Sayyidina wa Mawlaana Sultan al-Awliya Sayyidi Syekh ‘Abd Allaah al-Fa’iz ad-Daghestani qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(40) Sayyidina wa Mawlaana Sultan al-Awliya Sayyidi Syekh Muhammad Nazhim al-Haqqaani qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah

Syahaamatu Fardaani
Yuusuf ash-Shiddiiq
‘Abdur Ra’uuf al-Yamaani
Imaamul ‘Arifin Amaanul Haqq
Lisaanul Mutakallimiin ‘Aunullaah as-Sakhaawii
Aarif at-Tayyaar al-Ma’ruuf bi-Mulhaan
Burhaanul Kuramaa’ Ghawtsul Anaam
Yaa Shaahibaz Zaman Sayyidanaa Mahdi Alaihis Salaam 
wa yaa Shahibal `Unshur Sayyidanaa Khidr Alaihis Salaam

Yaa Budalla
Yaa Nujaba
Yaa Nuqaba
Yaa Awtad
Yaa Akhyar
Yaa A’Immatal Arba’a
Yaa Malaaikatu fi samaawaati wal ardh
Yaa Awliya Allaah
Yaa Saadaat an-Naqsybandi

Rijaalallaah a’inunna bi’aunillaah waquunuu ‘awnallana bi-Llah, ahsa nahdha bi-fadhlillah .

Mawlana Shaykh Qabbani

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C E R M I N * R A H S A * E L I N G * W A S P A D A

Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008

The more one knows about the Creator, the more he realizes he knows actually so little about Him

Source :http://shaykhnazim.islam.education.ayar.org/?cat=3

The more one knows about the Creator, the more he realizes he knows actually so little about Him
Tuesday, September 9th, 2008

Audhu billahi minasshaitanirrajim, Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, La hawla wa la quwatta illa billahil aliyul adhim. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Meded ya Sultanul anbiya, Meded ya Rijalallah

It is an association. Every day has a speciality, every day has a special personality. The days of week are seven days, and everyone feels through himself when it is going to be friday, and then saturday, sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday. You have a feeling that today is saturday, it is not friday and it is not sunday. And coming another week and it has also seven days, but when we are speaking about today, it is Saturday, or we are speaking about past saturday, we are saying ‘That passed/last saturday happened something’. This saturday also is not the same as that saturday. And it is now March; this is a new March, it is not the same as that passed away, and coming April it is new April belongs to 2004. It is not the same one that passed through 2003.

You also, you are not the same one that you have been last year in March, no! You are now in a new position, a new one. ‘Kulli yaumin Huwa fi shan’/every day in (new) Splendour doth He (shine)! Holy Quran, 55:29. Every day is appearing another appearance that those appearances countless.. if you can be able to calculate the waves on an ocean, you can reach the number of appearances that you are entering in it and passing. Subhanallah! People are thinking that they are stable, that nothing is changing, ‘I was -like this-yesterday, and I am now the same one that I was yesterday’. No! that finished, tomorrow you are another personality. That belongs to the divinely Will that has programmed everyone, it is not only for mankind.. Around mankind whatever from creation, from creatures, they are also through every second or through every unit of time, the less one, they are changing.

Changing is for creation, unchangeable Existence for the real Being for the Lord of Heavens, for the Creator; if changing was to happen to Him, He can’t be the Creator. The Creator is creating through every creature according to our knowledge countless changings but it is counted.. He knows! He knows where an atom is or nucleus, in the middle; how many pieces, each one has a personality, and where it is, He must know! ‘Ya yakhfa alayhi shayun fil ardi wa la fi samaa’, can’t be anything to be hidden to the Creator. How it can be! And He is the Creator. If He is not creating that, it can’t be in existence; He must know, but according to our capacity.

Therefore Grandsheikh always he was saying, Allah bless him ‘The biggest mistake from mankind is, for their understanding they are trying to bring the Existence of the Lord of Heavens, the Lord of the whole Creation, to their understanding area’. And look, if you are getting up and saying to people ‘I am asking to know about the sun and I am trying to bring it to my understanding area, to bring it here’ -Maulana is looking at a flower- ‘It is like this -flower-, that is sun’, mashaAllah, he understands!.. As long as they are trying to understand about the sun, their knowledge is never going to be more than that flower. They should say only ‘It looks like this’.They can’t approach and enter in it and to see and to look what is that. From far away saying ‘Oh, the sun just looks like a sunflower’. For creation, for the understanding of creation, if you are using your understanding, it is impossible for you. What it is in our seeing, in our vision, you can’t reach a real understanding of what it is in our vision, what about if we are saying beyond the sun, beyond stars, beyond galaxies?

But people try to know about such a creation according to their mindly capacity and it is making them to give a judgmen t about creation. It is wrong knowledge, and they are saying ‘positive knowledge’. Positive knowledge that is the new fashion through the 17th century or 16th century when they were trying to make everything through positive knowledge area. They are trying to bring everything under the microscope. If they can’t bring it, they are saying ‘No’. That is the biggest mistake, also biggest foolishness for those people who are claiming ‘We are learned people’, ‘we are scientists’, ‘we are professors’.. biggest mistake and biggest ignorance from them, because you can’t bring everything under microscope to look what it is, it is impossible! So that when we are speaking for Allah Almighty that that is the beginning of some knowledge for our Creator.

We are asking to step the first step, that there are countless steps, countless attempts should be after it and when you are reaching a knowledge for the Lord of Heavens, He is going to be beyond that knowledge. An d we are speaking about something now,, as they are making me to speak on some points that from His mainly Attributes is to be unchangeable Existence. Never changing.. What was written in Sri Lanka on the entrance of that place? It was written ‘Allah-Huwa al an kama kan’ Allah, He is now as He was through eternity. Allah in His Eternity, through eternal and eternal He is the same, never changed ‘Huwal an kama kan’. Subhanallah! Kalamul awliya, the words of awliyas/saints, they are saying on that point. Subhanallah! Unchangeable. We are changing. Therefore I said to you everything is going to be changed. Haji X changing, because he was awakened, now becoming to sleep, just changed.and therefore ‘Al idraku an darkil idraki idraku’, that means if you are asking to understand about the real Being of Allah Almighty’s Essence you are reaching to a point and you are saying ‘Impossible!’ just then you reached real Knowledge about Him Almighty! Finally you are saying ‘Impossible’, because.. a simple example, do you think that an ant can bring to his understanding knowledge of the real being of man? Perhaps it can be possible, but it is impossible for any creature to reach real understanding of their Creator. They are saying finally ‘It is impossible’. An ant, when it is running on earth, may say ‘Oh, if I can have wings, I could reach to Heavens’. And the Creator is giving it wings and it is trying to fly and flies, but its distance that it may reach and fly, it is maybe one meter or less or a little bit more, nothing.. Do you think that it may reach to Heavens? Impossible! Therefore ‘Al idraku an darkil idraki idraku’. That is Subhanallahil aliyul adhim.

We must put our knowledge on a safe base; if not, it is going to be nonsense and people are falling down. That is the biggest mistake for living people and those who are claiming ‘We are learned people, we are experts, we are professors, we are scientists, we are academic people, w e must know who is that Creator! We must bring that one that you are saying ‘Creator’ under our microscope’, or, ‘We must look first through telescopes’, but then they are saying ‘We are just astonishing which direction we must put our telescope? This direction, that direction? there are countless directions to bring that One through our telescopes first. Then, if we are catching that One, we must bring that One and to put Him under our microscope to look.’ Haha, Subhanallah/Glory be to Him, so foolish people, no understanding and they are claiming they are learned people, alim. They are thinking that they know everything! That is their knowledge about the Creator. Their heads are big one, but nothing in it! If a person is knowing about his Lord, his Creator, as much as he is knowing, he is getting much more respecting for Him.

