Source :
The Secrets Behind The Secrets Behind The Secrets
Saturday, August 13th, 1994
Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Al Haqqani

Our hearts can feel, can recognize the bright light of goodness coming from our respected and beloved Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani of the Naqshbandi Sufi order. In the midst of ever increasing dark waves of modern life, he is like a lighthouse showing the direction to the only worthwhile place to go— back to our Source, back to God. The Shaykh is a living example of the highest quality which a human being can attain: saintliness.
The following book is a collection of transcribed tapes recorded during gatherings with Shaykh Nazim in Basal and in the Schweiben Alp in the summer of 1985. Special thanks to our brothers and sisters there. The fact that they called our Muslim Sufi Master to come and stay with their Hindu community shows that spiritual people of the heart are beyond the divisive barriers of religious segregation. Praise belongs to God!
Listening to Shaykh Nazim speak in Switzerland, I felt such an exceptional inspiration and intensity in what he said, that I decided to transcribe the tapes word for word and so make it available to many people. While doing this, it seemed more important to keep the originality of the words rather than making the correctness of the language the first priority. In this way the many various dimensions of his heavenly messages are kept alive.
He says, “It is a deep subject to understand, but it is made simple, praise belongs to God. With simple words we may understand. We are only asking that people understand. We are not asking to create a literary masterpiece like Shakespeare. No! We make no such claims. It is possible for me to speak like Shakespeare, or even more even though I am not English, but that would be useless because the Prophet Muhammad ((JO) said, ‘Make everything simple to be understood.’ And God Almighty said, ‘I made the Holy Quran simple to be understood.’”
Humblest thanks to God for showing us Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani, whose enlightened presence can reveal some of the secrets behind the secrets behind the secrets.
Haqqani Trust for New Muslims October, 1994
Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani is the world leader of the most distinguished Naqshbandi order of Sufis {tariqah an-Naqshbandiyya-t-il-’awliya). Shaykh Nazim is both a scholar of the Divine Law {shari’ah), being the mufti of Turkish Cyprus, as well as the Shaykh of the Way (tariqah).
A resident of Turkish Cyprus, he was born in Larnaca, Cyprus on April 23, 1922 (12th Rabi’ ul-Awwal, 1341 AH). He is a descendant of the family of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) on both his mother and his father’s side, being both a Hasani and Husayni Sayyid. On his father’s side, he is a descendant of Sayyid ‘Abdul Qadir Gilani, the founder of the Qadiri Sun order and on his mother’s side, his ancestry comes from Jalal al-Din Rumi, the founder of the Mawlawi Sufi order.
Shaykh Nazim finished high school in Cyprus in 1940 CE/1359 AH. He then traveled to Istanbul for higher education. He studied at the University of Istanbul, completing an MA in Chemical Engineering. During his years in Istanbul, he also completed the requirements of the Divine Law and Arabic language. He received his “permission” Cijaza) from Shaykh Jamal al-Lassuni (d. 1955 CE/ 1375 AH). Shaykh Nazim then directed his attention to the study of the spiritual path of seven Sufi orders: Naqshbandi, Chishti, Qadiri, Mawlawi, Rifa’i, Shadhili and Badawi. He then increased his study of the Naqshbandi order under his shaykh at that time, Sulayman Arzurumi (d. 1938 CE/1368 AH). After a few years, Shaykh Sulayman told him, “0 my son, the one who is carrying your secrets is not me, but my spiritual teacher who migrated from Daghistan to Turkey and who is now residing in Damascus in the Midan district {sa’ahat il-Midan}. He is known as the Master of the Golden Chain of the Naqshbandi order in our time.”
Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani then moved to Syria. On the way to Damascus, he first visited Aleppo, Hama and Horns. In Horns, under the direction of his Shaykh, he stayed for one year in seclusion in the mosque and tomb of the famous Companion of the Prophet (SALLALLAHU ALAYHI WA SALLAM), Khalid ibn Walid. There he received more intensive instruction in the Divine Law, the Traditions (ahadith), and the Science of the Quran (ilm al-Qur’an} under the Shaykhs Muhammad ‘Ali ‘Uyun as-Su’ud, ‘Abdul ‘Aziz ‘Uyun as-Su’ud, mufti of Horns, Abdul Jalil Murad and Sayyid as-Suba’i, who are all Naqshbandi shaykhs as well as famous scholars of the Traditions (muhaddithun) and religious scholars Culama) of the Divine Law {shari’ah).
In 1944 CE/1364 AH, he moved to Tripoli, Lebanon, where he was the guest of Shaykh Munir al-Malik, the mufti of northern Lebanon and Shaykh of the Qadiri, Rifai’ and Naqshbandi Sufi orders. In 1945 CE/1365 AH, he went from Tripoli to Damascus to Ha’i al-Midan where he finally met Shaykh ‘Abdullah ad-Daghistani an-Naqshbandi. He stayed with his Grand Shaykh until his Grand Shaykh passed away on October 4, 1973 (4th of Ramadan, 1398 AH). During that period of almost forty years, Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani (may God bless him) continued to receive the heavenly fountain of spiritual knowledge which poured forth from the heart of Shaykh ‘Abdullah ad-Daghistani (may God sanctify his soul) into his heart.
Shaykh Nazim continuously traveled to the Middle East and Turkey during these 40 years. Upon the death of his Grand Shaykh and by his spiritual order, he enlarged his scope of travel to include Europe, America and the Far East. He established hundreds of centers all over the world, spreading Islam together with Sufi spiritual knowledge which has brought hundreds of thousands of converts to Islam. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is the mujaddid of this century as was Sayyid ‘Abdul Qadir Gilani, in his time; Shah Bahaudin Naqshband, in his time; Sayyid Ahmad al-Fa’ruqi, in his time; and Jalal al-Din Rumi, in his time.
Shaykh Nazim carries the secret of seven Sufi orders: Naqshbandi, Chishti, Qadiri, Mawlawi, Rifa’i, Shadhili and Badawi, through a chain of authorization from his master, Shaykh ‘Abdullah ad-Daghistani, through the chain of 39 Grand Shaykhs linking him to the Prophet (SALLALLAHU ALAYHI WA SALLAM).
He has entered many seclusions during his lifetime ranging in duration from 40 days to one year. These took place in many different places including the Prophet’s city, Madinah, Baghdad in the presence of Sayyid ‘Abdul Qadir Gilani, Konya in the presence ofJalal al-Din Rumi and Damascus at many holy places. He has written numerous books on spirituality and Divine Knowledge (gnosis, ma’rifah) which have been published throughout the world. He has written many poems on Divine Love Cishq) in both Arabic and Turkish. He is a source (marja) for many modern juristic matters. He follows a moderate line in approaching people and issues of contemporary life.
Shaykh Nazim has a very charismatic personality which moves people and attracts them to the manifestation of Divine Love which continues to pour forth from his heart. His resplendent smile is ever present. When he speaks, it is as if a Divinely-inspired waterfall had been opened connecting his heart to the hearts of the listeners. It is that nectar of love that draws thousands of new converts to Islam every year.
Shaykh Hisham Muhammad Kabbani, MD
Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani an-Naqshbandi four years ago appointed Shaykh Hisham Kabbani the sole designated representative of the most distinguished Naqshbandi order of Sufis in the western hemisphere. During this time, the students and disciples {murid) of the Naqshbandi order have flourished and the order has vastly expanded in America.
In order to support the growing needs of these students and disciples to establish Sufi teaching centers, mosques, itinerant study centers (zawiyyah), to publish literature, videos and tapes relevant to the teachings of Sufism and the Naqshbandi order, and to establish contact with similar organizations, an association for managing these matters was established called the Haqqani Islamic Trust for New Muslims. Founded in 1991 as a non-profit organization, it is dedicated to the purpose of spreading Sufism and the spiritual teachings of the Naqshbandi order throughout the western hemisphere. For the last four years, the Haqqani Islamic Trust, under the dedicated leadership of its president, Shaykh Hisham Muhammad Kabbani, has established thirteen centers and mosques in the US and Canada including a large convention and camping center in the mid-West (near Detroit, Michigan). Several large conventions have been held under the auspices of the Haqqani Islamic Trust. The Trust also sponsored the visit of the Grand Shaykh of the Naqshbandi order, Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, to America in 1991 and 1993.
The Haqqani Islamic Trust continues its ongoing mission of spreading the teachings of Sufism (tasawwuf), Divine Love and Divine Gnosis {ma’rifah). One of its goals is to reach the maximum number of readers through its publications such as this one and subsequent works to be published in the near future.
Shaykh Nazim: In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. It will be the way our Lord asks it to be. We are His slaves. No one can prevent His Will, but His Will prevents our wills. We must know that we are slaves and that He is the Lord. To be His slave means to have good manners. For His slaves it means to be obedient in their actions and in their wills, as well. It is easy to be obedient with actions, but to be obedient with the will, as well, is very difficult. Most people rebel through their will.
We have a saying in our most distinguished Naqshbandi order, which is the highest order of all Sun ways. Every religion has Sufi orders in its structure. Sufi orders are like a fundament of every religion. You cannot find a religion that doesn’t include Sufi ways. This is because religions have come to turn people towards the heavens, to turn the face, one face, of the people towards the heavens.
Religions are not only to bring order to this life. The important message that the religions bring is a heavenly message. The actions or practices that religions bring to people are not only for our physical bodies, like some people think in our times, saying that prescribed prayers are just like exercises for the physical body or that prescribed fasting is only to help our physical body or that the pilgrimage is for our body’s pleasure. They see religions as being only to serve the physical body. They are mistaken. This applies to Judaism and to Christianity, as well.
All faiths ask people to turn a face of their faces towards the heavens. Therefore, the fundaments of every religion must be to show the ways to the heavens.
A human being may follow any religion. One is free to follow any religion. One is free to follow any belief from the East to West. One is free to follow the prophets, to follow the saints, to follow the shaykhs, to follow the Babajis. They are free, but the main purpose of following must be to face towards the heavens.
Today we call all religious methods which show the way to the heavens as Sufi ways. The Sufi orders show the way towards the heavens. The most important, the most perfect way to the heavens of all methods of Sufi orders is the most distinguished Naqshbandi order.
I am someone who has been authorized as a guide to that perfect way of the distinguished Naqshbandi order. The Naqshbandi order is like a sky covering the whole
world. No one can escape out of it because it includes all the ways and it is perfect. It is the shortest way.
Now we must say something about ourselves as human beings. What is our relationship towards the heavens, towards the heavenly ways, towards the heavenly destinations? These are first and last points so that we can understand what the situation of people, of humanity and of the children of Adam on this planet is.
What are you and who are you? As I am looking here at all of you, you all appear as skeletons to me, covered by skin. Your real forms are all skeletons. These are appearing here now. That is, the structure of our physical body. All skeletons are the same. When you look at skeletons, there are no differences between them. But when the Lord dresses the skeletons as He likes, they then differ.
We have a secret behind the secrets behind the secrets behind the secrets behind the secrets. All of those secrets are hidden for you to find while you are wasting your time, your life and your age with nonsense actions. As a first step, you are looking in a mirror, and everyone has mirrors. The mirror will be the kind you are used to. This is an imitation mirror. There exists another mirror, a Real mirror. We all have so many of the imitation mirrors in our houses. When you look at your face in these imitation mirrors, it shows your physical body. When you improve, as a result of heavenly messages, hidden secrets will open to you. As a first step, when you look into the Real mirror, you must be frightened because that mirror will show you your skeleton. That is a beginning of improvement through Sufi ways. We need a Real mirror to look into. It is in such a Real mirror that you may look and see the Real you.
Once upon a time Grand Shaykh Abdul Khaliq Ghujdvani, one of the greatest pillars of our most distinguished Naqshbandi order, was sitting and speaking with his 700 disciples. He called one of his disciples and said, “Bring me the disciple that I had ordered to go into seclusion. Bring him to me.” By going into seclusion, this disciple (murid) was trying to cut out the gravity of his ego, that is, the bad ego which was pulling down his soul because no one can improve as long as he is a servant and slave of his ego, as long as he gives into all of his ego’s desires.
Here we are all listeners and I will say something as long as I am being ordered to do so. All attendees of this meeting are trying to reach the highest rank of the heavenly stations. I hear the egos through the hearts of those of you who are rejecting and refusing this. Your hearts are frightened. They are saying, “How can we accept such a thing if there is no pleasure for us? It’s OK for now. We are only listeners. Later we will try.” At the moment, we are just speaking to those people who are trying to reach such heavenly stations, so that they can save themselves from the miseries of this world. We are only asking to give freedom to such people. We want to give them freedom from being servants of their egos because our souls are ever living. Our souls are eternal while our egos and physical bodies are going to die. Every desire of our physical life is limited and will end one day. Today’s pleasure is not the same as yesterday’s. Sometimes pleasure comes to a peak. Even if you urge your ego on, it is impossible to move beyond that point. After that peak, you will begin to come down. Nothing can prevent it when it is beginning to come down and becoming less. Nothing can even keep it in the same station.
These are our physical desires. You may be thirsty. There is a bottle. At first you may have a great desire to drink. You may drink one sip and say, “Oh, one more!” and you may drink it but it is not the same as the first. Someone may ask you, “One more?” and you will answer, “No.” That person may say, “Why no? Don’t you want to drink one more?” And you may drink up to the fourth cup, but if he then says, “One more?” you will say, “No. If I drink one more I will lose all of them.”
You may reach the peak of your desires, of your physical desires and after that point, it will become less every day. Therefore we are asking for something which is the desire of our soul. These desires continuously increase and do not lessen.
Once upon a time, Grand Shaykh Abayazid, one of the greatest pillars of the distinguished Naqshbandi order, had such spiritual power that he was able to pray one Friday noon prescribed prayer at 12,000 different places at one and the same time. Is it not a pleasure for you to be in seven different places at one and the same time? Is it not a pleasure to be in Paris, in Rome, in London, in Istanbul, in Spain, in America and here at one and the same time with the same power? Isn’t that a pleasure? Yes! Wunderbarl It is wunderba! (German: wonderful).
Yes, everyone may wish to do it, but to do it, one must pay a high price. If I buy a ring in the old bazaar, for example, I might get a fake for a cheap price. Then I will go away. I will not go to the expensive stores. I will go to the bazaar, because it is too expensive. The original is too expensive, but the initiation is cheap.
As it is a pleasure for you to be able to be at seven places at the same time, you must pay. It is not cheap. If it was cheap, I could do it myself, but as it isn’t. I can’t do it myself. This was how Abayazid, our Grand Shaykh, was performing the prescribed prayer in 12,000 mosques at the same time on the same Friday.
He met another Shaykh. That Shaykh pointed to himself and presented himself to Abayazid, may God bless him. He asked Shaykh Abayazid which Shaykh is present who just drank one cup of God Almighty’s oceans of love, just one cup, and he was drunk? He was referring to himself. The Grand Shaykh Abayazid answered, “Here is someone who drinks and drinks and never says ‘It is enough5.”
So physically you can force yourself to drink this whole bottle. The taste will become less and less, but if you can reach the endless oceans of love and beauty of your Lord and you are allowed to enter into them, then you may drink and the taste will improve and increase and never become less. So which of these is important to you? To increase your taste or to weaken it every day? Your physical pleasures will become less and less every day. A person may marry a lady, but already the second night becomes less, the third night less, the second month will be less, the third month less. The first year is all right, the second year becomes less. That is the law of nature. You cannot prevent it.
But if you can reach out to the love of the Lord through your wife and she can reach it through you, then it will increase. I have been for thirty-three years with my wife, but she is still like she was the first night for me and that is my Lord’s favor to me because we are asking through that love for the real love of God Almighty. It is the most perfect teaching for humanity to make a relationship from that love and to jump from it to your Lord’s love, but we lose that chance if we are going to imprison ourselves in our physical love because physical love is not the real target. Instead, it is your Lord who is asking for your love because he gave you that love which you have towards her and her love towards you so that you can find your way into the Lord’s love and be able to reach endless oceans of love.
Today, in our times, people come together for just three days! We are not asking for the love of animals. No! We are humanity, the vicegerents of the Lord, of God. You must represent your Lord’s love as a male and she must represent her Lord’s love as a female. Then both will mix and find light.
The power goes through two wires. One alone cannot function. Only both of them together. Therefore, when Divine love pours into your heart, you pour it into her heart and you must join the two loves. It is then going to be your Lord’s love. And that is what we are asking for. Therefore, our Grand Shaykh Abayazid was saying, “I drank oceans and yet I was not satisfied.”
