Ibn Arabi, menjelaskan bahwa semua Nabi as., semenjak Nabi Adam as., sampai Nabi Isa ibn Maryam as., semuanya mengambil al-Nubuwwah (ke-Nabian) dari tempat cahaya Khatm al-Nabiyyin yakni Nabi Muhammad saw., sekalipun wujud jasmaninya di akhir. Sebab pada Hakekatnya Khatm al-Nabiyyin telah wujud. Hal ini sebagaimana sabda Nabi Muhammad saw. :
كُنْتُ نَبِيًا وَآدَمَ بَيْنَ المَاءِ وَالطِِّيْنِ.
“Aku telah menjadi Nabi Ketika Adam as., masih berada antara air dan tanah”.
Dalam memahami sabda Nabi saw., ini, Ibn Arabi menegaskan bahwa Nabi Muhammad saw., telah diangkat jadi Nabi sebelum lahirnya jasad Beliau di dunia ini, dan Beliau mengetahui ke-Nabiannya, dengan demikian secara Hakekat bahwa Nabi Muhammad saw., sejak di Alam arwah telah berfungsi sebagai Rasul kepada ummat manusia sejak awal manusia melalui para nabi dan Rasul-rasul Allah.
Tentang Maqam Nabi Muhammad tersebut, dalam Surat Saba ayat 84 Allah Berfirman :
وَمَا اَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلاَّ كَافَّةً لِّلنَّاسِ بَشِيْرًا وَنَذِيْرًا وَّلكِنَّ اَكْثَرَ النَّاسِ لاَيَعْلَمُوْنَ.
Artinya : “Dan kami tidak mengutus kamu, melainkan kepada manusia seluruhnya sebagai pembawa berita gembira dan sebagai pembawa peringatan, tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak mengetahuinya”.
Dengan demikian bisa dikatakan bahwa kenabian para nabi dan kerasulan para rasul merupakan pelaku yang dipilih Allah untuk menjalankan roda kenabian dan kerasulan Nabi Muhammad saw. Sebab secara fisik Nabi Muhammad Saw., lahir diakhir. Oleh karena itu, secara syari’at, Nabi Muhammad diangkat menjadi nabi ketika turunnya Lima Ayat dari surat al-‘Alaq di Gua Hira yakni pada hari Senin 17 Ramadhan atau tanggal 6 Agustus tahun 600 M., ketika itu Beliau berumur 40 tahun Komariyah 6 Bulan 8 Hari kemudian 3 tahun kemudian diangkat menjadi Rasul terakhir melalui turunnya Surat al-Mudatstsir sedangkan selain Khatm al-Nabiyyin, mereka tidak diangkat menjadi Nabi, dan tidak tahu pada ke-Nabiannya kecuali pada waktu ia diutus setelah Wujud dengan unsur Badaniyahnya dan sesudah sempurna syarat-syarat ke-Nabiannya.
Menurut Syekh Ahmad al-Tijani pada dasarnya ruh Sayyidina Muhammad adalah awal segala sesuatu yang diciptakan Allah, dan melalui perantara ruh inilah terjadi seluruh Alam.
Pada bagian lain Syekh Ahmad al-Tijani mengatakan bahwa Nur Nabi Muhammad saw., telah wujud sebelum makhluk lain ada, bahkan Nur ini merupakan sumber semua Nabi sebelum Nabi Muhammad saw. Selanjutnya dikatakan bahwa yang dimaksud dengan Nur Nabi Muhammad saw., menurut Syekh Ahmad al-Tijani adalah al-Haqiqat al-Muhammadiyah.
Selanjutnya dikatakan, bahwa pada dasarnya tidak seorangpun dalam martabat al-Haqiqat al-Muhammadiyah bisa mengetahuinya secara utuh. Pengetahuan orang shalih (Wali, Sufi) terhadap al-Haqiqat al-Muhammadiyah ini berbeda-beda sesuai dengan maqamnya masing-masing. Dalam hal ini Syekh Ahmad al-Tijani mengatakan :
…طائفة غاية ادراكهم نفسه صلى الله عليه وسلم وطائفة غاية ادراكهم قلبه صلى الله عليه وسلم وطائفة غاية اداكهم عقله صلى الله عليه وسلم وطائفة وهم الاعلون بلغوا الغاية القصوى فى الادراك فادركوا مقام روحه صلى الله عليه وسلم.