Therefore when the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam peace be upon him had been asked ‘What is the most valuebale effort or work or study for a person to make as a servanthood to his Lord?’ What it is, when they were asking, he was saying ‘Al ilmu billah, to know about his Creator’. That means to try to reach much more knowledge, that according to our knowledge of someone, of his perfection and power and glory we are taking much more respect. A servant or a simple employee, when getting in front of his director he is closing his buttons, yes. Not for everyone, but for his director he is taking much more respect, because he is knowing about him what he can do. And man also, according to his knowledge about his Creator, his Lord, is taking much more respect. Therefore two rakaats/cycles of prayer from the seal of Prophets Sayyidena Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam peace be upon him, if put on one side of balance and on the other side of the balance whole nations’ praying, two rakaats from Rasulullah, the Seal of Prophets, most beloved and most honored one, the weight of his two rakaats is getting to be much more, because no one can reach to his position and his knowledge about his Creator!

May Allah forgive me and forgive you and grant His blessing for the honor of that most beloved and respected and honored one, most glorified one in the divine Presence despite of the wahabis, Fatiha. It is not a prepared thing, but what they are sending we must speak on it. We don’t know, He knows.

Posted in Shaykh Nazim | No Comments »
Wednesday, September 3rd, 2008


Selamu Aleykum,

In the Sohbet of Sheykh Abdul Kerim about the Infinite
Mercy of Allah Almighty , he keeps referring to a sohbet
of Sheykh Mevlana. Here is the sohbet:




(Extracted from the Lectures of Sheik Nazim)

Faith granted to everyone

My Grandsheikh was saying that the gates of Paradise are
open for all to enter; and according to the hadith of the
Holy Prophet, Allah Almighty has parceled out Paradise,
assigning to everyone his portion, and not allowing anyone
to occupy the portion that has been assigned to another.
What this means is that Allah Almighty has given to His

servants before they ever ask for anything, has given with
a generosity that is absolute, as He doesn’t wait for us to
ask that then He may give us according to our requests, He
gives unbesought.

Our Grandsheikh went on to say that Allah Almighty treats
His people in this life with the absolute Mercy emanating
from His Divine Name Ar-Rahman (The All-Beneficent). No
one can fall outside of the bounds of a mercy and a
beneficence that is boundless, as is the mercy implicit in
the Holy Name Ar-Rahman. Don’t ever think that the mercy
oceans belonging to this Divine Name has any shore – no –
they are boundless and endlessly deep, and so they ever will
remain. You must know that Allah is never going to take
back anything which He has granted to His servants, and that
even to think such a thing is unbelief (Kufr) and the worst
thought that we can think about our Lord. Yes, our Lord
gave to us all a grant never ending, and that grant is

What we are listening to now of Grandsheikh’s words is not
knowledge of the sort that we may be accustomed to hearing
– it may seem new and strange to our ears, but nonetheless
it is the truth from the secrets which are opened up day by
day to the Saints (Awliya). Allah Almighty granted faith to
the Sons of Adam on the Day of Promises, the day when the
souls of all the descendants of Adam were brought forth from
his backbone and asked by their Lord: “Am I not your Lord?”
We were all present on that day – looking to our Lord,
talking to Him, knowing Him – and we replied: “Yea, verily.
We testify that You are our lord.”
(Surat-ul-Araf : 172).

That faith was granted to everyone, but Divine Wisdom
decreed that in this life some people’s faith would remain
covered while that of others would appear. The Holy Prophet
said in regards to this: “The hearts of the Sons of Adam
contain treasures, and the keys to the hearts are in the Hand
of our Lord.” Therefore, if He is not going to open the
hearts, no one can- not even His Beloved Muhammad, for whose
sake the whole creation was created.

If you understand that faith is present in all of mankind,
you must be very respectful towards each one of them and you
must understand that only with Allah Almighty’s permission
are you believing and showing your faith, while someone else
is not showing faith only because his Lord has not opened it
up for him. You must understand the matter like this, and
never say about anyone, “He is an unbeliever’, - who can know
what will be the state of any person at the end of his life?
The key to the hearts is in the Hand of the Almighty, and what
will become of each person in the end is a secret known in
its entirety only to Allah Himself; even the Prophet can only
know something about this matter within defined limits. On
the Day of Promises, Allah Almighty granted faith to His
servants, and He is not going to take it away from them –
perhaps they will declare their faith upon breathing
their last breath – such is Allah’s mercy. Allah Almighty
is keeping and hiding so many mercy oceans which are destined
for His servants.

(A question was asked) : “Mevlana, it is easy enough for me to
understand how someone who dies a slow death from a long and
torturous disease may have time to reflect on his life, and
realizing his helplessness, believe and turn to Allah in
repentance (Taubah) even though he was the most stubborn
unbeliever and evildoer up until that time; but what I can’t
comprehend is how someone who is, for example, shot and
killed while in the act of committing a heinous crime, may
attain repentance despite the suddenness of his death.”

(Sheikh Nazim replied) : Allah may create time within time.
The time that it takes that bullet to kill him may seem very
short to us, but for that person Allah may make it a very
long instant indeed, long enough for him to reflect upon his
whole life and repent unto his Lord. Isn’t Allah Almighty
capable of extracting a confession from His slave? – He most
certainly is.

(Question) : “But, Mevlana, how shall we understand all the
verses of Qur’an which speak about eternal Hell with no exit?’

(Answer) : Allah Almighty says in one verse of the Qur’an :
“And we don’t send our verses (Ayat) except to frighten
(Takhweefeh).” In other words, `To scare the hell out of
people.’ For example, you may say to your son, “If you don’t
stop doing that I will kill you!” In reality, you are never
going to do any such thing, but that warning may just be
sufficient to make him listen to what you are saying and
to desist from that disliked action.

(Question) ” “Mevlana, why is it that the meanings we derive
when we read the Qura’n seem to contradict the hidden meanings
which you are uncovering?”

(Answer) : Here I have some salt; it is a white powder that we
use in most of our foods. Who could guess that it consists of
two poisons that would kill whoever consumed them? Also, here
we have some water – who could guess that it consists of two
gases – two hydrogen atoms and one of oxygen? He who knows,
knows, and he who doesn’t know sees only the obvious and
apparent. The latter may deny, but his denial won’t make
him right.

“My Mercy outdoes My Anger”,

Similarly, people read the Holy Quran and understand it on
their respective levels; they may deny anything beyond their
level of understanding, but their denial doesn’t decrease in
the least the validity of the deeper truth, truth which cannot
be gained merely through outward study, but is given as a
grant from the Divine Presence.

Grandsheikh, speaking about the final results of our actions
(Aqiba) and Allah’s manner of judging them, pointed to Allah’s
word: “My Mercy outdoes My Anger”, and he said: “For me, these
are the greatest good tidings, as it gives me hope of my safety
from Hell to know that Allah Almighty’s Mercy will come and
cover everything on the Last Day”

That Divine Forgiveness will cover so many people on that day;
and the Prophet said that even Satan will be seeking
forgiveness, and hoping that it may come to him also, but more
than this the Prophet didn’t say.