Which one do you prefer? Permanent and increasing or temporary and decreasing? You must think about that. When you say, “That is all right,” then come to me. Permanent, that is what we want. When you have made your decision, then we must show you the ways. Children may play in the playgrounds, but when they grow up and reach the age of maturity, they will come to
their parents and say, “This game is no good anymore. We want something else. We are no longer little children. We are asking for another game.” When you have finished the importance of your temporary pleasures and you have decided to reach the age of maturity, you may say, “I must ask for something else,” and, “Life is not just a game” and “This planet is not just a playground.” Then you may reach the real target of your permanent pleasures and permanent desires. You may then taste the endless oceans of love.
European people are writing, “Love, love, everywhere love.” It means that it is the most important thing for them. However, they are not asking for real love and how they can reach that endless ocean of love. They have only been given a drop of that endless ocean of love and they waste it so quickly. Still they are saying, “Love, love, love,” because they have lost their chance. They had been given that love as a chance to show and reach the real oceans of love, the endless love-oceans of our Lord, but it has been wasted. Now you are running and saying, “Love, love, love…” and there is no more love.
All people are sincerely asking to reach the endless love-oceans. Everyone’s soul is asking to reach the endless beauty-oceans. Only one drop of the beauty-oceans of the Lord is divided between all peoples. How much can reach a beautiful girl? Or a handsome man from that one drop? How much? So much that you can be drunk by the beauty of one person. You may lose yourself through that beauty, even though it is just the part of that one drop that is coming to her from the endless beauty-oceans that are waiting and expecting you to reach it and to come into it and to swim and to drink and to be drunk in it.
Thank you for your attention. If it wasn’t for your attention I wouldn’t be able to give you anything of our Grand Shaykh’s oceans. I’m only making a caricature, a simple drawing, and still it is enough for you to be able to understand something. I am trying to give you an explanation about the heavenly stations. According to how much you improve, it will become clearer to you. Therefore, a person who is doing his best in a Sufi way will approach such beautiful, charming views and visions in his heart’s screen. Every day that you draw closer to your heavenly stations, you will receive more pleasure. You will feel more happiness, more enjoyment, more lights, more wisdom, more perfection and so on …
Thank you for your attention. I think it is enough. God bless you. It is a command for me to say that everything that I may say in a meeting in which attendees give me their attention according to their beliefs, they must reach all the stations that we are talking about. We are not such people who show something and say, “This is for you!” and then prevent you from getting it. You must be given it. These are good tidings for you. We have been informed that when we are in a group which is not only to be attended by humanity. It must also be full of other creatures which we call jinn. They must also attend my groups. They just left because we have finished now.
It is good luck for all of you to be present in this group. There has never been such a group in the twelve years that I have been coming to Europe. This is because of the blessings (barakah) of Shaykh Abdus Samad and of all of you. Also, because of the blessings of my daughters and sons. Those are my elder brothers, but the others are my daughters and sons.
Thank you.
In the Name of God.
Shaykh Nazim: The Pharisees were rulers who made many rules for the people to look after this materialistic world and not to look at the heavens.
They did not see how Jesus Christ (alayhis-salam) came in a miraculous way because they were occupied with the material world. They say he is a word of God. That means when He says, “To be!” and it is, it will be. He comes into existence.
He doesn’t need a father, just as Adam had no father and no mother. That is even more miraculous than Jesus Christ. Still no one says that Adam is the Son of God. Concerning Jesus Christ (AS), that is just what is being said. He may have said “Father!” as the highest degree of respect to Him, not as a relationship to Him because a creature is one thing and a Creator something else. It is impossible for the Creator to be like His creatures. A man can have a son and when he vanishes from existence, the son come to fill his place, but the Lord will not be vanished from existence so that a son should be there to take his place.
Sons usually inherit something from their father. If you look at your son, at your children, they will look a little like you. The nose, the mouth … may look the same. And if Jesus Christ (AS) is the son, then he must have something from his Father, from the Lord Almighty’s famous attributes like the fact that He never dies, that He is everlasting. It is impossible for a person who is the Son of the Lord to die. It is impossible. It is something that you cannot accept. You can accept it through your imagination. You can believe it, but you will never benefit from it.
Maybe I am saying too much, but sometimes I ask religious people, “How long are you going to put that man on the cross and hang him? Is it not enough now until today? When will you take him down to rest? He must rest. It is enough! Everyone has seen him.” And then they say, “You must believe in that person.” He is showing the weakest position of a man. The weakest position! And he should be mighty! If I am to believe in someone, he should be mighty, almighty. And you are showing me the weakest one to believe in. I am saying, “How am I to believe in that one who cannot even save himself? Then how about the others?” This I must ask everyone.
There are so many gospels about Jesus Christ (AS). I once went to Iznik. Iznik is a city close to Istanbul. There is a strange name for a conference that took place there
called Nicea. I was there. It is the oldest city in Christianity and the most famous one. It is surrounded by old walls. While I was looking under the huge arches, they took me to a place which was about twenty-five meters square and about five meters deep. My guide said to me that this room had been filled up with skeletons, hundreds of people — their heads, their bones. Archeologists from Europe had come and opened it and looked and then said that these people who had been buried in this huge place were from the time of the Council of Nicea that had been held there in the 4th century.
When the patriarch of Constantinople at that time was looking at all the different Christian gospels around the world, he said, “Oh, some of them are like this, some like that, some like that. There are so many differences.” They called for a meeting and everyone brought their versions of the gospels. Then they decided on four books among hundreds. Perhaps they refused the true ones, because otherwise no one could have decided on those four because even they are different. Otherwise one would have been enough. But four!
They destroyed all books except those four. They killed everyone who brought a different gospel so that they could not go back and write it down again. They destroyed their books, killed them and put all of them in that huge place!
Therefore, so many tricks run through Christianity until today. So many different ideas come and you cannot say which one is right of all their books. All four of them are speaking about the crucifixion although most of the other gospels do not accept that.
As we know, when they gathered to catch Jesus Christ (AS), he was in a meeting with his disciples. The Romans were coming to catch him to crucify him. Then Judas went out. They were waiting for Jesus Christ (AS-) to come out to be able to catch him. While they were waiting, Judas said, “I must go inside and bring him out to you.” When he came in, God Almighty sent the angel Gabriel to take Jesus Christ (AS) up to Him so that no one would touch him. At the same time, He made the head of Judas look like Jesus Christ (AS). Not his body, just his head. The Romans were waiting and waiting. As no one came out, they rushed in and, facing Judas, they said, “This is Jesus Christ!” They caught him, took him away and crucified him.
Then, as they were looking, they saw that the head was one thing and the body from someone else so they asked, “Where is Judas? If that person is Judas, where is Jesus Christ? If it is Jesus Christ, then where is Judas?” They began to doubt and God Almighty sent Jesus Christ (AS) to heaven. As a punishment for Judas, he was on the cross, not Jesus Christ (AS).
Until today the Jews as well as the Christians doubt what happened because they also ask, “Where was Judas? Did he just disappear? Did Jesus Christ also just disappear? One of them must be on the cross.” When they then saw that the head and the body were different, they continued to doubt and they kept saying something else. They knew that one of them must have disappeared. They say that Jesus Christ (AS) was on the cross and that he then rose to the heavens. But what about Judas? Where did he go?
A: They said he went and killed himself on a tree.
UH: What about the story when Jesus was supposed to rise from the dead and then came back and taught his disciples after they opened the grave after three days? When he came in white and talked and ate with his disciples? All of this is also written in the gospels. One disciple who was called Thomas. He met him on the road and said, “I thought you were dead.” Jesus (&) said, “No, I’m not dead, see the wounds are here,” and he showed him a cut in the side and nails through his hands. Are these all tales? Fairy-tales?”
SN: It is exactly the opposite. Because if they say something, then everything must be arranged in that way. They were prepared for any questions. This was done without touching their belief, because as God Almighty was saying, no one can touch Jesus Christ (AS). He was taken away in the same way he came, without trouble for him.
A: But the disciples who loved Jesus Christ wrote this. How could they write lies?
Z.: No. The people who wrote the gospels lived 80-120 years later.
Shaykh Nazim: We are asking for the nearest sources because neither John, Matthew, Mark or Luke were with Jesus Christ (AS. But Barnabas was with him and Barnabas also refuses the crucifixion idea.
Barnabas is a disciple. Just like we have Abu Bakr, the first of the Companions of the Prophet, Barnabas was the nearest of the twelve disciples. He was living with Jesus Christ and he never accepted the crucifixion. We take our source from him. So what is the reason that they refuse Barnabas and accept four others when he was living with him and the others came 100-150-200 years later?
St. Barnabas was from Cyprus. He is now buried in Cyprus. There is a dome on top of his grave. This is the most ancient church to be found on Cyprus. When you enter it, you can see the story of St. Barnabas in pictures. There are several pictures which show that the bishop of that time had a dream. Barnabas’ tomb was unknown. It had disappeared. It was out in the countryside. The bishop, who was living on Cyprus at that time; dreamed and this is shown in pictures on the walls of the church. First, St. Barnabas came in a dream and told him, “My tomb is under that tree, under that olive tree.” Second, the bishop goes to the tree and starts to dig. Third, they find him in the same way in which he had been buried, his gospel was lying on his chest. Fourth, his gospel is been taken away from his chest and the bishop is bringing it to the Emperor of Byzantine. Fifth, the Emperor is dressing the Bishop of Cyprus in clothes like his own, royal, and is giving honor to him by making Cyprus independent.
That is why the Cypriot Church became independent from Constantinople and was called the Orthodox Church. And that break was with the Emperor. From there, the Gospel of Barnabas was taken to Rome. It is now in the Vatican together with some hidden treasures. They cannot show it. And if you ask, “Where is the writing, the Gospel of Barnabas?”
UH: Many times: people tried to translate it. There was an Italian priest in the 16th century who came across this gospel in the Vatican. He immediately became Muslim as he read it and he translated it into Italian. Then it disappeared, and every time when someone translated it, it always disappeared.
SN: They were killed.
Z: How did the Pakistanis get it to make this paperback edition in English?
SN: From Vienna.
Z: But there were three copies: one in the Vatican, one in Vienna and one…?
SN: The original is hidden in the Vatican treasuries…
Z: But wait! That is Vatican, Vienna and the third?
UH: Scotland, I think…?…
SN: That is not important. The original is in the Vatican…
Z: And the copy was stolen in Vienna. When?
SN: I don’t know. I only know that there is a Gospel of Barnabas and that he is the disciple of Jesus Christ (AS). Why do they destroy it? Why aren’t they showing it? Everywhere you see St. Barnabas churches. Who is St. Bamabas? Where is his gospel? I may also ask why is it hidden? Why are there churches in his name? If he is not famous, why do the churches bear his name? What was his position to Jesus Christ (AS)? Or what was their relationship? Which message did he bring us from Jesus Christ (AS)? Where is it hidden? Was he only a name with Jesus Christ (AS)?
We have a saying that you cannot put a spear into a sack because it will always stick out of one side. You cannot hide it. It will always cut open one side and show itself. In this same way, it is impossible to hide the truth. The time will come when it will appear and Christians, particularly church people, know so many things, but they are not sharing it with everybody. It is kept hidden.
In the days of the last Prophet, Muhammad (SALLALLAHU ALAYHI WA SALLAM), a Companion was traveling to Damascus. The Companions were always being trained. He went and met the governor of Amman, the Roman name at that time of a place close to Aleppo. After everyone had left, the governor called him saying, “Come to me!” He then took him to a cupboard and took one picture out of each drawer. The drawings were on silk. When he showed the pictures, he asked, “Do you know who this is?” He said, “No.” The governor put the picture away and took out another picture, showed it and said, “Do you know who this is?” “No.” until on the last piece of silk, a picture was drawn and he showed it to him asking, “Do you know who this is?” He said, “This is our Prophet. This is Muhammad (SALLALLAHU ALAYHI WA SALLAM).”
He said that these pictures came from Adam, from paradise. Everyone’s picture was drawn. Then that disappeared. When Moses came to the children of Israel with the ark, they went with it everywhere and they were victorious. It is famous. All those pictures were brought from heaven and kept. All of them are now in that church, in their hands. They know the pictures. All the pictures are now in the Vatican. They cannot make it clear, but when Jesus Christ comes, he will bring out all of them and show them to the people.
They know so many things but they also hide so many things.
M: Will Jesus come back?
SN: He will come very soon in the near future. Very soon he will be with us, towards the end of the 20th century and beginning of the 21st century.
M: Is he coming to stay?
SN: He is coming to stay first for forty years. For forty years he will stay with us. There will be no more unbelievers, no more satans living on earth, no more evil on earth. When he comes, he comes to kill the Anti-Christ. And when the Anti-Christ dies, then the whole world is clean of satans and evil. People will live like the people living in paradise.
After forty years, evil satans will reappear little by little again. After ten years, their numbers will have grown. After those ten years, Jesus Christ (AS) will die just like his Lord will order him to. He will be buried behind the Prophet’s tomb, in the fourth one that is now empty. Then God Almighty will send a good smelling wind from paradise and every believer will smell it and die. It will be the best kind of dying, so tasteful and no troubles while dying that kind of death. All believers will die by smelling the smell of paradise. There will be no more believers on earth, only unbelievers.
Then the Day of Judgment will fall on them and they will all die. They will come to the Day of Judgment. All of them, everyone but before the Day of Judgment, he is coming and he is going to be amongst people like a judge to make everything clear because before he comes, everything is mixed up. Truth is mixed up with untruth, goodness with evil, believers with unbelievers, dirt with purity. Now that is the case with the whole world, with the Christians, with the Jews, with the Muslims. Everyone is mixed up with everything. When he comes, he will put everything in its place. No one can say anything.
Z: If you say that the Day of Judgment is fifty years after Armageddon, that means that first there are forty years with Jesus and then…
SN: Armageddon is going to happen before the coming of Jesus Christ (AS). Armageddon, which is mentioned in the Old and New Testaments, is now indicated as near. This is also when Jesus Christ (AS) is coming. There will be believers and unbelievers, followers of Jesus Christ (AS) and followers of the Anti-Christ. There must be a great war. When that is finished, it will have been the last great war happening on earth.
Z: But if the Day of Judgment is not until fifty years later, what happens with the dead people? Even people who die now if the Judgment Day is more than fifty years away. Where are they now? They have had no judgment. If somebody dies, let us say two years ago, where is their soul now? If there is no Day of Judgment before, if we all have the Judgment Day together?
SN: All together on the Day of Judgment, all together.
Z: Where is the spirit of those people now?
SN: Where are they now? Traditions say that Israfil…
Z: The angel of death?
SN: No, not the angel of death, the one who blows the trumpet…
UH: The one who blows the trumpet on the Last Day?
K: May I ask something? Is the Anti-Christ in this moment physically on the earth?
SN: Yes.
AS: Is he in a particular body or in general?
SN: In a particular body. He is chained and imprisoned on an unknown island.
A: Why is he chained?
SN: He is claiming, “I am your Lord!” He claims that he is the Lord of humanity. He is saying, “I am your Lord!” He is not saying, “I am a Prophet!” but “I am your Lord!”
A: But why don’t we know of him then?
SN: We know.
Z: Officially it is a secret. How can this be a secret. Why is it not in the newspapers?
SN: It is mentioned in the newspaper of the Prophet. From the beginning until the end, every Prophet…
UH: Is it mentioned in the Traditions?
A: Is he imprisoned or in chains?
SN: Imprisoned means on that island. He cannot move to any other place.
A: Nobody knows of him. Nobody knows his name, which person he is, which particular person?
SN: Through religions…
A: Yes, but no…
SN: Yes, but usually people do not know where he is. It is impossible. It is unknown. That is, if ships would come like this to find him, they would not be able to because it is a secret. No one can approach that place.
Z: And does he know himself what his job is?
SN: Yes. He knows well. He is Satan, the father of all satans.
K: I mean that the Satan of this time is very powerful: anger, jealousy and hatred all come from him. So he may even be able to listen to what we are talking about now.
SN: He is listening very much and he is giving many orders. He has thirty deputies before he comes. He has sent thirty deputies to make the people prepared for his coming.
K: May I tell you a dream.
SN: Yes.
