"Maka apabila langit telah terbelah dan menjadi merah mawar seperti (kilapan) minyak" (Ar-Rahman: 37)


Yaa sayyid as-Saadaat wa Nuur al-Mawjuudaat, yaa man huwaal-malja’u liman massahu dhaymun wa ghammun wa alam.Yaa Aqrab al-wasaa’ili ila-Allahi ta’aalaa wa yaa Aqwal mustanad, attawasalu ilaa janaabika-l-a‘zham bi-hadzihi-s-saadaati, wa ahlillaah, wa Ahli Baytika-l-Kiraam, li daf’i dhurrin laa yudfa’u illaa bi wasithatik, wa raf’i dhaymin laa yurfa’u illaa bi-dalaalatik, bi Sayyidii wa Mawlay, yaa Sayyidi, yaa Rasuulallaah:

(1) Nabi Muhammad ibn Abd Allah Salla Allahu ’alayhi wa alihi wa sallam
(2) Abu Bakr as-Siddiq radiya-l-Lahu ’anh
(3) Salman al-Farsi radiya-l-Lahu ’anh
(4) Qassim ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(5) Ja’far as-Sadiq alayhi-s-salam
(6) Tayfur Abu Yazid al-Bistami radiya-l-Lahu ’anh
(7) Abul Hassan ’Ali al-Kharqani qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(8) Abu ’Ali al-Farmadi qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(9) Abu Ya’qub Yusuf al-Hamadani qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(10) Abul Abbas al-Khidr alayhi-s-salam
(11) Abdul Khaliq al-Ghujdawani qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(12) ’Arif ar-Riwakri qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(13) Khwaja Mahmoud al-Anjir al-Faghnawi qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(14) ’Ali ar-Ramitani qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(15) Muhammad Baba as-Samasi qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(16) as-Sayyid Amir Kulal qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(17) Muhammad Bahaa’uddin Shah Naqshband qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(18) ‘Ala’uddin al-Bukhari al-Attar qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(19) Ya’quub al-Charkhi qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(20) Ubaydullah al-Ahrar qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(21) Muhammad az-Zahid qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(22) Darwish Muhammad qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(23) Muhammad Khwaja al-Amkanaki qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(24) Muhammad al-Baqi bi-l-Lah qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(25) Ahmad al-Faruqi as-Sirhindi qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(26) Muhammad al-Ma’sum qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(27) Muhammad Sayfuddin al-Faruqi al-Mujaddidi qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(28) as-Sayyid Nur Muhammad al-Badawani qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(29) Shamsuddin Habib Allah qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(30) ‘Abdullah ad-Dahlawi qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(31) Syekh Khalid al-Baghdadi qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(32) Syekh Ismaa’il Muhammad ash-Shirwani qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(33) Khas Muhammad Shirwani qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(34) Syekh Muhammad Effendi al-Yaraghi qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(35) Sayyid Jamaaluddiin al-Ghumuuqi al-Husayni qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(36) Abuu Ahmad as-Sughuuri qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(37) Abuu Muhammad al-Madanii qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(38) Sayyidina Syekh Syarafuddin ad-Daghestani qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(39) Sayyidina wa Mawlaana Sultan al-Awliya Sayyidi Syekh ‘Abd Allaah al-Fa’iz ad-Daghestani qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah
(40) Sayyidina wa Mawlaana Sultan al-Awliya Sayyidi Syekh Muhammad Nazhim al-Haqqaani qaddasa-l-Lahu sirrah

Syahaamatu Fardaani
Yuusuf ash-Shiddiiq
‘Abdur Ra’uuf al-Yamaani
Imaamul ‘Arifin Amaanul Haqq
Lisaanul Mutakallimiin ‘Aunullaah as-Sakhaawii
Aarif at-Tayyaar al-Ma’ruuf bi-Mulhaan
Burhaanul Kuramaa’ Ghawtsul Anaam
Yaa Shaahibaz Zaman Sayyidanaa Mahdi Alaihis Salaam 
wa yaa Shahibal `Unshur Sayyidanaa Khidr Alaihis Salaam

Yaa Budalla
Yaa Nujaba
Yaa Nuqaba
Yaa Awtad
Yaa Akhyar
Yaa A’Immatal Arba’a
Yaa Malaaikatu fi samaawaati wal ardh
Yaa Awliya Allaah
Yaa Saadaat an-Naqsybandi

Rijaalallaah a’inunna bi’aunillaah waquunuu ‘awnallana bi-Llah, ahsa nahdha bi-fadhlillah .