Grandsheikh said that nothing from the actions of Allah
Almighty’s servants will be a burden on Allah; don’t ever
think that it could be. Now, listen carefully to the
following description which is recorded in the Holy Books:
on the Day of Judgment, Allah Almighty will order a person
to Hell, and the Angels will grab him and start dragging him
to the fire. When he realizes that this is really happening
he will turn to his Lord and say: “Oh my Lord, I never
thought that You would really put me in the fire of Hell.”
Allah then orders: “Bring him back.” He was such an evil
person, did so many dark deeds and listened always to the
dictates of his lower self, but he never lost hope in his
Lord’s Mercy for him and His reprieving him from Hell. We
can be proud of being our Lord’s servants, even if we are
not obedient ones – proud that He is such a merciful Lord
who will reprieve so many of us from the jaws of Hell, and
admit them to Paradise.

My Grandsheikh was saying that there are different stations
for each person in Paradise that Allah gave without their
ever having been asked for; that is His favour and His grant
unto His servants which he has communicated to them through
His Prophets. When our Grandsheikh was saying that even
disobedient servants will also finally attain Allah
Almighty’s Mercy, he quickly drew our attention to the
following important point: “Oh my son, I am saying that with
Allah’s Endless Mercy everyone should finally enter Paradise.
Such considerations, however, are for the common people, and
we are not seeking to stay at that level. We are asking for
the highest station, the greatest pleasure, the highest
degree for His servants: the stations of Ridwan-Allah-ul-Akbar.
With those servants our Lord will be absolutely pleased, and
they, in turn, will be absolutely pleased with their Lord.

Here is the answer to a question that anyone who is striving
hard in the way of his Lord and obeying his commandments may
ask: “Why should we make a great effort to please Allah if
there is a good chance that he will forgive us anyway?” The
answer is: The degrees in the Divine Presence of those who
have made efforts must differ from the degrees of those who
were complacent in this life.

The Two Paradises

Grandsheikh was saying, quoting the Holy Qur’an, that there
are two Paradises: one of them is the real Paradise and the
other is but a shadow or copy of it. Allah Almighty is going
to give to His servants according to what were their wishes
and desires in this life. Whoever was satisfied with this
life’s pleasures, and preferred them to the love of his Lord,
asking for ever more pleasures in everything of this world,
and giving the love of Allah the second place in his heart,
Allah will give him what he loves most: a Paradise full of
pleasures: splendid gardens, luxurious castles and lovely
virgin girls – all these gifts will be of a beauty
unimaginable, incomparable to any beauty on Earth.

The original Paradise in the Divine Presence and the highest
station (Maq’adu Sidq) is entirely different from the shadow
Paradise. The Prophet said that in that Paradise there are
no palaces, no gardens and no girls. In their place one
will find the Lord’s smiling, radiant Countenance. In the
first Paradise, the shadow Paradise, the people will regard
their Lord’s Divine Countenance once a week at the time that
we now pray the weekly congregational prayer (Salat ul-Jum’a).
When they take a look at His Face they will forget all else;
the Divine lights from His Divine Face will make them
forgetful of everything else, this will occupy them until the
veils of Majestic Grandeur are lowered; then they will return
to their selves. When they are gazing at their Lord’s
Countenance, they are taken from themselves and are no more
there, but when the Veil of Grandeur is lowered, the
inhabitants of that Paradise come to themselves and proceed
to enjoy their paradisiacal pleasures more than ever –
everything will appear new and full of more light than before.
But for those who worked in this life for His pleasure, Allah
is taking them to His Divine Presence and not letting them out.
That is the real Paradise. Our Grandsheikh was saying that to
be in the Divine Presence for only one second, he would give
all the eight Paradises – it is so valuable an experience.

In general, the people now living in this life like it more
than they like the worship of their Lord, for which they are
making only minimal efforts. In their hearts, this life
takes the first place and Allah takes the second; in the
afterlife, they will find everything according to what was
their liking here on Earth. The inhabitants of both Paradises
will be perfectly pleased with their Lord: those who are in
the Divine Presence will be pleased, and the inhabitants of
the Gardens will also be pleased – everyone will be content.
Now, you are all free to chose: If you prefer physical
enjoyments, you will find what you are accustomed to, but
if, in this life, you cultivate love for your Lord in your
hearts, then, in that life, you will find His Presence.

For each group there will be eternal improvement – everyone
will be improving within their stations. Allah Almighty will
bestow on them ever increasing bounties, always corresponding
to their levels. For example, an immature child is not going
to enjoy the company of adults – he will rather seek the
company of other children – just as an adult will not be
content among children; and so, in the afterlife, each
will blossom on his own branch and will never look to his
position as being in the least deficient: there will be no
envy on the part of the inhabitants of the lower Paradise
in regards to those of the higher realms, for their
satisfaction with their Lord’s favour will be complete.

The effigy

A QUESTION WAS ASKED AT THIS POINT: “Mevlana, in the light
of these good tidings from the secrets of the Holy Qur’an,
namely: that Allah’s Mercy encompasses all, that the mere
assumption of Allah’s Mercy is sufficient for attaining it,
and that neither body nor soul will shoulder the blame for
bad actions and will thus escape punishment – in the light
of these teachings the element of fear seems to be negated.
So many of us came to Islam because of the fear of Hell that
we feel when we read about it in the Holy Qur’an; won’t this
news of Allah’s All-Embracing Mercy eliminate the fear of
Hell as a deterrent of bad actions?”

The Sheikh answered:

We can understand that punishment is Allah’s way of purifying
the servant for his entry into bliss. Many people will suffer
in their graves, on the Day of Resurrection and in the fires
of Hell. Absolute Justice will reprieve both body and soul
from punishment, and forgiveness will be granted; but from
those dirty actions which have come out of the interaction of
body and soul, Allah will create shapes in the exact likeness
of the sinners to represent them in Hell. This likeness or
effigy will be just as dirty as those actions were, and it
will stay in Hell until it is cleaned. In the face of this
punishment, one will suffer intensely – his shame will be so
great, and at that time so difficult to bear, that he will
wish for the Earth to swallow him.

There is a famous tradition (Hadith) from the Holy Prophet
which will shed more light upon the point in question. He
said that once a man died and was laid in his grave where
two Angels came to question him, saying: “Who is your Lord?
What is your religion? Who is your Prophet? And what is the
Book that he brought?” He withstood this interrogation and
gave all the correct answers, so that, when the angels left,
an opening formed in his grave and through this entered a
person of such beauty, elegance and delightful fragrance
that he couldn’t turn his eyes away from him. He had never
seen such a magnificent person, and his happiness at
beholding him was so great that, if it could have been
divided among the whole World, no one would have remained
sad. He asked that radiant person: “Oh my Lord’s servant,
who might you, be?” That person replied with the sweetest
voice: “I am your good actions. My Lord created me from the
good actions performed throughout your life, and now I am
your friend and companion forever.”

Then the Prophet went on to say that if, however, a person
has spent his life committing evil deeds and then, in his
grave, is not able to answer the questions of the Angels
correctly, there will come to him a person so ugly, so
vile and so wile impossible to imagine. How do you feel
when a scorpion or a cobra is creeping up upon you? The
disgust and repulsion he will feel at the sight of his
horrible shape will be far in excess of that, and he will
be thinking only of how he could escape from that grave,
but it is impossible and every way he turns he will be
facing that hideous apparition. You cannot imagine the
distress he will find himself in. Finally, that horrid
shape will take him in its arms and embrace him, exuding
such a stench, that if you were to smell it now, you would
not be able to eat for the next forty days.