K: I had a dream which is very important to me. The Shaykh may know something about it. First I saw Babaji in a red turban and in red clothes. He was there and he was smiling very beautifully. This was a picture on a wall. Suddenly it changed and became like a door. A man in a red cloak with a turban was standing in front of me. But his turban was not like yours. He had it so that you could see the hair on top of his head. He had one spot like out of ashes here (points to her right cheek), big and round. He had some wooden shoes with a small piece of leather over it like this. He walked through the door. His hair was long, shoulder length and totally fiery red. His shirt and his turban were like a crown. Immediately I knew that it must be a very high being. I did not know whether or not it was Jesus who came and said something to me. You see, his face was a mixture of anger and suffering and there were many people. When he came, they all went away as if it was too dreadful to wait for him to come in. He must have been a very high being. I had this dream in this very house. He looked with his head at this place. He stood like this and just looked. He turned his head so that I could see the ash mark on his cheek again. He was looking at this place.
SN: Was his turban red?
K: Red, very red.
SN: Mahdi, the Savior, peace be upon him because he has ashes on his right cheek. Mahdi! Mahdi! Muhammad Mahdi, the highest spiritual person right now.
K: Yes, I have seen you … And He stood very clearly next to me. And in front of Him was Baba, our Baba … And he had the same red shirt, a beautiful red kind of silk, indescribably beautifully red.
SN: Yes, that is the news. Yes. The spot on his cheek shines like a star…
K: And something else, because you are the one who can give me an answer. One night during Ramadan time, I saw a man sitting with a black top. It was not actually like a turban. It was like a hat, a bit like the Egyptians used to have. His beard was like yours, just a little cut. He sat full of light. From the side I could see that light. Light was coming out of him. He was all light Very holy.
SN: And he is Jesus Christ (s.)!
K: Two nights later I had a dream. I woke up, because during a vision of heaven I had seen our Jusry who was here. He is the closest disciple of Baba in Herakan, Muniratschi. I saw him pray like this: (she demonstrates a prostration). It was in this direction: (she points to the direction of prescribed prayer to the Kabah). Out of his hand came lots of light. This was also during Ramadan time. And before I came to Basal, I had a heavy dream: I saw heaven. Suddenly heaven opened and I looked at my side and there was a tall man. He had a gray cloak with hood on. I only knew that he is absolutely…
SN: Huwa! (Arabic: He).
K: …a good spirit. And he was on my side. We were walking together. No talking, only walking. Suddenly he did like this: he looks up. So I also looked up. Then he left me and I saw this being, a mixture between a wolf, a fox and a snake-dragon. The skeleton was long, very long and I knew in that moment that it was very dangerous. I stood and it came down like this: at first in circles and then step by step. I wanted to run away. Suddenly a person stood in front of me who looked as if he was copying Baba. I knew so I called very loudly, “Swami!” and I said in the dream, “Hurry on!”
So this beast was coming very near to me and I stood and looked at it and knew while I was looking that it had no bones. It was a manifestation of smoke and anger. Like a dust manifestation. All these bad qualities which represent evil. He stood and said to me, “You really should work!” For what he did not say, but I knew when I woke up because my heart was pounding. I thought in that moment that if the Anti-Christ is on earth, even if he is on an island, he knows so much that he would even know how to come. He wanted to catch me two or three times in the last three years. I had three heavy fights. But even this time he could not touch me.
SN: Be careful.
K: Yes.
SN: That Anti-Christ has taken you as his target.
K: I know, I know, yes. But I stood like this. And you know I had a feeling that the Holy Spirit… I can’t remember … God said to the demon, “You can do with this Hiob whatever you want. I know him. Everything except his life. This you cannot take.” And Babaji said in Herakion one day, “Kalkatti is my very special child. She has no father, no mother. I take care of her.” And when he said very loudly, “If you are harsh with Kalkatti, I will be very harsh with you!” But I had a feeling that he called to the Spirit.
SN: Be careful.
K: Yes, I know I have to be all the time in the Name of God but I had to ask you. It was my chance in life. And here I was not afraid.
SN: Praise belongs to God. You may be protected. Yes, that is…
AS: What do you think is the mission of Babaji?
SN: Mission?
Z: Mission, his job, why was he here?
AS: Mission, his function.
SN: His function is going to appear soon.
K: That’s what he says. His real function will be shown. That’s what Baba said.
M: Babaji?
K: Is that Muhammad?
CJN: No, the Savior.
SN: The Savior (al-Mahdi or the Guided One) (AS).
Z: Most people here do not know who the Mahdi is. Maybe you could say…
SN: The Mahdi is the descendent of the Prophet in the 40th generation since Husayn’s son’s, son’s son’s…son. The fortieth. Now he is living, but he is not with people. It is impossible for people to look at him because he has such strong power.
K: Yes. I could see it in the dream
SN: If someone looks at him, he will fall down dead. That is why he is living in the Empty Quarter Desert between Saudi Arabia and Yemen.
B: Nobody is there.
UH: Nobody
Z: Only the Mahdi.
SN: Running sands, moving sand. If a person stands on it, he will be pulled down and disappear. That is a place where no one can live. And he is there with his high power people, high spiritual powered people, ninety-nine of them.
Z: His spirit is there or his body also? And what about his family, his mother, father?
SN: His father and mother are also descendants of the Prophet. They are living nearby in Jeddah, but when he was growing up as a young person, miraculous appearances started to come out of him so he was taken away from people.
Z: How old is he now?
SN: He is around 35 years old. And he has power now. All Friends of God {awliya) are under his command now.
Z: Awliya are holy people?
SN: They are the Friends of God.
M: The Jewish people in the old days used to have prophets every 200 years. Now, from the time of Jesus Christ (&) until today, there has been no prophet of the Jews. Why?
SN: Because the Seal of the Prophets just came and his message is enough for all nations forever.
M: But they did not accept him.
SN: It does not matter that they do not accept him.
M: They are still waiting for a prophet.
SN: They are waiting for a prophet?
M: For another prophet, yes.
Z: But they did not see the last one yet?
SN: They can wait, but it is like yesterday when Jalaludin went to the airport to pick up someone. Before he got there, the person had arrived and people had picked him up and were gone so when Jalaludin came, nobody was there.
Z: Like the Jewish people.
UH: They even called with loudspeakers at the airport.
J: He heard my message and came, but I had already left.
SN: The Jewish people are waiting to pick up another prophet. He already came, but still people are waiting to pick him up.
F: Their prophet might still come…
UH: No.
AS: They will recognize him when he comes again.
SN: Yes, that must be so.
Z: But when the Mahdi will be the leader of the believers and the Anti-Christ the leader of the unbelievers, how is it going to be? Are they going to fight?
SN: To be an unbeliever means to run after materialistic thoughts and this life’s pleasures. So many people run after that. They try to find the pleasure that their ego is seeking. Every freedom….
Z: But are they not going to appear before Armageddon? Is Armageddon before and then?
SN: Armageddon, which is the name of the Greatest War, must be before the Savior comes. That will be a war between the East and the West.
Z: And this has nothing to do with Anti-Christ or the Mahdi?
SN: This is before the Mahdi comes and before the Anti-Christ comes. This Greatest War before the Mahdi comes will be between the East and the West. The West will win, not the East. It is written. The West wins and the East vanishes.
Z: How many people will die?
SN: Out of seven, six will die and one will remain.
Z: This is during Armageddon?
SN: Yes, during Armageddon and then the Mahdi comes and calls, “God is Greater!” {Allahu akbar) in Damascus. Then he moves to Istanbul and takes the flag of Muhammad (SALLALLAHU ALAYHI WA SALLAM). Then when they are in Istanbul, the Anti-Christ will come quickly through Khorasan, a part of Iran, and run to Jerusalem. He will go around the whole world for forty days and when the forty days are over…
Z: But when this, “God is Greater,” is called, will something happen to the electricity?
SN: It will be finished.
Z: With the words, “God is Greater?”
SN: Every power of technology will stop.
A: And the jinn also stop…?
SN: The jinn are under the command of the Savior, the Promised One.
A: But they are electric so…
SN: Electric power is stopped.
A: But the jinn are also electric so there are no more jinn?
SN: They are electric, but they are creatures.
A: Uzma says they are electricity.
SN: Uzma is right.
M: Shaykh, I read your book, Mercy Oceans of the Heart, where you are talking about the ego. SN: The ego represents all bad characteristics and bad desires. There is a name for it in Arabic, nafs (self, animal soul).
M: I have not read the Quran too much but I have studied the Bible a little. Now all that you are saying about Armageddon and the coming war is from the Bible, from the last Book of Revelation. Is it not in the Quran?
SN: Everything is in the Quran.
M: I want to draw a conclusion. When it comes to spiritual matters, when you are talking about spiritual matters, the language you use is spiritual. So do we have to take that which you are saying literally or spiritually? Like with Armageddon. Is it going to be physical? Because everything you are talking about also happens in our bodies, as well, does it not? What I am trying” to say is that you are a complete world by yourself. Every human being is a world, a complete world so that what is happening within you in your spiritual world, like evil forces fighting good forces, can happen within myself. And Armageddon is maybe not something physical we are going to see because there is no specific date which has proved that it will happen before then. But the forces from the East and the West can be that which happens inside us before we die or when we are dead. We are not going to see satan or the angels with our eyes because they are inside us, within our egos.
From the universe some leaders are going to invade us like the Savior or Jesus Christ (&). By accident or by desire, I know that they are coming one of these days. They are more advanced than we are because they were before we were created. And when this comes is that not the same like Armageddon? Their size is superior to our size…
SN: That is only imagination!
Z: But these could be jinn!
SN: We are only speaking about humanity.
M: You see, in the history of Ghana, the first time the white man came from Portugal, the Portuguese were the first to come to Ghana. That was in 1492. When they came, they had sent big ships across the Atlantic Ocean. They came and our people did not know anything. They were just standing by the seaside when they saw some ships coming. They thought they were ghosts. They were very curious but I do not think they were brave because they should have run away. If we would see some satellite coming, some of us would hide. They were standing by the seaside waiting for those ships. The white people could put their anchor and came straight to them. They could not communicate. They could see some white people in the ocean, far away. For sure they defined them as ghosts. Then when they came and the chiefs did not run away, they shook hands and exchanged some clothes and some goods. That was the beginning of the contact between Europe and Africa in Ghana. I’m talking about the Gold Coast.
So now I’m taking a similar picture. There are some other advanced creatures somewhere in the universe. I’m convinced of that, very convinced. They are more advanced. Because of all the thousands of planets in the universe, we cannot say that we are the only people living. Now, not only that, there are other creatures, call them angels and they are going to invade us while we are trying to explore space. They will hit us and they will hit all of our technology, all our designs and everything else. They will remove us just like the white people removed us from Africa. Now there is European technology in Africa. You can see skyscrapers in Nigeria, railways, everything. And these invaders will also bring their technology with them. That is, I do not know whether they have a special technology from where they come, but they will make our lives more for their selfishness, pleasure and what you are saying. So one of these days I think we are going to be in contact with the angels.
SN: All of that is your source.
M: The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ ascended into heavens. If it is true, then it means…
SN: It is your explanation…
M: But even that I will see angels come into human forms…
SN: But angels are not men…
M: But we see them sometimes…
SN: We may see them after death…
M: Remember on the mountains, Muhammad was communicating with the angel Gabriel. And Muhammad did not know anything about writing and wrote it. Then I read the Quran I am very impressed. If he could not write and still he got those fine, fine explanations of how the world was made. Everything is explained in the Quran—how the human being was created. All these things. And they deny it. Why don’t we believe that angels can come to us?
Z: Is it only the prophets who can see angels?
SN: Yes, only prophets.
Z: And the Friends of God, can they see angels?
SN: When they are in their perfect spiritual powers, they can see.
M: But in the Himalayan mountains people are easily communicating with a spiritual world.
SN: Are there angels on the Himalayan mountains?
M: No, not angels, but somebody can go into a spiritual world and disappear. Just like I am here. I can disappear and go to Ghana and bring my wife some message.
SN: It doesn’t matter.
M: Shaykh, from what I have seen was through my ascent to the spiritual world. I am interested, very interested. I have been there. I have communicated. Sometimes I heard the voice of some angel in my
dreams. But one thing I see is that everything we see with the naked eye are three things in this world, but in the spiritual world we have seen. This is what I gather. Now the things we see with our naked eye is only 30% and the rest is 70%. So our mind is more spiritual than physical. What I am trying to say is that the eternal desire in the human being is 70% and maybe the physical desire is 30%.
UH: Nowadays it is the other way around.
M: Because the life we are living is too short and there is one thing which nobody can explain: where we came from. Before I was born, where was I? Maybe if I was not something, how can I be something now? I am trying to say…
X: That you don’t wait for an answer?
M: I am getting an answer…
X: He gave you many answers but you did not hear them.
M: So what I am trying to…
X: You are not listening. Why are you not listening?
SN: Because he is speaking.
M: Yes, because I have not finished…
X: Yes, but you have a discourse without taking notice of what is coming. You had to present your…
M: Yes, I had to present, and now I want him to summarize and give me one answer.
X: So you want one answer? But he said it is all stories so if you come to the end, it is still all stories so if it is only 1/lOth or if it is 100, it is all stories.
M: Aha, aha! It is understood. Yes. It is true, yes. That is imagination, that is my own imagination.
SN: Imagination!
Z: Fantasy!
F : Are people coming with a lot of dreams to ask you what the dream means?
F: This is tea (looking surprised at Shaykh Nazim who pours the tea into his coffee).
SN: Yes, I know.
F: You make very strange mixtures.
SN: So that they are not quarreling inside. They come together in peace. It was too strong. Then I put the tea into it and it was all right. How are you Nuria? What are you thinking? Many things? Very little things, very small. Our knowledge is so small. Unknown things are for us are like oceans. Known things are like a little spot on a huge ocean. Therefore, we must be careful not to mix up knowledge with imagination because it would be like putting salt into coffee. Therefore, knowledge is clear.
Knowledge is of two kinds: One of them is science, observation and experiment. You can take the results and call them knowledge. Some other knowledge is from the heavens through revelation or through the way of those who came or through traditions or holy Books. If you got out to this or to that, then you come into imagination and there is no value in that. Everyone can imagine or can think something in her imagination. Her imagination, her imagination, his imagination, her imagination. There are billions of people and everyone has been given a different imagination. All these imaginations together we call: all imaginations. They have no value.
Values are in knowledge. Therefore, when we get knowledge through the prophets, we cannot call that imagination. We may accept it as it is because they have been authorized to explain to humanity according to the level of understanding of the person or persons to whom they are speaking. So there is no need to say something is like this or like that because we can accept it the way it comes. We believe and we act.
If we come out of that, then we lose our way to the heavens because heaven is not imagination. It is a Reality. We can say it is an exact or an absolute Reality. We are a combination, in between animals and angels. We are not complete angels and we are not complete animals. We are mixed-up. We have been honored above all animals and above all angels, too. Animals work for mankind and angels also work for mankind. They are in the service of mankind. And we have been honored by
being the Lord’s deputies. We have been created to be deputies of our Lord, God Almighty. Angels asked to be given that honor and God said, “No. I will create creatures who will be my vicegerent,” and the angels said, “But they are killing themselves and are making a lot of trouble!” And the Lord said, “Even if they kill themselves and make trouble on earth, they are going to be my vicegerents. I know best about them. More than anybody because I am the Creator.”
So as a balance between our spiritual and our physical side, our situation is changing all the time. If we go very much to our spiritual side, the connection to the heavens will be quick. We have been given huge powers and authority in the universe, but if we come to the side of our physical body, the animal side of our creation, then we fall down. Then we even lose our physical powers. They will vanish.
But those who take spiritual power may catch the whole world in their hand and throw it into space because we have been honored to be vicegerents of the Lord God Almighty. So until we are interested and enter into our spiritual station — staying with our physical station, everything will be imagination because if I am sitting here and look at a castle, I can imagine what is inside the castle. But all of it is only imagination. Now when we are talking about the heavens, we may say everything, but it is only going to be imagination. When you enter into it, you will find something else. Some things may be all right, but mostly it is different than we thought. Therefore, when we are outside and speak about it, there is no value. But we have been offered and ordered to prepare ourselves to enter that castle.
When you come to that castle, they will ask you, “Where are you coming from? And with what are you coming?” And you will say, “I am coming with myself.” They will say, “You cannot enter! Leave everything outside. Be nothing! Leave your ego, yourself, your selfishness, everything that you are carrying physically. Then the heavens will open to you and you will be welcome.”
As long as we are carrying our ego, it is impossible to enter the heavens. It is like a person who goes to the seaside to take a bath. They must take off all these things.
One person visited someone else and knocked. The second one asked, “Who is it?” He said, “It is me.”
“If you are there, there is no room. I have only one seat for one person. You and I? No room for that. Go back!” He did not open.
A little while later he returned and knocked. He was asked, “Who are you?” He said, “You.” Then the door opened and he said, “If I am there, then come on in! It is only for one so that is enough!”