“Diantara wali Allah ada yang hanya mengetahui jiwanya (al-Nafs) saja, ada juga yang sampai pada tingkat hatinya (al-Qalb), ada juga yang sampai pada tingkat akalnya (al-Aql), dan maqam yang tertinggi adalah wali yang bisa sampai mengetahui tingkat ruhnya; tingkat ini merupakan tingkat penghabisan (al-Ghayat al-Quswa).”
Rumusan mengenai Nur Muhammad {haqiqat al-Muhammadiyyah} ditegaskan melalui dua shalawat yang dikembangkan dalam wirid thariqat tijaniyah yakni shalawat fatih dan shalawat Jauharat al-Kamal :
a. Tentang Shalawat Fatih
Diantara rukun wirid wadzifah adalah membaca shalawat fatih sebanyak 50 kali. Berikut teks bacaan shalawat fatih :
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدِنِ الْفَاتِحِ لِمَااُغْلِقَ وَالْخَاتِمِ لِمَاسَبَقَ نَاصِرِالْحَقِّ بِالْحَقِّ وَالْهَادِى اِلَى صِرَاطِك َالْمُسْتَقِيْم وَعَلَى اَلِهِ حَقَّ قَدْرِهِ وَمِقْدَارِهِ الْعَظِيْمِ.
Artinya : “Yaa Allah limpahkanlah rahmat-Mu kepada Nabi Muhammad saw., dia yang telah membukakan sesuatu yang terkunci (tertutup), dia yang menjadi penutup para Nabi dan Rasul yang terdahulu, dia yang membela agama Allah sesuai dengan petunjuk-Nya dan dia yang memberi petunjuk kepada jalan agama-Mu. Semoga rahmat-Mu dilimpahkan kepada keluarganya yaitu rahmat yang sesuai dengan kepangkatan Nabi Muhammad saw”.
Syarah kandungan shalawat Fatih…, walaupun shalawatnya diakui dari Nabi Muhammad saw; mencerminkan pemikiran faham tasawuf Syekh Ahmad al-Tijani serta pengaruh tasawuf Filsafat terhadap pemikiran Syekh Ahmad al-Tijani.
Makna al-Fatih li ma Ughliq pada intinya adalah :
1) Nabi Muhammad adalah sebagai pembuka belenggu ketertutupan segala yang maujud di alam.
2) Nabi muhammad sebagai pembuka keterbelengguan al-Rahmah al-Ilahiyyah bagi para makhluk di alam.
3) Hadirnya Nabi Muhammad menjadi pembuka hati yang terbelenggu oleh Syirik.
Sedangkan makna al-Khatimi li ma Sabaq pada intinya adalah :
1) Nabi Muhammad sebagai penutup kenabian dan kerasulan.
2) Nabi Muhammad menjadi kunci kenabian dan kerasulan.
3) tidak ada harapan kenabian dan kerasulan lagi bagi yang lainnya.
Pemikiran-pemikiran (faham) tasawuf Syekh Ahmad al-Tijani terkandung dalam penafsirannya tentang makna al-Fatih li ma Ughliq dan al-Khatim li ma Sabaq. Syekh Ahmad al-Tijani mengatakan bahwa al-Fatih li ma Ughliq mempunyai makna bahwa Nabi Muhammad merupakan pembuka segala ketertutupan al-Maujud yang ada di alam. Alam pada mulanya terkunci (mughallaq) oleh ketertutupan batin (hujbaniyat al-Buthun). Wujud Muhammad menjadi “sebab” atas terbukanya seluruh belenggu ketertutupan alam dan menjadi “sebab” atas terwujudnya alam dari “tiada” menjadi “ada”. Karena wujud Muhammad alam keluar dari “tiada” menjadi “ada”, dari ketertutupan sifat-sifat batin menuju terbukanya eksistensi diri alam (nafs al-Akwan) di alam nyata (lahir). Jika tanpa wujud Muhammad, Alah tidak akan mencipta segala sesuatu yang wujud, tidak mengeluarkan alam ini dari “tiada” menjadi “ada”.
Syekh Ahmad al-Tijani juga mengatakan bahwa awal segala yang maujud (awal maujud) yang diciptakan oleh Allah dari eksistensi al-Ghaib adalah Ruh Muhammad {nur Muhammad}.