Then the person in the grave will say: “I seek refuge in
Allah from you! Who are you?” The vile creature will
answer: “Don’t you recognize me? You were with me all
your life and you were very proud of me; I accompanied
you to so many bars, casinos and houses of ill repute, and
now you will not know me? I am your bad actions; I carried
you all your life, and now you must carry me – I shall be
with you until Judgement Day.” Then, he and his bad actions
will lie in that grave, and for that reason the grave is
called `the box of works’.

On the Day of Resurrection, Allah orders for the effigy of
those bad actions to be thrown into Hell, while the person
stands on the heights between paradise and Hell (Al-A’raf)
to observe, in a state of shame and contrition, the
punishment being dealt out to him, unto the form of his
bad actions. Then, finally, when he has been cleansed of
those dirty actions, he is freed of them and passes on to
the gates of Paradise. There he finds two springs, two
pools of water big enough for the whole Nation of Mankind
(Ummah) to bathe in. In the first spring, all those who
enter it will be transformed physically, so that they emerge
in a form befitting the inhabitants of Paradise: if they be
male, they will come out as handsome as the Prophet Yusuf
and if they be women, they will be transformed into
equivalent beauties.

From the second spring they will drink, and this drink
will eliminate all of the ego’s bad characteristics.
Both physically and spiritually clean, handsome and
excellent, they will pass through a gate so wide that one
billion people may pass at one time; but immediately on
entering Paradise, each one will find his own private way
to his own private Paradise, where he will be with his
loved ones.

That is the final destination, but along the way one will
encounter many troubles, as the results of bad actions are
sufferings. The Prophet said that his Nation (Umma) would
often find punishment in this life rather than in the next
and that each of those sufferings in this World would amount
to forgiveness there. This applies to all people after the
time of Muhammed, Peace be upon him, for now all people
belong to his Nation, whether they like it or not. There now
remains no Nation belonging to any of the former Prophets,
as their time has passed and gone. This is the time of the
Last Prophet, and, at the end of time, Isa (alai) will
return and announce that he and all Prophets before him
are followers of Muhammed, on whom be Peace.

The General Amnesty

Allah Almighty has created Hell for the purpose of cleaning
and purifying, as He does not like to make people suffer
without wisdom. This is Grandsheikh’s understanding and it
was also Sheikh Muhiyuddin Ibn al Arabi’s understanding of
the Holy Tradition (Hadith Qudsi): “My Mercy surpasses My
Anger.” Therefore, we may hope for the final outcome to be
a `General Amnesty’ for everyone, and we are pleased by that
prospect. For example, you may be in a palace full of every
comfort, but the fact that there are suffering people outside
your palace prevents you from being truly happy; when,
however, you learn that all those people have attained mercy
according to their levels, you will feel relieved and say:
“Now Allah has expanded His encompassing Mercy to everyone”.

It is a good manner to always think about our own egos as
being worthy of eternal punishment in Hell. We can hope for
reprieve only through Allah’s All-encompassing Mercy, and we
ought never to assume that we will be the first to enter
Paradise; instead, we should always think to ourselves: “I am
the worst and my ego is the dirtiest; were it not for Allah’s
Mercy, I would surely be destined for Hell. My only hope is His

In a famous hadith the Prophet, peace be upon him, is related
to have said: “To him who knows no mercy, no mercy will be
shown.” The merciless person in whose heart there is no wish
for mercy for anyone, he will himself not taste of mercy.
Mercy attracts more mercy, cruelty attracts cruelty, badness
draws badness and goodness draws goodness. But mercy dwells
in the hearts of all true believers and therefore, in the
face of the punishment, so many saints will run forward
offering to take the punishment of so many others upon
themselves – this is the degree of mercy and self sacrifice
their hearts have attained – however, it is not Allah’s way
to lay any burden or punishment on his saints in the
afterlife, nor to punish any individual for sins he has not

Sultan Al-Arifin, Abu Yazid Al-Bistami, once said: “Oh my
Lord, You have Power over all things and You have absolute
Power to do anything You wish to do; therefore, I am asking
You now to make my body so big as to fill the seven Hells,
so that no place remains for other people. Every punishment
You would give to Your people, pour it on me instead.”
Then came the Divine reply: “Oh My servant, are you trying
to compete with Me in generosity and mercy whereas I am the
Most Merciful of the Merciful (Arham-ur-Rahimeen), the Most
Generous of the Generous (Akram-ul-Akrameen)? All your
generosity and mercy is only like a drop in an endless
ocean compared to My Mercy and Generosity that I am giving
out to My servants every minute, and I demand of you no
blood sacrifice.”

Grandsheikh says” “Whenever I speak on this subject, I am
always asking Divine Permission to bring out more and more
good tidings of Allah’s endless Mercy and Generosity Now we
are giving these good tidings, and if you are not receiving
them with welcome, then you are only making yourselves suffer.
If there is anyone objecting and saying that there must be
eternal Hell, then he may go there. We are trying to pull
them into our Lord’s Mercy Oceans – but they intend to put
everyone in Hell, and they never think that they themselves
will enter it; therefore they are agonized and outraged by
our good tidings to the servants of our Lord.”


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Save humanity to keep its Heavenly Lights by not followin satan!
Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008
September 2, 2008, Tuesday - Ramadan 2