So if you come into the Divine Presence, you must leave your ego and come free from everything. Then you will be accepted. As long as we carry our physical egos, it is going to prevent us from entering the Divine Presence. Divine Presence is something else. It is not something material. But more than any imagination can imagine. It is only spiritual or physical. It is something that as long as we may try, it is impossible to describe. You cannot describe honey to somebody by talking about it. Only if the other person tastes it will he know that it is honey. If you do not taste it, you will not know. That is a station. Those who enter this station may understand. Those who are outside will never understand. Therefore,
it is our duty now to look after the ways of reaching that Divine Presence not to just sit and to imagine so many things. They are all useless. We must look for the way.
Z: But if everybody is waiting for the Judgment Day, are the prophets also waiting for the Judgment Day? Does that mean that God is now alone with the angels in heaven because no one can be there if they have not had the Judgment Day.
SN: Everyone comes to the Day of Judgment.
Z: But now, in this moment, is God alone? Who is in the Divine Presence now? Are the prophets there?
SN: Souls, souls… that is another ocean you are asking about now.
Z: Hmm…
SN: And you are too far away to understand.
SN: Leave it.
Z: Tomorrow, if God wills.
SN: After tomorrow?
SN: It is such a deep, deep question and such a deep explanation. We shall speak about that after something has come. Then we will have permission to speak.
U: May I say something?
SN: Are you sleeping?
U: No. I’m not sleeping. I was thinking of Moses.
SN: Moses?
U: Yes. He is sitting next to you, this Moses.
SN: And I was thinking of the Prophet Moses.
U: No, I mean our friend Moses, here.
M: So I am Prophet Moses…
U: No, not yet.
SN: Yes, yes.
U: And I was thinking that I am very happy to listen to what you have to say because you come from a different world. I know that Africa is very different from here. They have the same sun and the same moon, but it feels different.
M: Yes, actually, yes.
U: They have a different language and they have a different word. I believe that they have the same God, but they give God different dresses and put them in different stories. And although it might be … Shaykh Nazim has not been in Ghana, and you have not explained all the things in different stories.
SN: Sometimes…
U: They cannot know your words in Ghana so to be able to understand your words. I think it is always very lovely to listen and to see what is in your heart.
SN: You are happy that a person from Ghana is here. Do you think that he came here to this meeting by accident?
K: Bravo.
U: Now he will take your words to Ghana.
SN: Sometimes I may… if he looks after me, then sometime he may see me, he may meet me in Ghana. It is not a difficult thing too. He who sends him here to me, may send me to there sometime, but not every time with a passport. I am so tired of passports. Sometimes I pray to go without a passport, without clothes, yes. He may find me sometimes in synagogues, sometimes in mosques, sometimes in Africa, sometimes in the East, sometimes in the West, sometimes in the oceans. It may be as he arranges. I am not walking by chance. I am programmed. People ask me, “What is your program?” I tell them, “This is my program. Now I am talking.”
Thank you for your attention, all of you, particularly my daughters who are listening so much and Fatima is so tired from sitting on a hard place, having to move like this, like that… And you are not tired? Are you tired?
U: Yes. I am tired of listening. It is too much.
SN: Too much listening? Tired? So speak! But she will never be tired when he makes like this and like that (waving his foot as U is learning to become a ballerina).
U: No, I’m never tired of that. I am used to that.
SN: Yes, we may take our way.
Z: Noon prescribed prayer?
SN: What time is it?
J: Twenty past two.
SN: Twenty past two! That never happened before. We have been sitting here for three hours.
Z: I spoke with the people from Schweiben Alp and said that the latest you would come to afternoon prescribed prayer and maybe earlier, if God wills.
SN: Yes. It is my custom to pray the afternoon prescribed prayer in Schweiben Alp. Moses, are you going to Schweiben Alp?
Z: With us up to the mountains today?
M: Yes, I am willing. I am ready.
Z: Ready?
M: Yes, I am ready.
SN: But we will catch you there and never let you come down again.
Z: When you are there, he will catch you.
SN: I will make this priest my deputy and make him stay there.
M: Yes, I want to.
SN: Where is Kalkatti?
Shaykh Nazim: And then it will come to you and you will say when you are the best one, “What about the others?” They are trying to reach you and you must look at them and see that they are beneath your station. You will be hurt by their station, by their level. You will see that step by step, they are approaching your station. Your ego claims, “I am the first. I am the best. I don’t want anyone to approach my station!” Then you become envious.
There are so many ways of harming people. The ego knows. The ego makes so may tricks and traps for humanity. It is impossible to save yourself from the hand of the ego. Therefore, the Quran says, “Kill your ego!” Not, “Kill yourself.” “Kill your ego!” Thank you Moses for that question.
We have a saying, “You must ask an expert for advice about everything you do.” Therefore, even if you want to kill a sheep, if you do not know how to do it, you cannot do it. And our egos are not sheep. A sheep lies down easily and you can cut the throat, but your egos are not sheep. They are like dragons. A dragon does not have only one head. A dragon has 70,000 heads. Every head is like a tongue, a poisonous tongue, with poisonous teeth. That is terrible! And the most terrible creature is the ego. And if it understands that you are killing it, it will direct all its heads towards you to swallow you. It is not a sheep, a lamb, which you can catch and kill and crucify with nails…
Therefore, we must use some ways. If we, for example, move in this direction where an enemy is in the way. That is an important way if fighting. Those who make that with an army will be Field Marshal. There were so many Field Marshals in Germany during World War II who were fighting with that method in Russia.
With the ego we must also use such ways. According to its tricks, you must use your traps. So many years people line up in the army to get their ranks and look up at the Staff Generals who make the plans. Not everyone makes plans in the army. Now, this is only for those simple wars.
But the most terrible enemy is the ego. If a person has never been educated in how to fight, particularly in our time, what can he do with an enemy? He will destroy him quickly. You also need a staff for your ego or it will swallow you up quickly.
It is so difficult to fight and to kill the ego. It is a terrible and dangerous fight. There are many experts in killing egos. You must find one of them who has just killed his ego, to show you how you can be able to kill it.
You can’t approach it directly. It is impossible. The moment you say, “I am declaring war on you,” you are finished. You must say, “Oh, my friend, my lovely friend.” Don’t show your sword. No. “You are my friend…”
In this way the ego will finish because it will always doubt you. You must show it your friendliest side and say, “I like you more than anyone else!” If you get up and declare war, then it must swallow you. What is the time now?
F: Three thirty
Z: What time is your train?
U: In one hour.
Z: Aha, OK.
SN: Are you asking to go?
U: Yes, my fiancé is waiting for me in Paris.
SN: Is he only waiting now?
U: Only now?
SN: Do you meet everyday?
U: Yes.
SN: Everyday you meet him? Not weekly but daily?
U: Every day.
SN: Everyday you meet him. Therefore, now you have been without him for three days. Are you going by car?
U: No, by train.
SN: By train, ten hours?
Z: They have a very quick train from here to Paris. It takes five hours.
SN: Are you leaving Aurelia alone? … Did she phone?
Z: She phoned him yesterday and said she would come today.
SN: For three days she has been patient with us, with our meetings and especially with your talk.
Z: She is patient, yes, because she knows me.
SN: Is she only twenty years old?
Z: Twenty-one but I did not see her much because she was growing up in Africa so I only saw her once a year or not even that. They moved back to Africa in 1971.
SN: For how long didn’t you see her?
Z: Since last year in August when our sister got married.
SN: So one year you did not see each other. This year you can be happy. I hope she was not hurt by being in our meetings.
Z: Does it hurt you?
U: No.
SN: Pleased with us? She was attending the morning prescribed prayer today. She would have liked to sleep, but she came and attended from the beginning to the end of the morning prescribed prayer and I prayed for her to be happy in this world and the next. She is always with us. It does not matter if she goes away. That is so, that is finished. And when are you going to take her to the train? Now?
U: Soon.
Z: What time is the train?
U: It is in one hour.
Z: One hour. Is the train station far away?
F: No. If you want, I can take her to the station.
Z: As you like, Shaykh Nazim?
SN: Not as I like, but as He likes.
Z: But you know best how He likes it.
SN: He knows best.
Z: Yes, but you know best about Him!
SN: But He is the boss, not me. I am a servant.
Z: But your hot-line, remember?
SN: Hot-line?
Z: Hot-line like when we were talking about the hotline between Reagan and Gorbachev. The direct telephone, the red telephone. We are saying that your hotline to God is working better than mine, functioning better. Hotter!
SN: As He likes.
Z: But then when I am convinced that we are coming so close to Armageddon and there are people like my sister, who I love very much. I want to make sure…
SN: Do you love them more than their Lord loves them?
Z: They are an expression of our Lord.
SN: You say, ‘I love them so much.’
Z: Very much.
SN: Very much. And what about God Almighty’s love for them? You love them and you are thinking about them. Yes?
Z: The question is not about me. The question is…
SN: What is the question?
Z: That if I love someone then I want that person to have the best. And as you told me after the big war there will only be one out of seven of the people, of the believers alive.
SN: What ? What is important?
Z: I think it is a big question. Is it so important to be a Muslim or is it just the heart that is going to decide?
SN: Are you interested in all people?
Z: Well, especially the ones I love.
SN : You must love all.
Z: But family is something different.
SN: Others can also be something different. What is wrong about what you are asking? Are you taking care about everyone? So many! He takes care, more than you can do and on one comes into this life with a permanent visa. All of us are temporarily here. “How long are you going to stay?” they ask at the airport. “Two months.” Then they give you a visa for six months.
UH: It was so funny in Denmark when they asked you, “What is your destination” and you said, “Holland.”
SN: And then I said, “Denmark.” So you see, everyone is coming here as it is written for them just for the time they are supposed to come, they come. Then it is finished. Even if there is no Armageddon, they must fulfill their periods of life and leave. Are you running after everyone to be here forever? That is impossible.
Shaykh Nazim: Grand Shaykh is giving me a guarantee for people during Armageddon. He is saying that there are three points. If they are kept, the person cannot be hurt in the wars. Zahra! This is not something to cry or ask about. No.
1. It is impossible for those who deny the Creator to survive. Never. If it is your father or mother or daughter, sister or brother! It is impossible!
Z: What is impossible?
SN: To survive if you deny the Creator. These people must be killed. They will kill each other. If anyone of his relatives was denying the Prophet, they would fight them, kill them.
2. All cruel people, cruel people cannot survive. Cruel people will not survive.
3. Envious people: Envious people are the enemy of humanity. They will be killed and hurt and harmed according to the envy in their hearts.
It is impossible for believers to be killed during Armageddon or for people with good actions and good intentions. That is impossible but for those who harm humanity and have enemies and are denying the Creator, they must be killed. That is their punishment.
X: Isn’t it cruel to kill somebody?
SN: They are killing themselves. God makes the unbelievers enemies of each other. Without reason or purpose of this life, you may not kill.
A: Jesus’ word is also God’s word and he said we should not kill. Moses also said we should not kill so why is Muhammad allowed to kill?
SN: Because he is perfect.
A: But Jesus and Moses are also perfect.
SN: Moses had orders to kill his enemies. If not, how could he fight Pharaoh? And how could he have killed him? Jesus also had these rules from Moses. He did not remove Moses’ rules of the Old Testament. They are still valid. Do you accept the Old Testament? What does the Old Testament say? They had orders from God Almighty to kill the unbelievers. It is clear. So many thousands were killed. It is written in the Old Testament: Thou may not kill, even an ant, without reason.”
A: And if you kill it by mistake:
SN: You must ask for forgiveness. You must not be heedless and kill somebody by mistake. It is a sin and you must ask for forgiveness.
A: If a man is an unbeliever and he talks badly about God and he does wrong to your friends or family, am I allowed to kill him?
TN: That is not your job. That is up to the Ruler, not to anyone. No. We would all be terrorists if we were killing…
Shaykh Nazim: My heart was asking to come and I was ordered to come here. May God accept you and give you reward in the Divine Presence. When He gives from His Divine Presence, it is going to be endless. And you are respecting me and giving me this and I say to you that your Lord may give you your reward Himself in the Divine Presence. How are you all, my sons and daughters? All right?
Z: Shaykh Nazim, they are asking if you would prefer to eat before the evening prescribed prayer or afterwards.
SN: My horse prefers to eat before the evening prescribed prayer.
Z: He means his ego would prefer to eat before the evening prescribed prayer.
SN: Yes, my horse, I can’t stop it. What is the time now?
Z: Eight o’clock.
SN: Eight o’clock. And what is their rule?
I: We do the prayers for one hour and then we eat.
SN: You may do your prayers for one hour and after we may eat.
I: We had a hailstorm last night for ten minutes. All our plants, all our vegetables, all our flowers, everything was destroyed. Everything we have been working with for such a long time.
SN: It does not matter. He will give more now. He gives and He takes. Are you going to quarrel? To shoot Him and say, “Bring back the plants!” He who is in space is ruling the earth. It is not those on earth who are ruling space. Therefore, say “As you like, 0, our Lord. We can’t do anything. The whole power is in your hands. As you like. You may give and you may take.”
I shall tell one tale: The Lord gives and the Lord takes. If He asks to give, no one prevents Him. No one can prevent Him from taking us. We are slaves. Our lives exist with two breaths. When He orders, we breath in, and when He orders, we breathe out. And we say that we are so powerful! And we are so weak! It only takes two minutes to finish us and still we say that we are such powerful people. We are liars. We are the weakest. And if He gives, He gives your share and if He takes, if He asks to take, then give. And if He sends something to take away this house, then He may do so. Praise belongs to God, thanks to Him that he did not send something like that, but something to take away the flowers only. You must be happy!
And this was only a hailstorm that lasted ten minutes. What if it had lasted twenty minutes? What would have happened? When the roof starts going down to the lake? What can we do? Run after it and also fall into the lake? Therefore, it is a good attribute of ourselves if we say, “Oh, our Lord, you are so powerful and we are so weak. Forgive us and bless us.” Is that true, Shaykh Moses? Who can do anything else?
I’ll tell you a story about Mullah Nasruddin. He was riding his donkey and he had put his bags on his shoulders. So people asked him, “What is the reason that you are putting it on your shoulders and not on the donkey’s back?” He answered, “So that it will not be too much for my donkey.”
He came from the market and had all his goods in his bag and he put it on his shoulders, not on the donkey. They asked, “What is the reason?” And he said, “It will be too much for the donkey. That is why I am carrying it.” And the people said, “You are right.” The people of that time accepted that.
Once upon a time he was saying to his Lord, “Oh my Lord, this year I am making my field. You should be my partner. I will plough, plant and seed. Half of it will be for You and half of it will be for me. Then it will be a good harvest, very good.” Then it came time for the harvest. When he had finished it, which was not easy like in our time when machines make everything so quickly. At that time they picked the harvest and put it on a special place where oxen would walk on it. Then they would separate the corn and the straw. Then they had a big hill of corn.
So Mullah Nasruddin came and make like this. He divided it into two halves and said, ‘This is for you and this is for me” He took his part, but after a while he said, ‘Thou don’t need your half. It is for me also.” He took away the sign separating the two halves and took all of it. “I need it all so I will take it all.”
After a while black clouds came and thunder and rain. The water fell on the crop and took away one half. Mullah Nasruddin was frightened and ran to a cave to look at what was happening. Each time when the lightning came, he called to the Lord, “So you are still putting the light to see if something is left or not! You have just taken away your share. This here is for me!”
So you see, if our Lord asks to take, no one can prevent Him. He will take it. Perhaps you have not given the Lord His share of the vegetables or of the flowers. That is why He is taking it. Now I am here as a guest and you can give me of your vegetables, flowers and roses. The Lord will give you more than this.
This is enough as a group. All right? You must work hard and give more. Thank you for your attention.
Shaykh Nazim: It is difficult for people to sacrifice from themselves and to work and pray. It is not easy for people to follow a way which asks them to lead a simpler life drawing closer to nature and becoming more humble. People usually want to be proud, not humble. They don’t want to be simple, but to be complex. That is why they want to be far away from nature and run away from it as much as possible. In the big cities they are trying to lose everything concerning nature and to make it artificial. Everything!
Such systems bringing people back to life, leading them to their Lord are usually too strange for the people and too difficult and too impossible. The simple way of establishing beliefs 4000 years ago when the communities were small and simple was very different from today and very difficult under these conditions. There can only be a few people who are interested and even those will find it difficult to continue practicing. It could be too hard for them because it is so difficult to find such a person who is firm and steadfast in working and praying. It also means a fight between you and your ego.