Mawlana Shaykh Qabbani

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C E R M I N * R A H S A * E L I N G * W A S P A D A

Kamis, 30 Oktober 2008

Talk of Hajji Amina Adil (Haci Anne)

Source : http://shaykhnazim.islam.education.ayar.org/?cat=9

Talk of Hajji Amina Adil (Haci Anne)
Tuesday, October 19th, 2004

October 19th 2004 in their house

You should encourage children at the age of 7 to pray. By showing love to them, by encouraging them, giving them presents you should make them get used to praying. So that they can get used to it. But at the age of 10 you order them to pray. If they don’t listen, you may slap them by a hand. At the age of 15 a child has his Book written for him: his good deeds and his bad deeds. So at the age of 15 it becomes obligatory for them to pray. At the age of 20 a person reaches his maturity: knows where is right and where is wrong. A mind reaches maturity at the age of 20. So if for example he/she inherits money, you can give it to him at this age, you can ask his witnesses. At this age he has a right to control himself and decide for himself. At the age of 28 the brain is fully grown. At the age of 30 the body is fully grown. It reaches big power. At the age of 30 he reaches completion. Once a person reaches the age of 40 he is safe from 3 illnesses: 1. Leprosy; 2. White spots of the skin(???); 3. Madness. So these 3 illnesses cannot come to a person after the age of 40. And if you reach the age of 50, you become a representative. A person becomes more complete and more in love with Allah. At the age of 60 Allah shows His angels His servant who’s been worshipping Allah until the age of 60. Allah says: “This is my servant. This is my Servant”; and angles make Du’a for this servant of Allah. At the age of 70 Allah gives a second stage of being a representative. So at this stage Allah loves His servant and his servant loves Allah. At the age of 80 The Pen is not writing bad deeds for this person anymore. At this age The Pen is writing only good deeds; no bad deeds are written. Allah is changing (transforming) bad deeds into good deeds. If a person reaches the age of 90 he becomes like Allah’s prisoner on Earth. At this age he can give intercession for 70 people, to take them to Paradise (even if they are supposed to go to hell). And if a person reaches the age of 100, at this age he becomes the beloved of Allah. And that is the meaning of best among you and the ones who have longest lives and best deeds……..

People do not give value to elderly ones. Thinking: “Oh, he became old now”, and not paying any attention at them. But if there is one old person living on one street, Mercy comes upon 40 houses in that street, for the honour of that old person: for 10 houses in front, 10 – behind, 10 – on the right, 10 – on the left! …..

Rain comes down only for three (groups): 1. For the sake of young people, who are praying and keeping Allah’s orders. 2. For old people who are so weak: cannot make Ruku or Sudjud (prostration), but still are keeping their prayers. 3. For babies who are still being nursed. So it’s for the honour and for the sake of these three (groups) that Allah makes sky to rain because rain is a blessing. And if not for the honour of these three (groups), Earth would become solid and sky would become iron, and no rain would be coming down and no plants would be growing. And also for the sake of animals that cannot talk, or ask for anything, Allah is giving them provision: for them and for human beings with them.

Mothers have so much mercy and tenderness towards their children. But all that mercy, love and tenderness of them towards their children is only one single drop from Allah’s Mercy and Love, given to mothers’ hearts.

One person told one boy: “Bring me your mother’s heart and I’m going to give you so much money!” So that boy went to his mother, cut her, took her heart, and was bringing it to that man to get the money. On his way to that man he fell down, so that the heart fell out of his hands. The heart was saying to him: “Oh, my son, are you all right? Did you not hurt yourself?” Even after he cut his mother’s heart and took it, the mother’s heart still worried about her son. So he picks up a knife and wants to kill himself. Then he hears, again the heart is saying: “Oh, my son, you’ve hurt me once, don’t hurt me twice!” He regretted what he had done but it was too late…. This story shows how much mothers care for their children and worry about them and how much love they have towards their children.

Some people complain, saying: “My mother has no mercy on me” but it’s a lie. Mother can’t have no mercy. All mothers have mercy because it is given to their hearts by Allah. And not only human beings mothers but also animals mothers: all mothers of the world: human being and animals have mercy on their children. If for example a dog attacks a kitten, mother-cat immediately runs to a dog, putting itself in front, and not saying: “I better hide, so that a dog doesn’t attack me as well”. If a son or a daughter is in the fire, a mother immediately jumps into the fire so that to get her son or daughter out. She doesn’t think: “Oh, I’m going to get burned”….