Lefke, Northern Cyprus of Turkish Republic
*Listen to Maulana’s talks at http://www.beforearmageddon.com/
Destur ya Sayyidi, ya Sultanul Awliya!
Audhu billahi minash shaytanir rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
La haula wa la quwatta illa billahil aliyil azim.
As salamu alaikum! If you like translate, if you like, don’t I don’t know anymore..
Ashhadu an la ilaha illAllah wa ashhadu anna Sayyidina Muhammadan abduhu wa habibuhu wa rasuluh sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Audana hadhi kalimatain shahadatain indaka ya Rasulullah, wa hiya wadiyatun yaumul qiyama innaka la tughliful miad..
Amantu billahi wa malaikatihi wa kutubihi wa rusulihi wa yaumil akhiri wa khairihi wa sharrihi minAllah wa bathu badal maut. Ashhadu an la ilaha illAllah wa ashadu anna Sayyidana Muhammadan abduhu wa habibuhu wa rasuluh!
I was saying to Sheikh Adnan for ‘nasihat’, to call you to obey Heavenly Orders. Today he is moving, inshaAllah, we hope that his baraka is going to be with us. Then coming to me now some inspirations to address people; not only for you but for whole mankind. And main purpose of ‘nasihat’, advising, it is to save humanity! That is very important point to be well known: To save mankind, that mankind they have been ordered to keep the honor of mankind that it is humanity. That must be well known but I never heard from anyone to say this up today! For what coming Prophets? For what coming Holy Books? What is the importance of Prophets and awliya also, saints? It is in such a short sentence: To save humanity! From whom? Astaidhu billah: “Inna shaytana lakum ‘aduw, fattakhidhu ‘aduwa!” Allah Almighty is saying in His endless Greatness and Endless Power and through His Endless Greatness Oceans, through His Endless Wisdom Oceans: “O people, O My creatures! There is a dangerous enemy, most terrible and dangerous enemy for you, that is shaytan, diabolo, or sadanas”; Allah Almighty makes that terrible enemy far away from ourselves! “Khudhu hizrakum..! Take your defence because that terrible enemy is attacking on you; you can’t expect from where, from which direction coming on you! so terrible, therefore take your guard! You must take your guard from that terrible, terrible enemy!”
And sadanas’ main target is to destroy humanity! Humanity is highest level of creation on earth and sadanas is asking to take humanity from its highest level, to bring to lowest level. Humanity is sailing through Heavenly Lights, and sadanas is asking to bring humanity.. to extinguish their Nur, their Lights, and to bring them ‘tahta sarra’, underground, that is dark darkness! Dark darkness, audhu billah! Its main target that is: to bring humanity from Heavenly Lights, Nur, to carry them, to take them, to put and to imprison them through that dark darkness! Naudhu billah! Allah, ya Rabb! And Allah Almighty is sending His beloved ones, and most beloved one Sayyidina Muhammadan sallallahu alaihi wa sallam peace e upon him, sending thousands of His blessed people, Heavenly people, for saving humanity from the traps of sadanas, shaytan.
La haula wa la quwatta illa billah! Everyone coming from Prophets to save humanity but sadanas, shaytan, is)using countless tricks and putting countless traps and calling people: “O people, follow me!” I was looking and seeing through airports some small cars, written on it: “Follow me” and these big aircrafts following.. And sadanas, big sadanas, is one, but coming its generation.. it is through our knowledge that reaching to me also, that one leg of his is male, one leg is female and it is making itself by itself and bringing shaytans! Naudhu billah! Naudhu billah! Therefore that cursed one is urging people to make man with man, woman with woman. Dirtiest level! Thrown away from humanity! shaytan is asking to carry them on that level! La haula wa la quwatta illa billahil aliyul azim! But now whole world is running after sadanas; their nations, governments, they are running to keep sadanas’ teachings and practisings everywhere!
Everywhere now 21st century people they are making competition with each other, which one is going to be first one to follow sadanas! La haula wa la quwatta illa billah! And humanity is just finished! through 21st century humanity just finished.. just tied by sadanas; as Pharaoh was tying slaves one to the second one, second one to the third one, now sadanas is making whole nations, tying one to second one. And through his hand a whip: “Yallah! You must go this way! You must do this way, that way!” For destroying humanity, making mankind to destroy their honors and now no honour for mankind on earth! No, no honou for mankind because they lost the level of humanity and are falling; all of them just fell down..! Aman ya Rabbi!
What is the mission, whole Prophets’ mission? Only to save humanity, to keep honour of humanity, nothing else, but even Popes, Patriarchs, Rabbis, Patans, Muslim ulemas/scholars, they are not understanding yet main purpose of Prophets; they are fighting to each other for this or that; look what we lost and try to save what we lost to find it! Allah sending all Prophets to save the honor of humanity, why you are fighting? You are fighting for what? Russian, Americans, Arabs, Israel, Iran, Pakistan, Hindistan, China, Turks.. for what fighting? For whom you are fighting? To save humanity? What is that? No, they are saying: “Democracy!” Therefore, now terrible days are coming! Therefore, going to reach to whole people whom they are only slaves or laborers for sadanas, coming now.. People are saying: “Ohhh, coming again a hurricane to America!” That is nothing! Look now, what is coming from hurricane, how it is going to be! From 5, 1 is remaining. If whole mankind is 5 billions, 4 billions that hurricane, that Armageddon is coming taking them away! Only those, whom they are hearing and listening to Holy Commands of Allah Almighty: “Khudhu hizrakum! Take your defence, keep yourself, keep yourself!” There is a word.. danger.. there is some red writings: “Danger area! Don’t approach! Danger!” What is another word? Precaution.. People uhhh, are running on it! Who is running on it, falling down! They are fearing from hurricane but they are not taking any precaution for Armageddon.. Armageddon! For hurricane people are trembling but no one is thinking on that Armageddon’s hurricane that should take away not millions, billions! That is going to be! Only whom they are running to Allah.. Allah only is sheltering! Who is running and asking for Heavenly Shelter, they should be in safety! or.. the nation of Ad, Qaumu Hud, how is the Ayatu Karima?…”…jabbaran anid…” Qaumu Hud…what heybet/majesty! Allah Almighty ordering Angel of Hurricanes to open a very small hole from that terrible hurricanes, then ordered Allah Almighty to Sayyidina Hud to make a circle and to sit there and whom they were believing in him, to be there. Yes, they were sitting. Therefore I was saying: Heavenly Shelter may shelter you! Ad, they were tall like Statue of Liberty, like this.. people, jabbar/despotic; they were saying: “We are not fearing from anyone!” The hurricane was taking them, putting from mouth.. coming down, taking up and throwing down.. finishing! Only whom they were sitting with Sayyidana Hud, when coming this terrible hurricane, for them like a breeze from Paradise! Now, O people, no one can save themselves with any means: only shelter who is running to Allah!
Therefore it is a declaration to whole nations from here, from a humble place, for all.. Whole Prophets, they were sitting in a small place and speaking to some slaves, some weak people, but their declaration just reaching to East and West. Here is a humble place; not I am thinking, but my yaqin, certainty is to reach to everyone one, everywhere that declaration. If not, they are going to be taken away! Laylatil Baraat put on seal, finished! May Allah forgive us!
This is holy month, Ramadan; I don’t think that through this holy month going to be something for the honour of the Seal of Prophets and for his nation, but after Ramadan, I can’t be able to give any guarantee to anyone! Who is against sadanas, should be sheltered. Whom they are running after those people, they should be under Heavenly Revenge, going to be taken away. May Allah forgive us!
Just now coming from our masters, Grandmasters, to address to you in the presence of a big saint, Sheikh Adnan Effendi Hazretleri; he should be a witness for what we are saying here. Allah Huwa Ahkamu Hakimin; whom they are running away, never coming back; whom they are keeping their positions, their servanthood, whom they are trying to keep the level of servanthood, should be saved and sheltered. May Allah forgive me, forgive you!
O people, write big writings: “O people, save humanity!” O mankind, O mankind, try with your whole ability to save humanity! Who is running to save humanity, they should be under Heavenly Shelter, others should be taken away, finished! Fatiha…
Writing in Arabic, in Turkish, in English! Say: “O people, save humanity! Don’t follow sadanas!” Write and put everywhere! People, they are running through streets, saying: “We don’t like war!” No, it is not enough! you don’t like war, you must say: “We are trying to save humanity from sadanas and his followers!”
This is important!

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We’re in need of our Lord’s mercy, may God forgive me
Sunday, August 31st, 2008