Shaykh Nazim: The key of happiness for humanity: peace and pleasure, comes from glorifying the Lord. If there is no glorification, there is no happiness. So look around yourself and see. Everything is trying to reach from the earth to the sky, to the heavens. Therefore, everything grows towards the sky. Nature stretches its arms up and glorifies the Lord who has given it these beautiful colors. Whether it is in a strong cold or in heat, it is happy with its Lord.
Even if hail comes to it, it will glorify its Lord. It doesn’t matter what comes to it, it will glorify its Lord. And we complain we don’t glorify! So humanity must be punished because they stopped glorifying their Lord, the glorification of their Creator. And that is important for everyone to know.
Who prevents humanity from glorifying the Lord? Which thing prevents our glorification? It is the bad characteristics of our ego that prevent us. Therefore, we must burn them. We don’t worship fire. We are not fire worshippers. But we must know the meaning of the continuation of fire. For me it is a sign to continue to burn your bad characteristics in yourself which are preventing you from glorifying your Lord.
If you are here for forty days or three months or six months or one year or two years and still your feelings are the same, it would mean that your understanding of what is the meaning of the fire has not improved. It should be enough for a person to be at such a ceremony once to be able to understand. If he or she does not understand the first time, then they never will, not even after 1000 times. They can burn the whole forest and still not understand and they will continue to suffer.
Nothing in our lives will be accidental or by chance. Impossible. Everything is programmed. Before this meeting started it had been programmed and planned. Even the fact that Umm Hani is sitting here and Jalaluddin there, that everyone is sitting where they are, is planned. You could not be sitting here and you there! Just like the tree was planned to be where it is. Also, this cherry tree is here. That is planned.
That is the most important thing if someone is asking for the truth—that nothing happens on this planet by chance or by accident. No! Everything is planned in every fine detail. Places and times are always punctual, never too late and never too early. Time is always correct. European people like to be punctual, but I never like that because I can’t be. If I said I like it, I would be a liar. Therefore, I say, “I may come anytime,” so that people expect me at a certain time when I cannot be there like, “I may come tomorrow.”
“What time?”
“I don’t know. He knows as He has programmed it.”
So every moment of this meeting has been planned. Everything we say and we listen to has been programmed. Every fine detail has been programmed. You cannot find an ant running by itself. Or do you think it is running by itself? And ants are punctual, more than I am. But I am as punctual as He wants because I am leaving my will to His Will, to my Lord’s Will. When a person understands this, that is the beginning of peace in himself through the Lord. And you will say, “I am surrendering to Your Will!” When you have surrendered, you may say, “I am asking for peace so I will not fight against Your Will anymore.”
Then you can step on the land of peace. And He will call and say, “Come and settle in the Land of Peace!” And there you must be in peace. Nothing can change your peace into a fight but who is preventing you from saying, “I surrender to You?” It is your ego which is saying to you, “Don’t do it! You may be with me, with my wills and with my desires. You must follow my commands or I will be angry with you and you cannot take my anger.” And this person will tremble and say, “Oh, my master, as you like.” And soon afterwards he will cry. He will not be in peace anymore. What I have said to you now is like an instruction, I mean, introduction. Moses, do you understand?
M: Yes sir!
SN: That is why we must use so many methods to get away from evil and satans because as much as you can be far away from your ego and its work, you will be far away from evil and satans. In the land of peace, there are no more evils and satans. Everyone has a private land of peace. He or she may land on it smoothly without hurting themselves. So when you land on your private land of peace, no one can give you any trouble because your land of peace is protected. No one can step on it and give you troubles. No! You have Divine Protection against evil and satans. Everything except evil and satans is welcome. If anyone comes to harm you, there are guards for you.
In August the night is clear without clouds. In our countries we see so much. If you are sleeping outside and look at the sky, you can sometimes see shooting stars. That is the land of peace and when satans ask to enter into it, they are shot down. Do you understand? So everyone who has landed in his own land of peace will be protected by Divine Protection and anytime a satan tries to enter, he will be shot down like a shooting star. So we must try to enter our own land of peace. If any of you find the way and enter into it, then you are in safety and in peace. You are free to do so, all of you. You may enter but your ego says to you, “Don’t enter. Listen to me and obey me or else I will be angry with you.” And so, as long as you are alive, you may practice. You may pray and still winds and storms may come and take everything away.
We are seeing in our time that this is a time when people never get to their land of peace. Everyday the troubles are climbing, the suffering in the faces is growing and the miseries are increasing. It would mean having good manners to be able to trust the Will of our Lord concerning ourselves. Little boys trust even though they don’t know what real trust is. Little children trust their parents by themselves. In the same way, we should at least be like little children when it comes to trusting the Lord’s Will. We must know that His Will is better for us than our own will. Can you understand?
Today I heard from Ibrahim, your chief guardian in this place, about a highest degree of belief. He told about a person who comes from Tibet, from the Himalayas, and who is now in Europe.
Z: The Dalai Lama.
SN: Dalai Lama. Yes! Some people asked him, “Are you waiting to return to the Himalayas, to Tibet?” He said, “I am not waiting for anything. I am happy here. Everywhere I may be, I am happy. Everywhere I go with my Lord is happiness for me. There are the Himalayas. I don’t find my Lord in the Himalayas. I am not alone here. If I were alone here, then I would long for the day I could return to the Himalayas. To be able to be with my Lord there, but I am with Him now. So I am not waiting to go back to the Himalayas.”
That is the highest degree of servanthood of the Lord Almighty, to be with Him. I don’t mean as a person. What I mean to say is to be with His Will. To take care of His Will and to try to be as He likes. If my Lord asks me to be where I am, then I am happy to be there. If my Lord wants me to be in Tibet, then I am happy to be in Tibet. And with everything your Lord wants for you, you must be happy because it is His Will. That is the beginning of being pleased and always in pleasure. If you have a little boy or a little girl, then the more they follow you, the more you will try to make them pleased with you. And as much as you consider your Lord’s pleasure, with you, He will consider giving you pleasure.
And so these words that I am translating to you from a spiritual center, running through my heart is for all of you. Perhaps you have so many questions in yourself but I am sure that these words coming through my heart are giving you all the keys to happiness, peace, satisfaction, pleasure in here and in the hereafter.
When you have the keys to the treasure of happiness and peace and satisfaction and pleasure and wisdom and knowledge and power and beauty and love and mercy, you can be on Schweiben Alp or in Tibet or in Paris or Bonn or London or New York or Istanbul or anywhere and it is all right. That is a practice. And everything will turn to you. Don’t ask for someone to tie something around your neck and to pull you like a cow. No!! You must be free! Free from your ego. You must command and control it.
X: I would like you to tell us something about the Mahdi, the Savior.
SN: In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. As we know through our Traditions, it is clear what will come in the future. Every belief mentions the last days, their signs and what will happen in the Last Days before the Day of Judgment. Every religion also mentions a person who has been called Anti-Christ. The group that will be with him are the people who always come in contact with satan and who easily fall under satan’s control. They will be with the Anti-Christ because they are evil in themselves. The satans will carry them to the source of evil and satans: to the Anti-Christ.
Another group of people will prepare for the Savior, the Mahdi (ASand Jesus Christ (AS They are the Saviors. They are coming to save people from evil and satans because in our times satans are establishing their kingdoms on this planet, from East to West and North and South. We are supporters of their kingdom. And I am sorry to say that humanity is the supporters of satans and evil. We are supporters, strong supporters. Soon huge events will come on earth because we are supporting satan and his kingdom. As a punishment for our support, a strong fire will come. A storm of fire will blow from the East to the West and then from the West to the East and from the north to the South and from the South to the North, from the continents to the oceans and from the oceans to the continents. That is the punishment for humanity because they are supporting the kingdom of the devils on earth now. And they are supporting the Anti-Christ. Therefore, the Saviors, Mahdi (AS) and Jesus Christ (ASmust come. And they will destroy the kingdom of satans on earth. We are declaring to all of you to be supporters of the Saviors and not supporters of satans because the supporters of satans will die but the supporters of the Saviors will be saved. He who plans, He who is in charge of time, He is absolutely punctual, not like me. When time is over, no one can prevent His Will.
And so my sons and daughters, you are free to be supporters of satans or of the Saviors. If you have come here to learn how to burn your egos, to burn your evil and satans in the fire, then be happy. If you have come for a picnic, then you are giving your ego more power. You must be so careful in this place about yourself. Your aim should be to destroy the kingdom of satans. Perhaps my words sound strange to you because you have never heard such things before but when you balance between your intellect and your wisdom, you may find that it is true. Then you must decide your aim. That is what I was asking Chief Judge, “What is your aim?” and he was sleeping.
Y: I have a question. How can we decide when everything is planned because you said before that all is planned including how we sit here and everything else, too? So how can we decide when all is planned, when it is already decided if we do this or that? How are we to decide?
SN: Yes. Everything is programmed but as we are part of humanity, we have been honored to have been given wills in our hands. We are not like the other creatures. That is the meaning of as we have wills, we must try to do our best. We should not try to get out of the program, but we should try to go through the program. It is like when a train comes to a crossing between Germany and Switzerland. There is a key to open one of the ways. The driver will give a sign to open one of them. As you like, to Germany or to Switzerland, but it has been programmed this way or that. That is our honor. We are not tied up animals. Therefore, you must understand your honor. The highest degree is to give up your will to your Lord and to say, “As you like!”
When I came here, Dr. Ibrahim said, “Oh Shaykh Nazim, after the prescribed prayer I will take you in my car for five minutes to a very good place.” First I thought of telling him my will, then I said, “He knows best. Therefore I am leaving my will to him because he knows this area well, better than I do.” And I am happy because I left my will to his will and I hope I will be pleased when I follow him. So how should I not be pleased with my Lord’s Will? He knows better if I should be in Germany or in Switzerland but if you like to use your will, then it is all right but mostly it will be mistaken.
Y: How can we find which is the Divine Will and which is our own?
SN: You can find out if you stop for a while. You are heavenly creatures, not from the earth, but heavenly! Half of our structure is from the earth, but the rest is from heaven. So if you want to know what your Lord’s Will is, you should cut away all connections to this life and be with your Lord just for one minute and ask Him to give you a sign: red or green lights for that which you want to do.
And it will happen! We all have such signs, but we do not use them. For example a typical Turkish tradition is that when we see traffic lights, it does no matter to us if they are red or green, we always move on. We are not interested. If the human being can make green or red lights for the traffic, do you not think that your Lord does it for you, too? It is just that we never stand up and ask Our Lord, “Oh, my Lord, I am astonished or surprised or even in doubt which way is Your Will.” You never ask that!
I am now giving you permission to ask anytime you need to. You must take a shower with hot or cold water. You must treat this seriously. You must be serious about your future. You must be in a silent place and make your greetings to God, to your Lord and then you must sit and say, “Oh, my Lord, I am intending something and I am asking my will to follow Your Will. Give me the right sign for this purpose! Then you will be given green or red lights. It is impossible to do this and not to get an answer.
That is a new form of consultation (istikhara) but now I am giving them free permission to ask. This is for
everybody who is interested in their future and to know if they are going with their Lord’s Will or not. Everyone may do this now from the East to the West. Not only for one group. Anyone who is interested may do it and he or she will be all right. They will always be given green or red lights!
There is one condition: not to ask about something that is clear! That would be like coming to the end of a street and to ask to move on. If it is clear, you must accept and not ask or if the direction has been shown, there is no need to ask because it is clear. Or if it says, “No entrance!” it is clear and you do not have to ask. Do you understand?
M: Thank you very much. Now what about the ego? I like it very much. The problem is that in the Bible, God created Adam and said, “Adam! Do not follow your ego, follow My ego!” So there was Adam’s ego. Then the institution of evil, then satan, too, was there at the same place and now that we are all here on this mountain, we have the ego inside us and the institution of evil, that is the tree and then satan, too, or Anti-Christ is also there. And Adam could not fight against those three evils. His ego was conquering him. And he failed. And me, too, Moses. I am always failing because I can’t fight three people so Shaykh, what must I do?
SN: In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. This is an important question that you are asking. Adam was carrying all generations on his back. One person was carrying all generations until the end of this world and he was not alone with his ego. Had he been alone only with his own ego, he would never have gone to the tree, but all rebellious generations, who were under the control of their egos, were rushing and pulling him to that tree. Therefore, he repented quickly and asked for forgiveness and he was forgiven.
But satan has an ego and there is no one with him because he was rebellious to his Lord and did not repent. So he has not been forgiven. Now we, as children of Adam and Eve, we all have only one ego. The ego is like a horse or a donkey. You are the rider on it. With your wisdom and with your mind, you must be able to ride on your horse. Why should you otherwise be living on earth? The human being must be the rider. Have you ever seen a person carrying a horse on is shoulders?
That is why we have so many methods to keep our egos on the right path, on the way we like. Still we cause our egos to be disobedient. We are obedient to every desire of our ego and we are not taking care of it by making conditions and saying to it, “If you ask for this, I will give it to you, but the condition is that you also obey me!”
We do not use that method! We are only giving and we don’t take. We obey, but our ego does not obey us. You must make that condition. One for one. Obey and I will obey! Do as I like and I will do as you like! That is a method that has been used in the Traditions and will be used until the end of time. At least what you could say to your ego first thing in the morning when you wake up and your ego wants something to eat or to drink, “No. First you must wait for my prescribed payer. Then I will give you something to eat and to drink. And if you do not obey and pray with me, then I will not give you anything
to eat or to drink the whole day!”
Yes, we must know the methods because if the ego puts up traps for us, then we must also put up traps for it. “Why should I obey you in everything and you are not obeying me? What is the reason? If you do not obey me and pray, I will not obey you the whole day and will not give anything to eat or to drink. Be hungry and thirsty! It will come to you in the night and say, “I am sleepy. Please let me sleep.” No, it does not say “please.” It never says “please.” But no! He orders, “I must sleep. I must take my rest!” And you say, “I have so much business, so many things to do and he says, ‘I never understood those things. I am just asking to sleep now.’”
Or if you say, “I must pray to my Lord now,” it will say, “No. There is still time before prayer and besides, that takes a lot of time. I now need my rest!” That is when you have to be courageous enough to order him, “No! I am not letting you sleep until you have prayed!”
“But my eyes are closing. What can I do?”
“If you do not follow my orders, I will put salt in your eyes! And when salt comes in your eyes, you cannot sleep at all! If you do this, I will do that!”
That is a method. You should try in twenty-four hours at least once to make your ego obedient to you. If you follow it ninety-nine steps, then at least it must follow you one step. That is the minimum! You must not be like a silent sheep, walking behind your own ego! Or like a cow or oxen. I’m not mentioning only the cow… the oxen, too!
You must try to control your ego with your will. I am not saying that you will make a complete control over your will at once because that is very difficult. But it will be step by step. It is like when I look at the top of the mountains now. And I would like to be here at once. Some of us walk, sit down and rest, continue… a little bit further, a little bit further. Then one day I will reach it. If I can’t reach it today, I may reach it tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then I may reach it the third day but I must continue! So it is a high position to reach, to take control over your ego but we must begin step by step to reach it.
I think that you are tired now!
I: Just one small question. Could you ask your Lord if He can give you one day more here?
SN: As they order… tomorrow?
I: Yes.
SN: And the day after?
Z: And more and more and more…
I: Just another day…
SN: I am staying for three days and two nights, this night, if God wills, and Thursday morning. I think that the operation on your soul will be enough by then.
I am thanking you that you are happy with me however long I may be here. I am also happy to be here even for a longer period but the most important thing which we give as a spiritual power through our souls to you will be finished by tomorrow morning and it is enough for your spiritual powers. All of your spiritual power batteries will be recharged by then. It could be enough until the end of the world but we will visit you from time to time.
Thank you for your attention and thank you for your invitation. We hope that there will be more improvement in this year for all of you.
And now it is lunch time so there should be a trumpet!
Shaykh Nazim: Physically it is impossible to gather all people into this small room but spiritually we can do so. Everyone can be here with their spiritual light.
Fires are there as a sign to you that you must burn your selfishness and your ego. I am just a translator and I did not come to this place by chance. No one came here by chance. I am not speaking on behalf of myself. Your Boss makes me speak and there is an important declaration from Him: You are making fires in the morning and in the evening. It would not make a difference if you burned the whole forest. All would be useless if you are not burning your selfishness and your ego. You must put the fire on your ego and burn it.