Nur Muhammad telah diungkapkan oleh Nabi Muhammad saw., ketika tiu Jabir bin Abdullah bertanya kepada Nabi Muhammad saw., tentang apkah yang paling awal diciptakan oleh Allah Swt., Nabi menjawab :
ياجابر ان الله اتعالى خلق قبل الاشياء نور نبيك
“Wahai Jabir, sesungguhnya Allah swt., sebelum menciptakan sesuatu terlebih dahulu menciptakan nabimu {nur Muhammad}.”
Selain istilah nur Muhammad digunakan juga istilah lain sebagai penegas keberadaannya, yaitu ruh Muhhamad, nur, al-‘Aqju awwal dan al-Haba.
Dari ruh Muhammad ini kemudian Allah mengalirkan ruh kepada ruh-ruh alam. ruh alam berasal dari ruh Muhammad, ruh berarti kaifiyah. Melalui kaifiyah ini terwujudlah materi kehidupan. al-Haqiqat al-Muhammadiyyah adalah awal dari segala yang maujud yang diciptakan Allah dari ¬hadarah al-Ghaib (eksistensi keGhaiban). Di sisi Allah, tidak ada sesuatu yang maujud yang diciptakan dari makhluk Allah sebelum al-Haqiqat al-Muhammadiyyah ini tidak diketahui oleh siapapun dan apa pun. Di samping sebagai pembuka, Nabi Muhammad juga sekaligus sebagai penutup kenabian dan risalah. Oleh karena itu, tidak ada lagi risalah bagi orang sesudah Nabi Muhammad. Nabi Muhammad juga sebagai penutup bentuk-bentuk panampakan sifat-sifat Ilahiyyah (al-Tajaliyyah al-Ilahiyyah), yang menampakan sifa-sifat Tuhan di alam nyata ini.
Kandungan shalawat fatih mengenai pemikiran Syekh Ahmad Al-Tijani tentang al-Haqiqat Muhammadiyyah lebih tampak lagi dalam shalawat jauharat al-kamal.
b. Tentang Shalawat Jauharat al-Kamal
Berikut teks Shalawat Jauharat al-Kamal :
اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ وَسَلِّمْ عَلَى عَيْنِ الرَّحْمَةِ الرَّبَّانِيَّةِ وَالْيَقُوْتَةِ الْمُتَحَقِّقَةِ الْحَائِطَةِ بِمَرْكَزِالْفُهُوْمِ وَالْمَعَانِى وَنُوْرِاْلاَكْوَانِ الْمُتَكَوَّنَةِ اْلأدَمِيِّ صَاحِبِ اْلحَقِّ اْلرَّبَّانِى اْلبَرْقِ اْلأَسْطَعِ بِمُزُوَنِ اْلأَرْبَاحِ اْلمَالِئَةِ لِكُلِّ مُتَعَرِّضٍ مِنَ اْلبُحُوْرِ وَاْلأَوَانِى وَنُوْرِكَ اللاَّمِعِ الَّذِيْ مَلأْتَ بِه كَوْنَكَ اْلحَائِطَ بِأَمْكِنَةِ اْلمَكاَنِى اَللّهُمَّ صَلِّ وَسَلِّمْ عَلى عَيْنِ اْلحَقِّ الَّتِى تَتَجَلّى مِنْهَا عُرُوْشُ اْلحَقَائِقِ عَيْنِ اْلمَعَارْفِ اْلأَقْوَمِ صِرَاطِكَ التَّآمِّ اْلاَسْقَمِ اللّهُمَّ صَلِّ وَسَلِّمْ عَلى طَلْعَةِ اْلحَقِّ بِاالْحَقِّ اْلكَنْزِ اْلأَعْظَمِ إِفَاضَتِكَ مِنْكَ اِلَيْكَ إِحَاطَةِ النُّوْرِ اْلمُطَلْسَمِ صَلَّى الله عَلَيْهِ وَعَلى آلِهِ صَلاَةًتُعَرِّفُنَا بِهَا إِيَّاهُ
Artinya : “Ya Allah ! limpahkanlah rahmat dan keselamatan-Mu kepada Nabi Muhammad. Ia adalah haqiqat rahmat sifat-sifat Tuhan, ia bagaikan mutiara yang yang mengetahui semua nama-nama (asma) dan sifat-sifat Allah, ia yang menjadi pusat pengetahuan yang mencakup seluruh pengetahuan yang diberikan kepada makhluk, ia yang menjadi penerang (cahaya) segala sesuatu yang ada termasuk manusia, ia yang membawa (mempunyai) agama Allah, ia adalah al-Haqiqat al-Muhammadiyyah (Hakekat