God Almighty says: ‘Fikum RasulAllah”. We are in need of our Lord’s mercy; without His mercy no one can save himself. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam peace be upon him says: “God Almighty is asking me to worship Him according to His Glory and Greatness. But I can’t. It is impossible. If God Almighty makes an accounting of my worshipping, it is nothing beside His Glory and Greatness.” Where is your praising Me according to My Greatness? Two cycles of the Prophet if balanced against the whole worshipping of the children of Adam and jinn, and angels, also, is more valuable than all of them in the Divine Presence. Why? Because the value of our worshipping is according to our respect for our Lord. Our respect is going to be according to our knowledge of the Lord Almighty. The greater the respect you can give to God Almighty and no one can reach the Divine knowledge of the Prophet, beloved Muhammad.. When he prayed two cycles, he gave such respect that no one can reach that point. Therefore, two cycles of prescribed prayer from him are more valuable than all the worship of humanity and of jinn and angels, even though he says, “All my worshipping is only a drop from an endless ocean. God Almighty has been respected from pre-eternity to post-eternity and my respect and worship is only a little drop from the endless ocean of respect and worship.” What about ourselves? Don’t we have any right to raise our heads and say that we are worshippers? You must look at the whole universe: How many atoms are there? If you could count the atoms in a little drop, all the people in this huge city would not be able to count that number, counting, “One, two, three, four…” like this, in one year. Then what about the whole universe? No one can know the number of atoms in it. You may consider that there may be a like number of servants of our Lord, worshipping, and you are only one of them. Then what is your position? What is the position of one atom in a huge number of atoms? We are so proud of fasting, of praying, and saying, “Those people not praying or not fasting. We are praying and fasting,” and we become proud people. Each time we must ask forgiveness for every action that we do. Rabiah al-Adawiyah was a saint. She was only one lady among millions of women but she has been well-known in the Islamic world for centuries. Everyone knows Rabi’ah Sultan, Rabiat al-Adawiyah. what made her so well known? She was so simple, so sincere, so humble a person. She was only for her Lord Almighty, not for anyone else. All scholars came to her to solve difficult questions for which they couldn’t find any answer. They came to visit her because she was always in the Prophet’s presence; the Prophet was never veiled from her eyes. The Prophet is living as God says, “Among you is the Messenger of God” (49:7) (fikum rasulAllah). He was not only for the Companions. God Almighty is addressing the whole world throughout the centuries, but if we deny it and we do not see him, what is the benefit of denying? If night denies the sun, it is nothing. If all blind people deny it, saying that there is no sun, their denials never change reality; the sun is shining. The Prophet, beloved Muhammad is living, hearing, seeing.. this our belief. We believe that he is with us. If you can’t breathe his Holy scent, still you can’t deny that Rabi’ah was always with her Prophet. If anyone asked a question, she would take her answer from the Prophet. She said openly among the people, not ordinary people, but scholars, saints who came to visit her, “Oh my brothers! our saying, ‘I seek God’s forgiveness,’ needs another ‘I seek God’s forgiveness.’ We are not sincere when we say, ‘I seek God’s forgiveness.’ Our tongues say it but our organs never listen to obey.” And that is the peak of humility. If our saying, “I seek God’s forgiveness,” needs another “I seek God’s forgiveness,” what about for other actions or other prayers? Therefore, the Prophet advises us that after praying we must say, “I seek God’s forgiveness”, “may God forgive me,” “may God forgive me..”

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This Ramadan is the last chance for people to put their ego down
Sunday, August 31st, 2008
August, 31, 2008, Sunday / last day of Holy Shaban, 1st night of Holy Ramadan
Lefke, Northern Cyprus of Turkish Republic
Meded ya Sultanul Awliya, Meded ya Rijalallah!
Allah Almighty, He is saying through Holy Quran for whole nations: “Fa dhakkir, fa inna dhikra tanfaul muminin! O My most glorified and most honored one through My Divinely Presence, you, O Muhammad, remind My servants”; because reminding may give some light to them to clear their ways, to know, where they are going.. That is Heavenly Order from Allah Almighty. And we are now reaching to holy Ramadan, fasting month, most glorified month through 12 months. Tonight it is going to be the night from this holiest month of year, shahrur Ramadan, holy moon of Ramadan. Tonight believers are going to pray 20 Rakaat (tarawih) and tomorrow- tonight, inshaAlla we are going to intend for fasting according to Holy Command of Allah Almighty. And it is our intention, we are asking from Allah Almighty, to give us enough strength to keep Holy Order that He is ordering to His servants to complete 30 nights tarawih. And this year, going to be perhaps 29 or 30 days of Holy Ramadan. O our Lord, qawina ala taatika hatta yuaddi shay min jihattina an yuhaddim zarra mina taa li hudurak, Ya Allah! Atina maqdura, to be able to control our egos! The biggest cursing is coming on people when their ego is going to be on themselves; biggest mistake for man is to make their ego their commander, I am not saying ‘sultan’. To be under the command of their egos, that is biggest cursing for a person! When you are making your ego commander on you, cursing forever, never cutting off! That Ramadan is giving a chance to people to be able to leave their egos and to fight their egos and to be able to control their egos. Subhanallah, Subhanallah! People now are running on streets everywhere: In east and west, everywhere, people are running and asking: “We don’t like that Prime Minister”, “We don’t like that government”, “We don’t like that Sultan”, “We don’t like that President”.. no one is thinking to say: We don’t like our egos to be on power point! Everyone is so happy, no one saying: “My ego is not good! I must bring it down and put my Heavenly Power to my soul, to be -able- to look after myself.” No one! No one! Everyone is so happy to be under the emirate, to be obedient servant for their egos! No one is asking to fight and to take their egos down and put their spirituality power on power point! Everyone is giving power point to their ego; how this
mankind, Children of Adam, how should be happy? They are asking to burn themselves, nothing else! They are preparing -that- because their commander is their ego that it is representative of shaitan, and shaitan is ordering to their egos: “You must kill, you must burn, you must take them away, you must be only one on earth! Don’t give any chance to anyone else!” Therefore, coming now cursing! If people are not changing their ways, coming cursing to take away from 5, 4, remaining 1.. if population on earth is 5 billions, 4 billions are going to die, remaining 1!(someone from jamaat sneezes and Maulana says: Shahidal Haqq!) It is very terrible time now, therefore I have been ordered to remind whole nations, if reaching my words to all nations: It is not honor for man to kill man! It is not honor for man to burn a man! It is not honor for a man to destroy countries!.. even they haven’t any right to kill an ant! because an ant it has a right to live! You can’t kill it! You may say: “O my Lord’s creature, leave and go!” That is Heavenly Order, and it is never going to give you any harm! No harm bringing! Now man is getting so oppressors, killing everything, asking to kill everyone! Therefore Allah Almighty is sending on them such creatures that only they may feel (something) but it is impossible to see them or to do anything on them: Virus! You can see it? You can touch? can do anything (against it)? “Wa khuliqa insana daifa.” But people are running on fire! They are hearing and listening and obeying only shaitan’s commands!
This Ramadan now just arrived and it is a last chance for humanity to make their hegemony on their egos, to take power away from their egos and to give to their soul spiritual power! If doing this, don’t cry about what is going to happen! Billions, not millions, are going -to death.. Fasting is fighting against your egos, to take power from your ego and to give to your soul, to your spirituality. If not, you are going also!
That is what we are saying! And you are here a handful people also.. I don’t know through Holy Ramadan there is going to be something.. but after Ramadan, I think that should be something! For Holy Ramadan maybe Heavens is delaying cursing and looking -at, after- His servants what they are doing, and Holy Will of Heavens through shawwal/month right after Ramadan may be in act. When coming in act, it is not going to stop, till Heavenly Revenge is reaching to whole nations that they are making their egos sultan and they are not obeying the orders of Sultan of Heavens!
Therefore, who is asking to come here, I may say to them, what Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam peqce be upon him said on the day of conquer of Mecca Mukarrama: “Who is going to Holy Kaaba, it is shelter, Kaaba is shelter. Who is going to That One’s house, it is shelter. That One’s house is shelter.. And anyone coming and getting in his home and is closing his door is sheltered also!” Therefore I am saying now for whole our visitors that are coming: You must be prepared, prepare yourself to be.. if you may be here 3 days, one week, or ten days but you must prepare yourself to reach to your homes! Here it is not a sheltered place for whole nations! Therefore we are giving, we have been ordered to say to people: Whom they have their homes and their children, they must be hurry through Holy Ramadan to get back to their homes and do what we said; they must close their doors, only -come out- for their obligatory services that they may do, -otherwise- they may be through their homes! I don’t like anyone to move now from Europe, from East, West, America, Australia.. to come here now! Because it -this island- may be closed and no one can move from here! They should be in worst condition: half family here, half family there.. I have been ordered to give a warning to people!
If i’d be in such a way, dunya/world, like now, doesn’t’ matter, but dunya is not going to continue in such a way! Whole nations lost their mind and mentality; they don’t know, what they’re doing, only following shaitanic order! Therefore I am not responsible! I am beginning.. I am saying: “Anyone who’s finishing their visiting, must hurry to go to their home and to keep themselves there and for.. themselves are going to be a shelter for so many people!
May Allah forgive us for the Holy Ramadan’s blessings! For the most honoured one in Divine Presence, Sayyidana Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, may Allah forgive us! Bi hurmatil Habib, bi hurmatil Suratil Fatiiha!
Whom not fasting, whom not praying, whom not obeying, cursing arrows are coming on their heads! no one can save them..!