When everyone has burned their selfishness, we can gather all the people in this room because when they have no more selfishness, they will fit. They will bring nothing with them. They will be light, like 100 volts. Even if you put 200 volts in this room, it would not be too small. If we put 1000 volts of light here, the room would still be all right. Even if you put one million volts inside, the room would be much brighter but the walls would not be falling down. What I want to say is that if we can burn our selfishness, then the only thing that will remain is our spiritual power. We will have enough room for all people in this room. No worry. That is all right. We are like lights, all of us. But when you reach selfishness, it will be too much even for twenty people. Even a meeting with twenty people would be too much for this room.
This is a center. They make me speak and translate. If I were moving with my wills, I would not be coming here. No! But I am not coming with my will because this place is neither for Jews nor Christians nor Muslims. It never belonged to any heavenly religion. No! But our Lord, the Lord of the heavens, the Lord of the Being, the Lord of the universes, the Creator of fire and water and of the children of Adam has programmed this. He has made a group of His servants on the top of this mountain to work here. Huwa. And he has also given us another work. We are working, building, destroying.
So all of us did not come and meet here by chance. I did not meet Abdus Samad by chance and he did not meet me by chance. I did not meet Dr. Ibrahim by chance. Also, our priest who came from Ghana to attend a Pentecostal Conference did not miss the conference by chance. He has been appointed by someone else other than the conference to be with me yesterday and today.
He did not come by chance. We must have met in a spiritual world, spiritually to be able to meet here again. And we will meet again in a spiritual world. If we would not, it would be impossible to meet here.
We may be Muslims, Christians or Jews or Buddhists, but our souls are all the same. They are all slaves of our Lord. Only here our titles are different. But you must not be changed by your titles. You must remember your promise to your Lord: to serve Him, the Almighty. That is important.
So the burning of wood on this mountain every morning and evening, the ceremony, is not a simple thing like putting wood and burning it. No! You may burn the whole forest and finish it at once but it is important to teach everyone who attends that they must burn their ego, they must burn their bad characteristics, they must be pure, they must purify themselves. You must be clean for your Lord’s invitation, when He is inviting you to His Divine Presence. That is important. He! (Huwa).
Dr. Ibrahim must look after everyone who comes and attends the burning ceremony here. I am saying to him, “Dr… look after everyone. Look if they are burning their selfishness or ego or bad characteristics or if they are on the same step. Are they getting lighter?”
This is now a new meaning. I am not talking about the old meaning of fire, the 4000 year old one. That is not interesting for them because we are not living in that time anymore. We must speak to everyone according to their level of understanding. We are now living 4000 years later. Our understanding is not the same level of understanding.
So people of all levels of understanding may come here. If we cannot give them satisfaction in their hearts, then our method will not succeed. Therefore, they are declaring to me now that it is important for everyone to look after themselves. It is a difficult thing to burn selfishness. Is everyone understanding or not.
To burn the whole world is easy for one person. Nero, the Roman Emperor, ordered his soldiers to burn Rome for his pleasure. And he was pleased when Rome was burning. He was a big satan. And he was able, if he could have ordered, to burn the whole world, too. It was easy for him. If anyone had given him a chance to put his finger on a button to burn the world, it would have been easy for him. That order would be easy for someone like Nero. So it is important point for every attendee of that ceremony every day. To burn wood is easy, but to burn your ego, so difficult.
We are making an analogy. I am saying these words to all of you as I have been authorized to do. He knows what will happen in all of your hearts after this because it is impossible to move a servant of the Lord without wisdom. To come from the end of the world up to this high mountain, I am here physically the second time, but now I have been ordered to inform you that every twenty-four hours I will be coming here spiritually once.
I: Every day?
SN: Every day, every twenty-four hours my spiritual body must look after and pray two cycles of prescribed prayer and then move away, whether it be winter or summer, it does not matter.
But it is so difficult for you to see me when I am dressed in my spiritual body. When we are carrying a physical body, it will be more effective on your physical bodies. When I pass through with spiritual powers, I work on your souls, on your spiritual powers. If I would not do this, it would be difficult for you to be here all alone. Therefore, the spiritual body gives you support and the prescribed prayers that you hold here are not the same ones that you held 1000 years ago or like the ones you do now in the Himalayas. No! It is another form here and everyone must take their care for their ego, their selfishness and to burn every bad characteristic of your physical body and ego. Then step-by-step, these spiritual powers will be able to carry our physical body. Then you can put one step here and one step on the next mountain. You will be so light, because your spiritual jet is so strong that it can carry you there. To the East, to the West, He (Huwa)!
Shaykh Nazim: We have so many signs and therefore so many wisdoms. We will not continue in the same class forever. When I met you a year ago, I never said such things to you but this time I have been ordered to tell you that this is a second step, a move from the first class to a higher class.
We must move from forms and shapes to meanings. There is a writing, a drawing, but we must leave the drawing and try to enter into its meaning. We have not been ordered only to be with outward practicing and ceremonies. They are asking us now to step by step move from these outward practices to the meanings. Yes.
One person who burned his ego was sitting and speaking to people. Another person came and listened to him and said, ‘The way that I am on is true and yours is not true! I can say everything that you are saying.” The other one answered, “If that is what you are claiming, then we must do a test!” He then took the coats of both of them and put the coat of the second one inside and his own as a cover. He then threw both into the fire. After a while he took away the coats again and opened them and looked to see that the inside had burned and the outside was all right. Do you understand?
I: The coat inside was burned and the coat outside was OK.
SN: Because the first one who came claimed something even though he had not burned his ego. He can talk, but only with his ego but the second one came through His Lord. He had no more ego. He had burned his ego. We must burn our egos and we are also saying that our practicing must move from forms to meanings. When we are watching fire ceremony, the question must be: Until which limit are we going to be with that?
We must take a second step. This the second step for you until the time when I will come here for a third time. I don’t know when the third physical meeting will be and I also don’t know which authority I will be bringing. I may say or I may test everyone here by saying, “Put your feet on the fire!” That I may say if the Lord Almighty orders because we do not play in this center. If we do something, it must be serious. There must be wisdom to it. It must be actions that make our Lord pleased until we have burned our egos. And whoever burns his ego in this life will have nothing to burn in the next life. Hell will not be for him. Hell is only for those who are not burning their egos in this life. But I don’t mean to say, “Throw yourself into the fire!” No! That would be a foolishness to say, “Set yourself on fire!” No! It is only for our egos. The fire is for our egos. If you can burn it, like all Divine Books say, you must kill your ego. You must burn it so that you may be free from your ego because your ego is terrible and the most dangerous creature. And everyone has been given an ego so that when you are sitting and looking at that fire ceremony, you should not be saying, “The wood is burning and we are outside. We are in safety”
No! You must try to catch your ego and every bad characteristics of your ego and burn it. And you will be free. You will be honored by your Lord by being His sincere servant. Otherwise there would be no meaning in making a fire and serving a fire! Fire burns and finishes. It is not ourselves that should burn and finish, but our egos. God Almighty, the Creator, created hell not for our souls, because our souls are lights, Divine lights. Hells have been created for the egos of the people.
We understand the wisdom of fire for the here and the hereafter because the Lord’s attributes are not like ours. He does not do anything without wisdom, Divine Wisdom that show all children of Adam: “I am burning the bad characteristics and the evil from you. I am not burning you because when I have honored someone, I am not going to take that honor away from him. You may give something and then take it back but that is not good. And I am not like you. I don’t give something as a gift from me to you and then take it back. No! But hell is for your bad characteristics and your actions and for your egos!”
The Jews did not crucify Jesus Christ (AS). They crucified evil (Judas). That is the sign, the meaning. They
ran to crucify Jesus Christ (AS) but they could not do it. They only crucified evil. We Have been ordered to crucify our ego because our ego represents the evil in ourselves. Crucifixion was the method of that time and before that it was fire. Fire is a sign of a method we use to burn egos. Before that time, Moses (&) put the evil into the sea and made it sink into the sea.
I: I see…
SN: Yes. Moses (AS) drowned evil. At the time of Jesus Christ (AS), evil was crucified, not Jesus Christ (AS). And in the time of Abraham (AS), “He!” (Huwa). Evil wanted to burn Abraham (AS), but Abraham (AS) was representing His Lord. The fire could only burn evil. That is where fire comes from. Already thousands of years ago it came over Iran from an area we call Majusi. In India, also, people were burning evil. They did not make this fire as a game. No!
Everyday we must burn the evil. And we must burn the representatives of evil. When you then look into the fire you will see satans and evil burn. In every time there is a private method of defeating evil. In these times we may use any method to first take away evil from ourselves and secondly from everyone else and thirdly from the whole world because there will be no peace for humanity on this planet until all the evil is finished. There will always be troubles and the sufferings will continue. So you must do the ceremony as a ceremony of burning evil and satans. That is the meaning that I have been ordered to declare to you tonight. And I also declare to you that we have witnesses. This declaration goes through the whole world from East to West. The witnesses just went away.
When I came here to this meeting, we passed through the narrow path off the main road. I saw that the mountains are filled up with jinn. Their headquarters always follow me. Some of their representatives are still attending this meeting. This area is full of them at the moment. Now that I see that they are attending, I say, “It is enough!” The declaration is finished and I thank you for your attention. That is all. They may go. We may pray and all of you are free. Recite the first chapter of the Quran (Fatihah): “In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Praise belongs to God, the Lord of all Being, the Merciful, the Compassionate, the Master of the Day of Judgment. You only we serve; to You alone we pray for help. Guide us on the Straight Path, the path of those whom You have blessed, not of those against whom You are angry nor of those who are astray” (1:1-7).
I: Yesterday you were talking about how few people are on this way. How little people are willing to work and pray all day. That is true, but there is one theory which has been a hope for all of humanity. That is to make a step into a new consciousness. This is a big hope for many people. All these people will agree that it is possible that the consciousness of humanity will raise. Has it raised from 2000 years ago until now?
The theory I would like to share with you is that they have found out in anthropology that on one island there has been one monkey who started to wash potatoes before eating them. After a few weeks, another monkey started to wash potatoes, too. So both of them did not eat dirty potatoes. Suddenly there were ten, twenty and then all of the monkeys were washing potatoes before they ate them. Two days later on another island, one hundred kilometers away, from one day to another, all the monkeys began washing their potatoes and eating them clean. So there is a theory that when there is a certain amount of people on the planet who start to have “dharma,” that is, to live the law, the positive law, the law of God, then suddenly it will take the consciousness of most of the people. Do you believe that there is any truth in that?
SN: In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. That is an important question. Not a question, but an important statement. As believers we believe that all of humanity is under the control of the Divine Will. People live in different periods. It is like the seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. When people come into spring, it is like with the mountains, valleys, cities, countryside. All of them are under the same vision, under the same control of Will. You can see that all the trees open up like leaves and flowers. No one can stop them. In the summertime, the fruits come. In autumn they fall down. Everything falls down, the leaves, the flowers and the fruit. In winter it will be like a dead country or like a big sleep.
We have such periods with our souls. We know something else now. Some of it we may say, some of it is secret and we cannot open it because it would be too much for people but we know now that this world is being prepared for huge appearances. People will be preparing themselves in their inner souls for something because you see mankind is running after something, either with their actions or with their thoughts. They have intentions and they are being prepared by their thought for a future, which is just approaching. It is appearing just now in our view. That is, in the view of the Friends of God. The Friends of God can see this approaching. It comes from heaven and comes nearer and nearer and then people come into it. When the second one goes away, a new one comes. It is like these new electric spectrum lights where one new light and one new color appears every time an old one goes off. That is a good example to explain that in every period there is a change. Now we are stepping into a common change.
I: Yes, we are.
SN: Therefore, we are expecting and seeing that in a short while there will be a common change, physically and then spiritually. Perhaps it will be physical for some people and spiritual for others, but time is over now. Time is over and therefore you have been prepared for something, just like all nations, all humanity is being prepared for something that is approaching. These are huge events, unexpected huge evens.
I: Like the hailstorm, unexpected?
SN: Which one?
I. The one that came for ten minutes.
SN: Yes, but the Friends of God are now watching the radar screens and seeing it approaching but until it has reached the common screens, it is not necessary to say anything. That one is asking me so much about such things, Zahra.
Z: The details…?
SN: Details?
Z: The details please.
SN: Hum?
Z: Details, please!
SN: But it is impossible because on this radar screen they have just appeared. We are expecting it to come down, but it could be in a few years. I may only say that in a few years time, it will appear. Do you understand?
I: Jesus said he will come soon.
SN: As I have said previously, that event is going to appear in a very short time and its blessings will spread throughout the world.
That is what just appeared to me. If it is a mistake that it will come down, then they know that also but they do not tell us. Just like the person who sits at the radar screen knows how long it will take for the plane to come down, they also know but they can say, “In two minutes, in ten minutes, in a quarter of an hour it may be here.” But to know exactly, just like the Staff General of the Friends of God know, because one of them is commanding. He comes from the heavens. And we are now waiting for that which will happen. Huge events will come in a very short period of time. This period of life which has been very long is just passing away and the short time that is left over is filled up with huge events.
Now I will tell you a European tale: The rabbit and the turtle wanted to race. The turtle said, “Yes. I am ready for the race.” So they began but the rabbit said, “I will be first.” Then the rabbit went away to look at something else and left the turtle to start on the way. The turtle never left the way but the rabbit ran like this and like that and occupied itself with so many thing. Then it remembered the race and saw that the turtle was reaching its target so the rabbit began to run with great speed but the turtle was first.
The tale means that people who keep their way continuously must reach their target even if they are slow but those who do not stay on the way may be speedy and still not reach it. Therefore, that is the way for people on the way of belief. For common people it is such a slow way, it is so slow in giving a result. But it is, like we are saying, better than nothing. Something is better than nothing.
I: Another question. Can you answer one more question before lunch or not? Maybe after?
SN: If my horse is occupied with breakfast, then we must leave it until afterwards.
Shaykh Nazim: In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Who has sent me to these servants on the top of the mountain? We are obedient servants to Him. There is no meaning for a person who walks on the deck of a ship moving in one direction if he tries to walk in the opposite direction. That is like trying to make your will against His Will.
We are now here. Some of you want to be here. Others are trying to get away but they cannot. Some others want to stay, but they cannot. Others want to escape but they cannot. Some want to marry and they cannot. Some want babies and cannot. Others are not asking for it and get it. Some want to find work and cannot find any. Others are escaping from work but fall into it. Some people ask to die and cannot. Others who try to escape from death cannot.
What we are saying is common for everyone not only for those here in our meeting. Some people ask for happiness and they say they are happy but they are not happy. They are like fish who are asking for the ocean and are in it. Sometimes small fish ask their mother, “Oh mother, where is the ocean?” She says, “Show me a place that isn’t the ocean and then I can show you the ocean.” Some people are in happiness and are still asking for happiness. They are heedless people or drunk people or people whose feelings have finished. They are becoming like rocks or like robots without feelings. That is the general view of humanity now on our planet.
I see suffering faces everywhere and people have no rights to have suffering faces. They are like dogs. Look at them! Ask them if they are happy or not. They are happy and they are glorifying their Lord. Humanity is not happy with his situation and is complaining. They are not thanking their Lord but they are complaining. They are not glorifying their Lord. If they would glorify their Lord, their Lord would glorify them because glorifying will make your Lord pleased with you. When you make your Lord pleased with you, He makes you pleased with Him. So how can humanity reach happiness? They must suffer. They must carry misery as a punishment. You cannot find any creatures, not even ants, who are not glorifying. And they are so happy and pleased and in pleasure that they are glorifying. They say, “Glory be to our Lord Who brought us into existence!” And you, humanity! You are not glorifying your Lord! Therefore, you must be punished. You must suffer and have miseries during your whole life.”
JULY 18,1985
Shaykh Nazim: In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. There is no power but the Power of God. When you are nothing, you will reach peace and happiness. You will reach truth and you will get out of suffering. Those who want to be something will carry sufferings. For many years I have been running after that purpose, to be nothing. If you ask me, “Have you reached it?” I will say, “Yes.” This means that I have reached happiness. If not, it will never be reached because if you leave your temporary existence and enter into permanent Divine Oceans, you will disappear. Then sufferings cannot reach you.
If someone flies or is thrown from earth towards space, there is a distance in which gravity will push or pull him down. But if he reaches a level there is no more gravity pulling him down to earth. He then will be in peace without troubles. Up to that distance are sufferings and dangers and fears. But after that there is no danger. You can go far away and still never fall down. If it goes without control, it will go into space. It will not fall on our heads. Yes. It is free.