Muhammad, Nur Muhammad) yang bagaikan kilat bahkan lebih dari kilat yang dibuktikan dengan mengalirnya rahmat Tuhan kepada setiap orang yang menghadap-Nya., seperti halnya para nabi dan para wali, ia yang menjadi cahaya Tuhan yang menerangi seluruh makhluk di setiap tempat. Ya Allah ! limpahkanlah rahmat dan keselamatan-Mu kepada Nabi Muhammad yang menjadi ‘ain al-Haqq (wujud keadilan, pemilik kebenaran)., telah tampak dari padanya seluruh
Hakekat keadilan yang seperti ‘arsy (gudang) sebagi sumber seluruh ilmu, yaitu ilmu agama Allah yang adil, sempurna dan istiqamah. Ya Allah ! limpahkanlah rahmat dan keselamtan-Mu kepada Nabi Muhammad yang merupakan mazhar (manifestasi) dan tajalli (penampakan lahir)-Mu, ia yang menjadi gudang (tempat penyimpanan) ilmu dan rahmat-Mu Yang Maha Besar, ia tempat datangnya kasih-Mu, ia yang meliputi seluruh cahaya yang tersimpan. Semoga Allah memberikan rahmat kepadanya dan kepada keluarganya, yang dengan sebab rahmat tersebut kami bisa mengetahui haqiqat (Hakekat) sesungguhnya Nabi Muhammad”.
Bacaan Shalawat Jauharat al-Kamal ini, tampaknya lebih menjelaskan atau menafsirkan kalimat yang terdapat dalam shalawat fatih yakni kalimat اَلْفَاتِحِ لِمَاأُغْلِقَ””. Misalnya, shalawat tersebut mengungkapkan sifat-sifat Nabi Muhammad saw., sebagai Hakekat rahmat dari sifat-sifat Tuhan, yang merupakan pusat pengetahuan. Kemudian dikatakan bahwa Nabi Muhammad saw., sebagai al-Haqiqat al-Muhammadiyyah yang memiliki sifat Tuhan, yang mengalir dan menyinari keseluruh alam. Selanjutnya dikatakan bahwa Nabi Muhammad saw., sebagai wujud yang paling sempurna.
Ungkapan sifat-sifat Nabi Muhammad di atas, menunjukan bahwa Syekh Ahmad Al-Tijani merumuskan maqam Nabi Muhammad sebagai mana telah dikemukakan sufi-sufi terdahulu, terutama dalam mensifati pemahaman mereka terhadap haqiqat (Hakekat) Muhammad, tidak dapat dibantah bahwa ia sependapat, bahkan ia menjelaskan konsep dasar tersebut.
Hal ini, menunjukan bahwa dari aspek pemikiran, Syekh Ahmad al-Tijani menganut tasawuf falsafi sedangkan konsep-konsep dasar tasawufnya : nur Muhammad, Ruh Muhammad, al-Haqiqat al-Muhammadiyyah. Dengan demikian, bahwa corak (paham) tasawuf yang digunakan oleh Syekh Ahmad al-Tijani adalah corak (paham) tasawuf yang dikembangkan oleh ‘Abd al-Karim al-Jili dengan konsep dasar al-Insan al-Kamil, yang berasal dari Ibn Arabi dengan konsep Haqiqat al-Muhammadiyah.. Terlepas apakah Syekh Ahmad al-Tijani terpengaruh oleh pemikiran filosofis Abd. Karim al-Jili yang berasal dari Ibn. ‘Arabi atau tidak, corak pemikiran tasawuf demikian dikembangkan oleh dua sufi tersebut. Sekali lagi, hemat penulis, pemikiran Syekh Ahmad al-Tijani “mengawinkan”, menyatukan kembali dua corak {faham} tasawuf yakni tasawuf amali dan tasawuf falsafi yang telah “bercerai” sejak abad ketiga Hijri sehingga masing-masing mempunyai metodologi tersendiri.