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Seek refuge from the cursed one in Allah, & be for real existence
Sunday, August 17th, 2008

August, 17, 2008, Saturday, Holy Night of Laylatal Baraat
Lefke, Northern Cyprus of Turkish Republic
As salamu alaikum! Audhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim.
The biggest bela, cursing, on mankind, is from shaitan, therefore we have been ordered to run away from shaitan, but people now are running on him.. Because I was looking sometimes through airports a small car, written on it: ‘Follow me!’ For what this ‘Follow me’? And I am looking a gigantic plane coming and beginning to follow. Now mankind is not running from shaitan but they are running after shaitan to follow that cursed one! If you are following cursed one, what it should be? coming on you blessings or cursing? Therefore we must say: Audhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. This ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’ is our sword, our sword for defending ourselves, because shaitan, it is so easy but looks like so difficult and it is never getting to be hopeless when it is running after a person. ‘Some days’, it is asking that, ‘once I shall, I may catch him, and when I am catching that one…’ When drinking, shaitan coming to that
one: ‘O my best friend, please taste and smoke.. very very useful lekel for because if you are not smoking, no one saying that you are a complete young one, from our time youth, strong..’ ‘My head is turning!’ ‘Don’t worry, today may turn but tomorrow it is okay.. But look mirror!’ Like before ships they have smoky place, you should be that time.. ‘Make your beard so.. and put there.. look at mirror: which type of your showing should be good? You may put here.. this like old people.. you must put there.. take..’ shaitan is teaching people, coming to teach people shar, yani, cursed doings that cursed by Heavens.. anything that you are doing against the Rule of Heavens, cursing coming on you! quickly, as a lightening coming on you, destroying something from you!
O people! Welcome to you! Welcome to you, that your ego never likes to come here and getting so angry also: ‘Why taking me to that place? No one there for dancing, no one.. even, no smoking, it is written and they are putting some rules.. why taking me to that place?’ Therefore we must say: Audhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim, then we must say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, ghaghmanli shaitan, lillahi Rahman! Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim! Why you are throwing stones on Mina -pilgrimage? Why, what does it mean? That Allah Almighty is asking to teach ourselves that we must always throw stones on shaitan! When it is coming and asking to take you away from the blessed way, throw with Audhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim! and say, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.. That one must know that we are servants of our Lord Who created us! Who can say that no God? So many foolish ones! I may ask: If no God, who is
bringing you in existence? How you came in existence? by yourself? you have been invited to come here? How you are saying, ‘No God’? To speak, to say ‘No God’, it is so easy but it is so bad, worst saying that a mankind may say! That is making Heavenly anger to fall on them and Heavenly anger, when it is moving, no power -against it! Your missiles, your destroyers, your such-and-such weapons, atomic weapons, and every technology that you have, it is nothing, if Heavenly anger just moving to come on earth!
O people, we are here a handful people and we are reaching inshaAllah tonight a holiest night, Laylatul Baraat, that Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam peace be upon him was saying: ‘No other night may be much more valuable after the Night of Power than the Night of Baraat’; tonight!.. Where is Imam! Read the Suratul Ha Mim!.. (Imam reciting Holy Quran, Chapter 44, Suratal Duhan: Audhu billahi minash shaitanir rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Ha Mim, wal kitabil mubin. Inna anzalnahu fi laylatil mubarakatun inna kunna munzilin fiha yufraqu fi kulli amrin hakiym…’)
Alhamdulillah, blessings just reached us, alhamdulillah, and we are asking forgiveness and guidance from our Lord Allah Almighty through this year to be sent us so that we may follow His most beloved and glorified, best servant through creation from pre-eternal up to eternal, Sayyidana Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam! That is the way that mankind can be saved themselves! If not, they should be taken away! And this is.. this night, tonight, is going to be a new changing for whole year what is going to happen, and we hope that our names to be under the table of Paradise people, not to be on the table of hells’ people!
O people, dunya/world is a dark dunya; no one is happy now with dunya; whom they love, they are giving love for this dirty dunya. And dunya is dark place but shaitan and our ego urging ourselves: ‘Ohhh, you must try to be forever on this dunya!’ What is the result? Melting, melting, melting.. Who is asking to be with Allah Almighty, Allah is giving to that ones real existence, Haqqani, forever, up to eternity, eternal life! Eternity, so sweet word in western languages I am not seeing.. Eternity, eternity, ebedi, sarmadi, daimi.. No word is giving to my soul such an enjoyment and pleasure that is giving that word ‘eternity’, eternal! Eternity! Try to reach to eternity! If not, you are going back to the worlds of darkness, you can’t see anything; some creatures they are living through darkness, dark places under this earth, and it is not easy! It is so big trouble for a person to be imprisoned through darkness! So happiness and enjoyment to those people
whom they are asking enlightened worlds, invisible worlds, to reach more and more pleasure and Lights! Divinely Lights coming on them forever, forever, forever, up to never-ending.. Dirty dunya! Dirtiness in it, yet people are asking to reach here, there, to be that, to be this.. so weak faith, so weak beliefs! It is not true! Come, little by little to accept and to try to be in eternity, for eternal life through blessed countless oceans of creation! Come and ask that! Don’t be for dunya but try to be for The Creator of Heavens. May Allah forgive us.. Fatiha!
Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Aziz Allah…
Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Karim Allah,
Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah,
Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah!
Allahumma salli ala Sayyidana Muhammadin Nabi ummiyyi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim..

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We must change our ways; and Christ’s Evangelo
Thursday, August 14th, 2008