Being part of humanity, we are like stars running on their orbits. We are running around our egos’ desires. Every desire out of our physical body has a gravity, a special gravity which pulls our souls down. It is impossible to save yourself from sufferings because every desire carries one suffering. You cannot imagine any desire which is not carrying a suffering with it. Perhaps the best desire for a person could be a marriage. And this marriage must carry so many sufferings. Particularly in Europe. I am seeing that in Europe, a marriage is a lot of suffering and I am observing that people are running away from marriage. When I see a couple and ask, “Who is that?” she will say, “My boyfriend!” and he will say, “My girlfriend.”
Even when they are girlfriends and boy friends, they carry sufferings because it is a desire to have a boy friend and to have a girl friend. It is a desire of our egos. Therefore, it must carry a suffering. What is the suffering? Perhaps after a short while your boyfriend may leave you, but you can’t leave him. So that is a suffering for you. Or after a short while your girlfriend may leave you and you will start to cry. And you are a man! Many men cry because of women. Isn’t that true?
I mean to say that every desire carries a suffering for humanity. Without sufferings you cannot reach any desires. Maybe they are light or long sufferings. Maybe heavy, maybe light, but sufferings they must be. Therefore if you are moving through this distance, you must suffer. When you leave all of your ego’s desires, then no gravity will pull you down into the suffering area. You have then reached that area which is free of suffering.
What I am saying is the reality and not something out of the imagination. It is all something which you can try or which you are already trying. We are now asking to reach a level where there are no more sufferings for people. It is the area in which you have left every desire which belongs to your ego and in which you may follow the Will of your Lord.
I don’t think that happy people come to this place. I can see that with my heart. If you come and ask for happiness, then you must know the ways with which to reach happiness. Mostly it is suffering people who come and ask for ways of coming out of suffering. But sometimes I look and see that someone who is asking for happiness and who is asking to give up sufferings come to a place like this and fall into even more suffering. Such a person is like one who is trying to extinguish a fire with petrol. Sometimes exercises work against our sufferings and sometimes they make them grow. Some exercises may be useful and some others may be harmful. Some exercises are useful for women but not for men and some may be useful for men but not for women. That is why we have so many methods in our time. But it is important to know the doses of the methods which we may use for everyone.
Since I came here, I did not see a happy face except for that of the doctor because he is a doctor! The rest are serious, sorrowful, sad. If there is a smile, it is not from the heart. It is from the head. Yes. Do you understand Chief Judge?
It is important for everyone to know about himself and herself to be able to cure. Also to know where to begin and where to stop. Or you will be like a lady who is cooking something and puts everything into a pot and does not know when it should be put out. When she then opens it, she sees that it is all black like coal. So it is most important for everyone to look after themselves because you may know more about yourself than anyone else.
Desires make the illnesses and in our days, desires are increasing. Today’s desires are more than yesterday’s. We can also say that this year’s desires are more than last years. Is that not so? Yes. Every year it increases. We do not stop with the same desires. This year we may be satisfied with everything that we have now. But when the year turns, you will say, “Oh, this is old fashioned. I need the new fashion. That model has passed away. I must take a new model!”
So desires increase every month and every year, step by step. What is the reason? There must be a reason because without a reason, it is impossible. The reason that desires are increasing in our time is that our faith is getting weaker. It is faith that gives a support for everyone’s life. If there is no faith, there is no support from your soul to your physical body. Someone came to me today and said, “Your skin is not the skin of an old man. You are not seventy-five years old!” That is true because if your soul supports your physical body, then you will stay on the same level and you will not become old and useless. But those who only depend on their physical body’s power without the support of their soul by spiritual powers, will come down quickly.
In our time, faith is coming down. If we lose the belief in eternal life, it means that our desires have to be fulfilled within a short period of time, within our life. So everyone rushes to get more out of their desires and if you run behind your desires, you will be tired. And you will not be satisfied when you have so many desires. If a person thinks that he will die tomorrow and orders, “Today I must eat as much as possible!” and he eats and eats and eats and says, “Bring, bring…” What is that? Will that person taste after one plate? The taste will stop. If he forces himself to eat too much, it is nonsense. It is foolishness.
In these times, people are denying everything concerning eternal life. Therefore, they are asking for more enjoyment with their physical bodies. You must know that you are only there for one. You can’t be there for two. One for one. And you can’t eat two portions. If you eat too much, then you must far to get too fat. That means we can never reach our desires because our physical body and its powers, abilities and capabilities are limited. A car may run 200 km an hour as long as you are putting your foot on the gas. It cannot go more than 200 km per hour. To be unbelievers makes people crazy. It makes them unhappy and creates “no mind people.” The reason of our suffering is, therefore, that we cannot reach our desires so we suffer. Someone may ask, “Why can’t I attain my desires?” The reason is because it is impossible. You can’t eat all meals. You can’t have all women but you want to have everything for yourself. That is foolishness.
If you want to drink because you are thirsty and you are running to the ocean, you can drink but you will never be satisfied. But if you take one cup of sweet spring water, it is all right for you. Instead people are running after oceans! Then they explode from too much drinking. That is the trouble of our times. Those are the sufferings: not to be satisfied with your share. This life is for everybody! We are still like little boys. A little boy will take as many toys as you give to him. If another little boy comes, he will want to keep it all for himself and will say, “This is all for me!”
People grow in their age, but they don’t train their ego. Their ego is the same as the ego of a little child. The same characteristics. Everyone wants to have everything for themselves and not for others. That is the source of suffering because they believe in only one life and so they must enjoy themselves in this life as much as possible and it is impossible to cure such a person. He or she must die suffering. Various levels of suffering will come on them. They will die suffering. You cannot find a cure for that. If they do not start to believe in an eternal life, it is impossible to cure.
They can come to Schweiben Alp but they will make the doctor ill too, and he too will suffer. No one can obtain happiness without believing in an eternal life and who believes in an eternal life will say, “That is enough for me. The rest, others may take.”
Shaykh Nazim: Yes. Now we come to a new station of our association and that is Kalkatti’s question. Every good hearted person suffers through the sufferings of other people. Like people who have a patient in their house will suffer because the ill person is suffering. Or if someone has forty children and one of them is hijacked, not only will the relatives suffer. No! Sometimes I, too, am angry at such things. And I will suffer until they are free.
What I want to say is that every good hearted person must suffer with other people because they are suffering and there is no happiness coming from suffering people. Those are the teachings of all prophets. It is not human to be happy amongst unhappy people. You cannot be. Kalkatti is asking because I see that she is suffering because of the suffering of the people. Like every good hearted person, she is asking for a Savior for the people.
I am also one of the people who are expecting a Savior and who is looking in the morning and in the evening to hear His news. That is the only news I am waiting for, the news of the Savior because I see that people have fallen down in a deep valley and have no means to carry them from the bottom of the valley to the top. I am looking for a Hand from heaven to reach to the bottom of the valley and to take the people out.
Kalkatti is asking for that the Mahdi (AS). As believers of the Traditions, we believe in a Savior who will come first before Jesus Christ (As). Yes. He must come before Jesus Christ (AS). We have in our Traditions. His name is Muhammad al-Mahdi (AS). He is coming, but his arrival will be after a Great War (Armageddon). Our Traditions tell us that the Great War will be the last war. It will be fought by the big powers with each other. Don’t say that Switzerland is a neutral country or Austria or Luxembourg or Sweden. No! When the storm comes, it will come from the East to the West, totally, wholly. Also from the West to the East. From the continents to the oceans and from the oceans to the continents. That must be so.
And in that huge war, the Mahdi (AS) will come like a Divine Hand from heaven to earth and stop the war because when small countries are fighting now, the big ones come and say, “Stop!” but what about when the big dragons come to fight? No one can stop them except Divine Power which will say to them, “God is Greater!” {Allahu akbar). Then they must stop. That will be the first Savior (AS) whose name has been given through Traditions as Muhammad al-Mahdi (AS).
After a short time, a tyrant will appear, well known through Traditions as Anti-Christ. And he is the most dangerous tyrant for the children of Adam. The whole world will get into never ending troubles and sufferings during his time.
Then the second Savior, Jesus Christ (&), will come from heavens to earth. He will meet Mahdi (AS) in Damascus at the tomb of John the Baptist, the son of Jesus Christ’s aunt Elizabeth, the wife of Zacharias. He is buried in Damascus under a beautiful dome. Jesus Christ (AS) will come to a minaret of that dome which lies in the East. When the people go to the dawn prescribed prayer and two angels will protect Him with their wings. They will bring him down. He will be wearing a green turban and he will be shining. He has the most beautiful face, rosy and white. His beard is red and he is sweating.
He has a sword. When he was on earth, he never touched a sword, but now he is coming a Savior. In his time, all technology will be finished. His sword can reach any point to where he sends it. It is a miraculous sword, a heavenly sword. His Lord gave it to him. He will save the people from the hands of the Anti-Christ. He will come to the dawn prescribed prayer. It will be full of people in the mosque and they will all be performing the prescribed prayer because prayer is always for all prophets and their nations. Even if people have lost it now, it does not matter. Jesus Christ (AS) was, in any case, praying to his Lord. He was not praying to himself or to the cross. No! He was kneeling in front of his Lord. He is the Savior who will save the people and will not leave one of the followers of Anti-Christ on earth.
When he saves the people from the hands of the Anti-Christ, there will come forty years of absolute peace on earth. In these times we will not need planes or ships or cars. Nothing! Every person will be given miraculous powers through Jesus Christ (AS). If I, for example, then look at the second hill of that mountain and say, “In the Name of God,” this means, “By your Divine Permission, oh my Lord! You have honored me to be your deputy. I ask of You!” And if He gives permission, then you may put your step from here to the second hill of the mountain.
If I would give you more explanations of these miraculous times, then dawn would arrive. We have been ordered to say some things about those miraculous times and happenings that are approaching soon, to make you change your unhappiness to happiness, to make you more patient and to give you the aspects of happiness. As much as you can hear, you can believe and you can reach happiness quickly. It is not only a hope. It is going to be a reality for you to be able to see Jesus Christ (AS) and Mahdi (AS). May God bless them. Peace be upon them.
Thank you for your attention. If you do not give your attention, I can’t speak.
CJ: When you say the second time today that we do not look happy, it touches me. For me it has been a very important experience in the last days to feel my pain which I must recognize. I feel it is sometimes important to feel this pain, is it not? I also realize how much love a town like Dusseldorf needs. When I feel so much love and I recognize this, I have to feel pain.
I: To want more love for the people of Dusseldorf is again a desire which will make us suffer. We should also leave this to the Lord.
K: It is important to feel pain like if I cut you with a knife, you have to be on a very high level to be able to say, “Lord, I thank you that I may feel pain and suffer.” I am not there yet. I will tell you quite honestly because this has to do with feeling and not with being able to see and recognize. That is feeling, naked feeling, naked experience.
M: We have to make a difference between something that you desire for yourself and something you desire for others and not think that everything you desire is automatically bad.
Y: But when a baby is born, it starts to cry. So is crying not a natural state?
SN: Your name, please?
Y: It is complicated.
SN: Complicated?
Y: Yaruslav.
SN: Look, Yaruslav, a person may be sentenced to forty years of prison and be told, “After forty years you will be set free with the help of someone and you will be King of this country.” Will his sufferings affect him? Forty years of prison is a suffering, but he knows that the suffering will finish and that a kingdom will come to him.
Joseph was a Prophet, peace be upon him. He was in prison, but prison was not a suffering for him because he had been informed through his dream that he would be the King of Egypt. So he had no suffering. Sufferings are only for those who have no hope of a second life, an eternal life! That is a suffering. We know that the whole life is a suffering, but that hope or faith or belief can take all of that away from us. But those who don’t believe, will always come under the heavy burden. I am looking everyday into the mirror to find if I still have black hair in my beard or not. I’ll be happy and everyday I am looking to complete it because it is a sign that my journey from here to heaven is coming closer to an end. And my hope is that I am getting out of a suffering life to a peaceful life. We are trying to give everyone a hope for an eternal life so that they can carry everything with enjoyment and not be killed with all their sufferings. That is important.
K: I have heard about eternal life but I do not know what it is.
SN: Now we cannot know. We can only believe. You must believe because you cannot know until you are in it.
Knowledge is something and belief is something else. We must believe in what we have been informed through the Traditions, that there is an eternal life. We only believe. We cannot see now. We cannot know about it like we know about this life because we are outside and far away from that life. The way to eternal life passes through death. If you don’t taste death, you cannot know about eternal life. Therefore we believe. But knowledge is something else.
M: I am very glad that you mentioned death. Now there is something I need to know. Out of the hundreds and thousands of prophets in this world, why is it that Jesus Christ (AS) should be the only one who is allowed to come back and conquer this world.
SN: Because of all the prophets, no one was as misunderstood as Jesus Christ (AS). Therefore, the Lord is sending Jesus Christ (o) to inform all the people: Christians, Jews, Muslims about who he really is. If anyone else came on his behalf, it would not be useful for that purpose. That is why he is coming, because he is in the person who is most interested in this matter.
Thank you for your attention!
Recite the first chapter of the Quran. “In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Praise belongs to God, the Lord of all Being, the Merciful, the Compassionate, the Master of the Day of Judgment. You only we serve; to You alone we pray for help. Guide us on the Straight Path, the path of those whom You have blessed, not of those against whom You are angry nor of those who are astray” (1:1-7).
B: I couldn’t live with so much happiness, so I destroyed it myself by making nonsense or eating too much and all these things.
SN: What do you mean to say?
I: She says that she is generally happy but that sometimes she is destroying her happiness. That is, when she sees her own actions, she sees that she is destroying her happiness. And she does not know how to change that.
SN: Yes. Sometimes the sun is shining and sometimes it is raining.
B: But why am I doing it?
I: She sees how she is destroying and still she is destroying.
SN: Aha. That is difficult. That means that you do not have enough power to control yourself. You must do some practicing so that you can control yourself. At the moment you are doing something and then you put fire on it and burn it. This must stop. Your ego must not lead you to destroy. This needs a strong control on your will power. If you do not have enough power to hold your will, then it will destroy everything quickly. So you need a practice with which you learn to hold your will power as a control over your ego. Can you do that?
B: I will try. Yes.
SN: When your ego comes to you to be rebellious, when you see that you are destroying something, then you must fast one day, from sunrise until sunset, no eating and no drinking. As a punishment for your ego because it is destroying yourself.
B: But sometimes I do not destroy something until in the afternoon, then the fast will be short.
Z: Very smart ego.
I: Yes, very smart.
SN: When the time comes, say quickly, “I am now fasting.” That will make your ego afraid. It will say, “Oh, if it means that I have to fast every time, then I will not do that. Do you understand? That is a strong method for everyone who wants to control their ego. Just say quickly, “Now I fast!”
B: I am very grateful.
SN: Praise belongs to God. Moses! I was looking for you.
M: Babaji has given us a fine formula for…
SN: Liberty?
M: No. The way that we should follow simplicity, truth and love.
SN: Truth and love is like the sun and the moon on the sky. You must ask for the ways of how to reach the sun and the moon. If they were on earth, everyone could reach them. Babaji made the way and reached them. But you are still on earth and our rockets are not yet obedient to our commands. We are trying to arrange everything so that with our command we can press a button and be taken away. I am trying to arrange everyone’s rocket so that they can take off. Because most of you have no command. She says, “I can’t command my rocket. Sometimes it is rebellious.”
I: Was that your question?
M: I had once more, but before I finished to ask, you had already given me the answer. It is not something you can take your hand to grasp. You need a special method to reach it.
SN: Because sometimes my heart is quicker than your heart.
M: You are talking about the ego. The problem for me is that if we take away the ego completely, it means that we will hate ourselves and are we not supposed to love ourselves?
SN: Now Moses is not paying attention to what we are saying. When we say that we should take away the ego, the ego is our rocket. Without your ego, you cannot be in existence and you cannot reach any station. The importance is to take your ego under your command. If the rocket is not under our control, how could we take off? When our Prophet tells us to take away our ego, it means that you should take control over it and take away the control it has over you…
That is important. It must be understood. The ego is always only speaking on behalf of itself because it never likes to loose its control over you. So it makes like this and like that to deceive you. It is like when one country’s army marches into another and says, “WE are only here to protect you,” but in reality they are there to control. And when the people say, “We must have elections for a new government.” They will say, “No, not yet. We must keep the control over the country for some time.”
In the same way our egos are controlling us, even though the ego knows that the power must be given to the soul. Still it wants to keep the control in its hands. Like an arm. That is why it is making so many excuses to be able to be in control even longer. Because if your ego has the control over you, everything will go as it likes. Therefore, it will always make excuses to extend it even longer. That is the whole story about egos.
Egos know thousands and thousands of tricks to cheat you. It is like a lady who cries to her husband to make him look after her and to bring more rings and such things. In the same way, your ego puts up so many traps for you.