One Imam was saying: “At this time it’s better to breed dogs and not to have your own children, because there is no use (goodness) in them”. So one day he found one man lying in the mud. So he carried him. That man asked: “Are you the Imam so-and-so?” “Yes”. So that man grabbed him and took him: “My parents are in this grave, so please pray for them!” And he didn’t let that Imam go away, until the Imam read Ya-Sin, Fatiha for that man’s parents, and after that only he let him go. That man fell in the mud because he was drunk. So that Imam who didn’t want to get married and to have any children, because he thought: “At this time it’s better to breed dogs and not to have your own children”, after he saw this he went and asked: “Is there anybody who can give me his daughter so that I get married and have children who’d pray for me after I die? Because even if this drunk man is so worried about his parents and wants me to read prayers for his parents even in his drunk condition, and as for me, I have nobody to care for me after I die or read prayers for me…” So after that he got married and understood that to have a son is better than to have a dog.

Even if that person was drunk, he still brings benefits to his parents. So what if you have a good son or a good daughter? If you have a son or a daughter who are good ones, pious ones, - whatever good deeds they do, they take benefits (Sawab) from it, and parents also take benefits from their child. For every Rakaat a child is praying, parents get as much Sawab (benefit) from it, as their child does! For every Hajj, or any other spiritual good activity – for everything! And whoever has a good son or a good daughter, his/her Book of Deeds is never closed. Because when a person dies, his Book is closed, but if you leave a good son or a daughter, your Book is not closed.

There was one Imam, who whenever he passed by graveyards, would sit down, read Ya-Sin, and then continue his way to the mosque. One day, while reading Ya-Sin, he fell asleep. While he was in this state (sleeping) he saw dead people would come out of their graves, picking up things from the ground and returning back to their graves. He wanted to ask them about it, but could not, because they all were in such a hurry, rushing to collect things from the ground and quickly go back to their graves. But he found one man sitting in a chair and not collecting anything. All this was in his dream. He came up to that man in a chair and gave him salams (greeted him). So he asked that man: “Who are these people who are running around and collecting things?” He answered: “These are the people of the graves”. He said: “Whoever is making Dua for Ummat Muhammad, or Ahlul Qubur or reading Fatiha or making Dua, brings Barakat to them. This Barakat (blessings) are going to all the people of graves come out to pick it up (their share) and go back. “So why don’t you join them to collect your share?” That man answered: “I’m rich, I don’t need to collect things like them”. “How come you are so rich?” He said: “I have a son, who is a Hafiz (memorised whole Qur’an), and every day, from morning till evening he reads the whole Qur’an for me, and from evening till morning he reads it one more time for me”. While that man was saying that, the Imam saw one tray all covered with light, coming to that man and being offered to him. And that man said: “See, my share came to me”. The Imam asked: “Where is your son?” He gave him the address of his son, explaining that he lives in such and such place and he sells chickpeas.

So he woke up from his sleep and went to the mosque to pray. After the prayer he didn’t go back home but went to see that man’s son to the place he was told about in a dream. So eventually he found that very place exactly like was described in his dream, he found that son, who was standing and selling chickpeas, but he wasn’t talking to anybody. He was reciting, constantly reciting, while selling chickpeas. So the Imam didn’t speak to him, he was just standing, watching him for a long time, and that man, who was selling chickpeas saw him and asked him: “What do you need, my uncle?” Then the Imam asks him: “Your name is such and such? (Ahmed, Mehmet, whatever..)”. “Yes” - he answered. “Do you have a father who passed away?” “Yes”. “Is he buried in such and such a place?” “Yes” – he replied. “Are you a Hafiz (the one who knows whole Qur’an by heart)? And every morning and every evening you are sending your father recitation of the whole Qur’an (Khatm ul Qur’an) as a present?” He said: “Yes”. Then Imam told him that he had seen his father sitting on a chair and being offered a tray full of light and so on. He described him his dream and what he saw. So the son was very happy. And Imam went away. And he continued as usual: every time his passed by a graveyard he would sit down and recite Ya-Sin. Again one more time he put his head down and he fell asleep. And he saw the same dream: everybody was coming out of their graves and picking up things from the ground. But this time that man who was in previous dream sitting on a chair and not collecting anything, this time was collecting things with everybody and crying. So the Imam asked: “What happened to you? Why are you collecting things like others now?” He answered: “My son died. He passed away last night, and now I’m in need of Muslims’ Dua”. So the Imam got up and after the Fajr (morning) prayer in the mosque he went to that shop to see that young man. But the shop was closed. So he asked neighbours: “Where is that man, your neighbour, the owner of this shop?” They said: “He died last night”. Then he realised that hid dream was a real one…..

Al Fatiha

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