Listen to this talk in its original format at http://www.beforearmageddon.com/2008/08/26/ba-176-we-must-change-our-ways/
August, 14, 2008, Thursday
Lefke, Northern Cyprus of Turkish Republic
As salamu alaikum! Audhu billahi minash shaitanirrajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
The worst and dangerous enemy for mankind, the Children of Adam, you must teach first to your descendants, after teaching them: Say: ‘Allah, Allah, Allah…’, who is going to be his first speech Holy Name of Allah, we hope that at the end of their lives should be last word moving from their lips: Allah, Allah, Allah…
We must change our ways; from A to Z for Europeans, for Muslims, we must change everything also, according to aliph/Arabic letters, ba, ta… up to ya. If not changing, whole people living on earth should be destroyed! They are destroying each other. Heavenly Cursing is approaching! You must leave kufr/disbelief, you must leave wrong way, you must leave kufars’/disbelievers’ habits! We must change everything that we are wearing, eating, doing, reading.. everything! Whole homes, homes of Nimrods, we must take them down! Ardullahi wasia, Allah Almighty’s earth is so big, why you are making one over one? Why? Angels calling those people and saying: ‘Why, the son of Adam, what is the reason that you are making your buildings higher, higher, higher? Are you going to follow the way of Nimrod? Are you claiming to be a Nimrod?’ He was building such a huge towers, particularly tower of Babylonia. Why? He was saying to his Prime Minister, all Prime Minsters they
much change their ways also, ‘O Haman, just build for me a huge tower! I like to get up and to look where is that Abraham’s Lord!’
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. People that they forget ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’ are forgotten! Whom they are forgotten, coming on them cursing from Heavens and cursing not like cursing coming on those people, Qaum Nimrod: Assuriin, Kaldani, famous tribes.. or Dijla.. Dijla, famous river.. Dijla, Euphrates, Nil Mubarak and one more.. (Tigris).. 4 rivers Amu Derya.. They are saying that those 4 big rivers they are coming from Paradise; therefore, people and Egyptian people, accepted to leave Shariatullah/Allah’s Law, taking away their Malik, Sultan, and accepting.. who was representative of shaitan, shitani?.. and what is the one before him? Lenin, Stalin, both of them, and Mao, they were representative of Nimrod and shaitan.. coming to Egypt through that Abdul Nasir, bringing Communism there and making his worst for Egyptian people, taking away what Allah sending to people, bringing the pillars of Sultanate of shaitan! Our
people, they did it; Arabs following them, they follow and they, all of them, are cursed! Iranian people also, they are under cursing; they are saying: ‘We are so much powerful’, because no republic in Islam, no Parliament in Islam, no government cabinet! Sometimes I am hearing that someone asking to urine saying: ‘I am going to cabinet’; you heard it?.. All of them now can’t be able to do anything for Allah, till they are coming to Shariatullah that from Heavens is coming!
If they are not coming, cursing is coming after it! I am very fearful for this new year; new year that it is Hijri, pilgrimage, calendar; there is Islamic calendar, it is okay. Other calendars have no strong base, no base! No base, that is everything, as now in Christianity they are changing, as shaitan is saying to them and then no value that European calendar, no! Islamic calendar is on a strong base. What is that strong base? The Seal of Prophets that just he was born through unknown deserts and growing up there. Europeans no mind people, Christians more than them! It is forbidden for non-Muslims to look at the base of Islam!
I am saying sometimes: ‘O people, what is saying your mentality, if someone is saying about Venus? ..may say: On Venus are so high mountains and oceans and this and that’… I am addressing to NASA. It is not really NASA but it is nasiya, from ‘nasiya’, nisyian, ohhh, forgetting.. forgot. Therefore they are saying they are NASA people, forgetting everything that coming from Heavens. I am saying: What is your opinion, if a person is saying: There is something on Venus and you are saying: Yes, yes, yes… and I am saying to you about on the moon, full moon, and you are saying: We are not accepting (?)’ That is their mentality? Europeans and Christians and non-Muslims’ mentality is in such a way?
What is the nearest to our time? Sayyidana Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam! You are saying about 4000 years ago, the names of Prophets; you are believing in them, and that only their names are remaining through your books, and I don’t think that some people following them, no! And looking Sayyidana Muhammad, 2 billion people following his way and you are saying: ‘You are not Prophet’? MashaAllah, what mentality! I am fighting them! I know their names! They know my name.. but my pencil is writing something can’t be turned back! Therefore whole nations now they are responsible because they are not thinking on it!
Jesus Christ is Prophet and after him, peace be upon him, 600 years coming another Prophet that just his name is blessed and good tidings about him, just granted to nations and you are saying: ‘He is not
Prophet’? Who should be Prophet now? Where is Jesus Christ’s Evangelo? We are not asking Evangelo for Mark, for John, for Mathew, for Luka! Once I went to biggest shop in London, big, every kinds of books.. I am entering the -section- that it is for Christianity books, I am saying: ‘I am asking an Evengelo, ‘Yes, Sir!’ Quickly bringing 4 books to me. ‘What is that?’, ‘This is the Evangelo for Lukas, this Evangelo of Mathew, this the Evangelo of John and this is the Evangelo of Mark.’ ‘I am asking the Evangelo that just had been sent to Jesus Christ!’ ‘We are sorry that this is our Holy Books..’ ‘Finished! No need, because the Evangelo was not coming to Luka or Mathew or John or Mark, no, Evangelo was coming to Jesus Christ. You may say: He is son or other things, doesn’t matter for me, but I am asking: If Allah was sending Jesus Christ to save nations, what was with him? Holy Book of Mathew? John? Luka? Mark? How you are saying to me, how you are calling
me to be Christian? The Lord of Heavens sent Jesus Christ and sent him Evangelo, where is that Evangelo?’ Finished! like a spring; just there is tap but no more water coming.. They are putting 1, 2, 3, 4 pipes, even one of them is not running, never giving satisfaction! Therefore, my addressing is to whole world! Sometimes I am nothing, behind of One, zero. Sometimes they are making me in front of One, I am something that time! I am weak, perhaps two legs on the floor of graveyard, but my words, no one can refuse it, no one can defend that ideas! Even though now Christians, Muslims, Jewish people, they have big foundations for their religions, but I am looking not anyone may give anything to our spirituality! We are hungry and thirsty!
Dunya/world is nothing! If Pope thinks about what happened through 2000 years of other Popes, he must think on it! Jewish people, now 15 centuries, yet they are not trying to say: ‘Muhammadun Rasulullah’ Why? Anything is wrong? Anything is wrong in Holy Quran? Say! Up to morning their heads will be going away!
Now it is very terrible time, and should be used Heavenly Powers and from earth people are going.. as the Children of Israel; when they did wrong, Allah Almighty was ordering to kill some of them that they did that wrong thing. Now therefore so many of that people they are not coming to real belief, real Islam, they should be killed by each other.. May Allah forgive us!
O people, come to yourself! And our new year, we are speaking on it, thirstiest new year in Islam, beginning from the Holy Night, that 15th of Shaban Muazzam, not tonight, not tomorrow night, but after tomorrow night, the Night of Saturday night reaching to Sunday.. Everything what is coming.. therefore, O people, what is going to happen through this year up to next Laylatul Baraat, holy Night of Baraat, everything that should be on earth, written by the Will of our Lord, our Creator, should appear. Keep yourself! Keep yourself! No one can escape from Heavenly Revenge! That is coming and finding them! May Allah forgive us! Prepare yourself for that night! Anywhere you can be and pray to Allah! If you can pray 100 rakaats/cycles that night, Allah Almighty is giving to you what it is best to you here and Hereafter! Try to be servant of your Lord! That is teachings of Islam and I don’t think that other religions are saying that what I am saying is not
true! Through whole Holy Books written: ‘O people, remind that you are servants!’ May Allah forgive us and accept our -prayers-.. Fatiha…
Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Alah, Karim Allah…
Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah…
Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah!
Allahumma salli wa sallim ala Nabiyyina Muhammad alayhi salam, salatan tadumu ta tughda ilay, mamara layali wa tula dawam..

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Difficulties everywhere
Thursday, August 14th, 2008
from the discourse of Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil Hakkani:
Through east and west, we are going up to Yemen, Japan, or up to Spain, or from north to south, or 3 continents or 5 continents, you can find difficulties, difficulties, because people are not prepared really for accepting such a real Heavenly addressing and knowledge! Knowledge should come with power; if not coming with power, it is not knowledge, it is an imitation.. Real knowledge is full with power: It may control your ego, it may take your ego under its control! That is knowledge.

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