The ego makes more traps for women than for men. Women may be cheated quicker but they are also quicker satisfied and they can come to peace quickly. But men, just like they are more powerful, the traps of their ego is also stronger. You can put a nail on wood easily, but men are like rocks. Therefore, it is more difficult to satisfy men. As long as their ego is stronger, it will be so difficult for them to come to satisfaction. But if men reach satisfaction, the satisfaction will continue and will make it easy for them to control their ego. But for women, even if they reach satisfaction quickly, it is difficult for them
to continue the control because they will be cheated quickly again by their ego.
Men are the reason for women to lose their control. That is why men will be punished because of women. Women have an excuse but me do not have any. Men are powerful enough to make a control and to continue it. But women are not like men. They are quickly affected. And men carry the responsibility for them. They can easily lose their control because men do like this and like that.
Z: What are the men doing. I couldn’t see it. What is this and that? I was concentrating on the words.
I: Winking their eyes.
SN: I never did. But people do this and like that (winking their eyes). I never did it to anyone. When men wink, women have no more control. Abdus Samad also never did that. That is the reason why men carry more responsibility than women. Rabia….
I: Is it so that in the West the women are developing the male side more? Is that happening? Do they now have the characteristics of men? In the West, the women in the last ten to twenty years have felt that their side has not been strong enough in the world which is the truth and many have now not been developing the female side but the male side to be able to come to power. In this way many women have become very powerful in the male world. I am asking: are these women powerful as women or have they developed their male side?
SN: Women? Women like these will not be men and not be women. They will be strange creatures, useless for men and useless for women. Men must be men and women must be women. Everyone must keep their rooms. It is no good for a man to be a woman or for a woman to be a man. That is not good because you are then trying to fight nature. It is against the Creator.
B: Is it not so that we all have male and female attributes within us like yin and yang?
SN: Who said that?
I: Some cultures do. They say that one side is more female and one side more male.
SN: That is satanic. Satan is in himself male and female and makes new generations through himself, not humanity. Men don’t have female sides and females don’t have male sides.
UH: But the scientists today are saying so today.
SN: Scientists don’t know anything, especially psychologists. They live in the world of the imagination, not in Reality.
CJ: The Indians say that you have four sides: A little boy, a little girl, a man and a woman and that you should try to bring them together in harmony.
SN: That is also imagination.
M: Three days ago you said that humanity is a being between an angel and an animal. That means that we must all look up to the angelic world. The sister is suggesting that without a woman, man is not complete. It is the attitude not our physical body but our character. Sometimes a man’s character can be like a woman and a woman’s character like a man. Isn’t she right in that way?
I: Are angels beyond male and female?
SN: Angels have no male or female feelings. They are special beings and have been created without having any male or female feelings. They do not need any generations. Generations are only for humanity.
Thank you for your attention! What is the time now?
Twelve! I must offer my prescribed prayers and then we may move. With the Will of God. I hope to see you often but it is something that is not physical. Our meetings will be soul and spiritual meetings like we are now having breakfast. You cannot bring lunch and dinner at the same time. We have to wait for lunch time. Then we must wait for dinner. If you bring all of them, it will be wasted. Dr. Ibrahim and all my daughters asked me to stay today, tomorrow and after tomorrow. It means that they want breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time. But I have been ordered to give you a breakfast only. Don’t ask me to bring lunch and after that dinner.
When you are hungry in your souls, I will be sent here. It is not difficult for me and for them to be here. Therefore, it depends on how they command because they have controls over me too. I am under their control and their command and I may not be rebellious against their commands because if they do not give their permission, I cannot speak anything because I am not a lecturer. No! I don’t come here with anything prepared to say to you. I come like an ordinary person for a visit. According to this condition, it is an association. According to the way given to me from their wisdom and knowledge, I am only a transmitter. Like a cassette you put in and which then starts to speak. I don’t know anything but they know. The Lord knows what we need. Some questions that come from you come according to their commands. To make it clear to you, they give me the answer. Those who accept my answers in these associations are lucky and they may find more power to control themselves.
I have been ordered to make clear to you that anytime when anyone is losing control over themselves or is in a difficult position, they can be in contact with my heart immediately. If they just think about me, they will make a connection with me immediately. They just need to remember me and that will make me look at him or her. That connection will make a power run through you quickly and you will be protected from falling into a dangerous situation. It is not my spiritual power, but I am in connection with a chain that is connected to our Lord through saints. I am the last part of the chain which reaches you. It is like a plug which you can connect with electricity. Thank you for your attention. I think it is enough for everything we are saying. Praise belongs to God.
Shaykh Nazim: In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. The Savior’s first appearance was in the Hijaz in Makkah, first on Mt. Arafat, the mountain of the house of the Lord, Arafat. That was a private appearance only for the Friends of God, for saints only. It happened twenty-five years ago. 124,000 Friends of God came there and put their hands on his hands. All Friends of God gave their allegiance to Him. No one else but the Friends of God can look at him because his spiritual powers are too strong. If anyone’s eyes meet his, they would fall down dead.
K: Yes. That is why he turned. He came in the dream and looked straight but he turned his eyes. And I had the feeling that if I would be evil, he would look at me and I would burn.
SN: For all the people he will appear in the Great War. The Great War will break out between the East and the West. These will be very difficult days for humanity. There will be very strong fighting. Very many people will be killed. Then the Lord will command him to appear. Now he is in a cave, a big, deep cave. No one can approach it. He is protected and guarded by the jinn. If somebody comes, they send out electricity and kill him and throw him away. No one can approach that cave. Once I was in Madinah with Grand Shaykh for a seclusion. He was ordered to be invited by Mahdi (AS). From Madinah to that place it takes forty days.
AS: By foot?
SN: Yes and it is an area with quicksand. You cannot step on it. You will be pulled down like water. At that time I was with the Grand Shaykh for a seclusion and he took me to that place but not by walking or by car but by saying, “Close your eyes and open them again,” because at that time we were using spiritual powers. In a second of time we were there and Mahdi (AS) opened his arms to greet us and to stop us from coming inside. The entrance was forty meters wide. His hands reach to his knees. That was the introduction, a physical meeting. From that time on he ordered me to be there spiritually. My spirit never moves away from that meeting. My spiritual body went into the cave but my physical body returned. Now one of my spiritual bodies is with them. As much as it is necessary for me to be there or there or there, the way he orders, my spiritual body will be there, but one of my spiritual bodies never moves away from there.
K: The reason why I believe in this is that a year ago, after you left and went to Germany, you came in a dream to me sitting like this with your coat coming like this: swish. It was a Monday on which I don’t talk and you said to me as an answer to my no talk, “One day I will come to you.” And it was true. I remember. I will never forget. It was very clear. It was not in color. It was black and white.
SN: Black and white…
K: Yes. It is a difference. Baba also appears to me in black and white, without color. Sometimes I see him in color but not always.
SN: He! {Huwa). That is all right.
UH: If your body is there always, can you see what Mahdi is doing with your physical body.
SN: For the physical body there is no need for that but the spiritual body takes power to give.
Z: Is it up to you or up to him to make the connection? If you close your eyes can you take connection with Mahdi or do you have to wait for him to…
SN: All that is not necessary.
A: If the war starts and from East to West storms go and from West to East and from the continent to the ocean and from the ocean to the continent, then everything will be finished. There will be nothing left over because the bombs are too heavy for this earth.
SN: It is heavy but under control. Everything, every bomb is under control. None of them will go off without control. Every warhead on every bomb is a jinn.
Z: Are they all good jinn? Do they have to obey?
SN: They are under the command of the Mahdi (AS).
A: So why don’t they stop the bombs?
SN: They do. Many will go off and just disappear. It will all only be as much as God is asking for. It will be in limits. Now the Russians are throwing so many bombs in Afghanistan. But many of them are thrown and do not hit anyone. Don’t think that everything is in the hands of humanity. They may do a lot, but on every missile there is a. jinn to control it. It is limited to where it is going and who is there to be killed or protected. All is clear now. Nothing will be by chance. When you know this, be happy! Nothing on this earth goes by chance or by accident. No! Everything is arranged. What is the meaning of my name?
Z: The arranger.
SN: There is a group of Friends of God who look after everything. If one person is harmed without reason, then that saint will carry the responsibility. They cannot injure one person or allow one drop of blood without reason.
A: But there are so many people who have done nothing and they get killed.
SN: That is Divine Wisdom. Only they know why they have to be taken away.
A: But even good people.
SN: Paradise is for the good people.
UH: You are better off in paradise than on earth. You just don’t understand that yet.
SN: Paradise is for some people. For others, there is hell. Death is written for everyone.
The Greatest War is only for those who harm others. Cruel people must be taken away. There will be no such thing as to be unprotected without reason. Everything has a reason. Why did the war start in Afghanistan? Or in Iran? Or in Iraq? In Afghanistan there used to be a King. Then they overthrew the King and he was religious. He was keeping religion and defeating communism. When he was taken away, the people and the tribes did not get together to defend the king. Then the leftists and the communists came to control everything. Then the Russians came.
In Iraq, they also killed their king. He was a young person, around twenty-two years old, and he was a descendant of the Prophet. One night they bombed his palace and killed everyone, even little babies. That is now the punishment. Don’t even think that anything comes without a reason. No! There must be a reason. The army destroyed everything of King Faisal of Iraq in just one night. Some of the people even got tied behind cars and were dragged along the streets. And other people were looking. All those who said that that was all right must be killed or their children must be killed or anyone of their relatives must be killed for the cause of one man, a billion people can be killed.
The Holy Quran says and the Old and the New Testament also mention that three disciples of Jesus Christ (AS) came to the people of Ankara, Turkey, to tell them to believe in Jesus Christ (AS) and in the Lord Almighty. The people refused. Then one came, Habib al-Najar (the Beloved of the Carpenters). He came and saw the crowd around the three disciples. They were addressing the crowd and inviting the people to believe in God Almighty but they all refused. He said to them, “What is the matter with you? These people are inviting you to stop worshipping idols and to start to believe in the worship of your Lord, God Almighty. Why do you not believe in His prophets? He started to advise the people and that made them very angry with him. They rushed at him and started to trample on him with their feet and killed him. Then God ordered Gabriel to come to the ancient walls of that city and to shout to the people in a way that they all turned to coal. That is proof that if one is killed and the others say that it is all right, all these people will be killed.
A: Were the three disciples killed?
SN: No. Only that one man, Abu Najar.
UH: In World War I and II, many young men were killed. Was that because they were unbelievers?
SN: Unbelievers or may be it had to do with their parents or ancestors because so many of the people who first went to America or to Africa or to Asia killed many, many people there without reason.
F: Why were six million Jews killed by the Nazis? Six million Jews were killed in World War II!
SN: this is meant as a trial for them from God Almighty as something to give them spiritual improvement through that trial. Again, that is God Almighty’s wisdom. We cannot know. There must be some reason. It is impossible that there not be some reason.
UH: Do people also get illness as a trial?
SN: Yes. It is a test from God Almighty. If anything happens there must be something that happened with them or with their ancestors and then this is a cleaning for their souls. There must be something in their souls that needs cleaning.
Z: If you say it is from the ancestors, it does not have to be a personal guilt. It is not something that you yourself are responsible for. If my father was a killer, then maybe I would be killed to pay for his bill, but it is not my personal guilt.
SN: That is true. You will then be rewarded in paradise. Thank you for your attention.
Shaykh Nazim: Once when I was passing through from Beirut to Cyprus, I met a Shaykh from Lebanon and was a guest in his house. This Shaykh asked me, “What news is your Shaykh giving about the Savior (AS)?
I told him that so and so many years ago, we were on Arafat with the Savior (As). Sometimes this day of Arafat is moved a day ahead or a day behind. Sometimes… That year it was moved. The Savior (AS) was present and 124,000 saints, too. We were all giving our allegiance to the Savior (AA).
Grand Shaykh took me there like a hunter who keeps his dog with him. I was with my Shaykh at that time. When I said this, he said, “Yes. You are right. I was in blessed Makkah the same year with my Shaykh and we met a person from Sudan, We asked him, “Where are you coming from?” He said to me, “I am coming from Central Africa. I have been ordered to be here this year to give my allegiance to the Savior, peace be upon him. I have been walking by foot for one year to reach here, to be here. You are right,” he said to me.
There are three kinds of allegiances with the Savior (AS). One kind is the allegiance given by the Friends of God. That has just happened just as declared in the Traditions. The second kind is through a dream. Some people give their allegiance through their dreams because they are not prepared to meet him now. The third kind will be for the common people when he has been ordered to appear.
He is going to appear after 101 hindrances. He must cut all of those before he can appear. This means that the time of his appearance must be just correct. 99 of the hindrances have passed away. Now only two of them are remaining. When these have appeared, the third will be the coming of the Savior, peace be upon him. One of them was that the red-colored people came to Afghanistan. They will then go to Pakistan and then to Turkey. They must come to Turkey. They will come up to Amuq near Aleppo at the west of Aleppo. The plain of Amuq will be the place of the great slaughter. So that is the first sign, Russians coming to Turkey. The Friends of God say this is expected to happen soon.
After this, World War III will come. It is impossible for the end of the world to come until the whole world
will be in two big camps. It will be eastern and western military camps and there will be the greatest fighting between them (see both Bukhari and Muslim).
There must be a Great War between the East and the West and the West will be victorious over the East. The red powers will come to Aleppo and that huge power will gather on the boundaries of Turkey. The huge Russian power will be west of Aleppo. At the same time, the American powers will be in Adana, Turkey, near the sea. Like the Prophet said, “They will approach each other, these two huge powers. There will be a Great War.”
This year it will not be because this year is not the Greater Pilgrimage (the pilgrimage falling on a Friday). It must happen during the Great Pilgrimage. This year Ramadan begins on a Friday. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. The coming year Ramadan will begin on a Tuesday. The year after that, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Ramadan will begin on a Saturday which means that in 1988 there will be a real Greater Pilgrimage. And 1988 will be the year when Israel is forty years old. We do not think that they will be more than forty years old. During the war, the Savior, peace be upon him, will come. In these next two years, dangerous and big events are expected.
Until the Savior (&), was fifteen years old, he was with his parents. He did no disappear. No! He is around 35-40 years old. Until he was 15 years old he was at his birthplace, Wadi Fatima, which is a green valley. When you leave Jeddah towards Madinah you will pass through that very good, green valley. His father and his mother, Hasani Husayni (from the line of Hasan and Husayn) are there. When he was fifteen years old, the eyes of the people fell on him too much because his growth was miraculous. By the Prophet’s order, he was taken away behind Mt. Qaf. Nujaba, Awtad, Budalla and Akhyar (five kinds of Friends of God) took him. Their Imam is Shihabuddin. Then he was ordered to be in the Empty Quarters. That is where Yemen and Hijaz join. It is a dead desert. No one can go there because there are moving sands. If you put your foot there, you will fall down. Here there is a huge cave. Inside that cave there is the Dome of Happiness which has been built by angels. The Savior, peace be upon him, and ninety-nine caliphs are there. They are waiting and expecting the Divine Command of God Almighty to appear and his appearance should be soon, with the Will of God.
We hope to be his helpers. We are asking Almighty God to let us reach his happy times, his happy days. When he appears, he will say, “God is Greater! God is Greater! God is Greater!” (Allahu akbar\). This will be heard from the East to the West without any doubt. Angel Gabriel will shout, “God’s vicegerent has appeared! Join his army, oh believers!” Everything will be clear. It will not be a secret appearance. He will appear with power, with so much power that everything will be taken away that technology is supporting and people are trusting in. He is coming with miraculous power and he will open the seed of faith and make it grow in the hearts of the people. After the Great War has come on earth, they will be ready like a candle is ready for a match. That is how quick their light will appear.
In the last days, so many men will be killed that there will be forty women for every man. This is because men are mostly cruel people. They will die and women will remain until the Last War comes. Times will get worse and worse. Grand Shaykh used to say that six out of every seven people will die. For those women who do not have a husband anymore, God will send people from behind Mt. Qaf. No one will be alone at that time. When the Savior (AS) comes, he will bring so many new people with him who will be coming from around this earth. There are so many unknown worlds around our world. People will come from Nujaba, Awtad, Budalla and Akhyar.
May God take care of you until those Holy Days and make you helpers of truth and believers in truth. That is the honor for every nation and for every person. The truth is one. It is not only for Christians or for Jews only or for Muslims only. Truth is one for all.
Anyone who runs away from the truth must be punished. They will punish themselves by themselves. Who comes to truth will be in safety.