Inilah yang dimaksud bahwa Thariqat Tijani merupakan thariqat yang terakhir dan seluruh thariqat akan mausk kedalam lingkup ajarannya, dalam arti seluruh amalan sufi {wali} dan seluruh corak pemikiran para sufi terakomodir dalan ajaran thariqat yang dikembangkannya, hal ini bisa dimengerti karena cahaya maqam wali khatm merupakan sumber seluruh cahaya kewalian. Sebagai perbandingan seluruh syari’at para nabi terakomodir kedalam syari’at Nabi Muhammad Saw., karena syari’at para nabi bersumber dari cahaya Khatm an-Nabiyyin.
Disinilah keunggulan Syekh Ahmad Al-Tijani, dan hal ini, lebih mengukuhkan keabsahan dirinya tentang kepemilikannya terhadap maqam wali khatm sebagai mana pembahasan ini.
Darood Kibrit Ahmar
Source :
The Darood Kibrit Ahmar Sharif has a specific history strictly linked with the Chishti order. Hadzrat Qibla Shams ul Arifin Khawaja Shams-ud-Din Sialvi, RA, Pir of Sial Sharif (West Punjab, near Sargodha) in the Nizami Chishti Order, was feeling somehow sorry because the Chishti order did not have a specific powerful Qassidah to recite, like the Qassidah Ghauthia of the Qadirih order. One day on his way to meet his own Pir, Hadzrat Sulayman Taunsvi, RA, of Taunsa Sharif (a village bordering Punjab and Sarhad) he, RA, encountered an old man during his journey. The old man greeted him and told him “I have something to give to you to recite, my son”. The Pir Sahab (Shams-ud-Din Sialvi, RA) knowing the rigid but effective rules of relation between Pir and murid refused categorically to even listen to what the old man was to gift him. Quite curiously he met the same old man several times on his journey and every time until the old man offered him the same awrad to recite. The episodes went on for quite sometime, until Pir Shams-ud-Din Sialvi, RA, reached the spiritual center (kankah) of his Pir. When Pir Shams-ud-Din Sialvi, RA, went in presence of his Pir (Hadzrat Sulayman Taunsvi, RA) and after the reciprocal greeting his Pir Sahab, asked him “how went your journey?”, “Fine Alhamdulillah” was the answer, then his Pir insisted “Did you meet any special person during your journey?”, “no, I didn’t” answered Pir Shams-ud-Din Sialvi, RA, forgetting and assuming as irrelevant the personality of the old man who was pushing him to recite a new awrad. “Are you sure?” insisted Pir Sulayman Taunsvi, RA, the tune of the voice of his master and his insistence made Pir Shams-ud-Din Sialvi, RA, feeling that somehow the old man he met was important, thus he said “O yes! I was forgetting there was an old man whom I met several times during my travel and every time he insisted that I should take from him something to recite when you know that I can only have it from you, my lord!” At this Pir Sulayman Taunsvi, RA, smiled, a smile full of love for his selected and elected murid and taking out the same papers of the old man he said: “My dear son that “old man” was His Holiness Hadzrat Abd-ul Qadir Jilani, Ghauth ul Adzam, RA. He understood your grief that Chishti do not have anything similar to Qassidah Ghauthiah to recite, so he, RA, wanted to gift you this, which is the Darood Kibrit Ahmar Sharif”.
We have narrated the above story to underline that Darood Kibrit Ahmar Sharif is of Divine origin since it has been given by the Sultan of the Saints, RA, HHH Abd-ul Qadir Jilani, RA, after his passing away – nothing can come from the unseen world without intercession of HHH Muhammad Mustafa, SAWS, and authorization of Allah SWT – and therefore its power derives from the spiritual influences contained in it. In order to understand the importance of this Darood Sharif we can quote the following verses which are part of a poetry: “King of both the world is Shah Abd-ul Qadir/ he is the leader of the progeny of Adam/He is the Sun, the Moon, the Throne, the Foot-Stool and the Pen/ Light of the heat reflected from the Sublime Light is Abd-ul Qadir”. Therefore Darood Kibrit Ahmar Sharif is full of barqaat (Divine, Spiritual Blessings).
Furthermore the name of this Darood is also worth of some considerations. Infact the name of this Darood is Darood of the Red Sulfur. Red indeed is one of the colors of tasawwuf and sulfur is an element well known in Alchemy. One of the meanings of the symbol related to the red color is that of transformation (it is for this reason that in Islam most of the brides dress in red to underline the permanent transformation of their life). Sulfur is also an element used in alchemy to transform substances, thus we may say that red sulfur stresses the aspect of a permanent transformation which derives by the continuous recitation of this composition in praise of the Holy Prophet, SAWS.
O Allah shower the best of your blessings according to the number and confer your ever-increasing benevolence and your exquisite peace with regard to excellence and help, on Muhammad, SAWS, the most venerated reality of mankind who is the mine of intrinsic property of faith, the mountain of divine beneficence, the abode of divine mysteries, the central pearl of the necklace of the Prophets, the precursor of the body of Messengers and the best of all kinds of creation. Blessings be on him who is the bearer of eminent respect; owner of the most exalted veneration; witness of the primordial secret; the contemplator of the earliest divine radiation; the true interpreter of the eternity and perenniality; the fountainhead of divine knowledge, forbearance and wisdom; who is the sign of partial and total benevolence; who is the pupil of the eyes of celestial and phenomenal worlds; who is the soul of the Universe; who is the fountain of the life of both the worlds; who is endowed with the most elevated rank of servantship; who is illuminated by the mysteries of divinity; who is the owner of privileged stations and lovely honours; who is the Chief of all (spiritualists) and embodiment of all virtues; who is the great friend and beloved of his Lord, for whom the most high ranks and praiseworthy stations have been reserved. Whose Apostleship has been ratified by clear arguments and witnesses. Who has been made dominant and victorious. Who has been made dominant and victorious by awfulness and miracles, the possessors of honours and dignity. Blessings and peace be on Muhammad SAWS who is primordial and eternal light; who is praised in the domain of pre-creation and phenomenal creation. He is the gateway to divine mercy for the witness and the witnessed. He is the court for the witnesses and subject of the witness. He is the reality of everything and light of guidance. He is the innermost secret of each mystery and in himself such a theophany which has unveiled the veils of mysteries, from whom all kinds of effulgence are manifested. He is the hidden secret, manifest light, lord of all perfect in every respect, opener of the treasure of bounties, seal of the prophethood, first of the creation, last of appearance, veiled from the eye of wisdom, unveiled to the eye of love, last to come, gatherer of the people at his feet at Doomsday, forbidder of evil, enjoiner of good, the admonisher, the succourer, the patient, the grateful, the bower out of humility, worshipper of the Lord every moment, the effacer of every falsehood, the most excellent, the most sublime, the adorer of his Lord. His faithful, the trustful worshiper of His Lord, living apart from worldly enticements, standing at the Divine Court, sitting in prayer, the bower, the prostrater, the utmost obedient, the witness, the friend, embodiment of virtues, evidence of Divine Unity, irrefutable argument, the one chosen for obedience, submissive in the Divine sanctuary, the submissive, (to Allah SWT) the righteous, the seeker of Divine help, the embodiment of truth, the revealer of truth, the full moon, the Chief of the Apostles, Ta Ha, Ya Sin, wrapped up in the mantle, the clothed one, the Chief of all the Messengers, the leader of all the righteous, seal of the prophethood, the beloved friend of the Lord of Universe, the chosen Prophet, the chosen Messenger. The just, the Justice, the subtle one, the knower, the most wise, the knowledgeable, the dominant, the kind hearted, the compassionate, the forgiving, the appreciative, the high, the kind, Your eternal light and Your right path is Muhammad SAWS. Your servant, Your close friend, Messenger, Your Elect, Your beloved friend, Your Prophet, Your trustworthy, Guide unto You, Your confider, Your Elect, leader of the good, guide toward good, the Messenger of mercy, the unlettered Prophet, the Arab, the Quraish, the Hashmite, al-Abtahiy, al-Makkiee, al-Madinee, al-Tihamiy, the witness, the observer of Your (Allah’s) Beauty, the near friend, the blessed servant, the beloved, the intercessor, the respected, the exalted, the elegant, the admonisher, the bringer of good tidings, the Warner, the benevolent, the clement, the most generous, the gracious, the pure, the blessed, the established in Divine presence, the truthful, the affirmed, inviter towards You with Your permission, the radiant lamp which encompassed the entire realities and emerged successful and excelled all the creations whom You made Your beloved friend, whom You called upon and conversed in secret, whom You brought near to You and made him monitor. On whose advent You sealed apostleship, guidance, glad tidings, warning, and prophethood and helped him by conferring on him awfulness, made the clouds to put shadow on him, made the downing sun return for him, split the moon for him, You made porpoise, gazelle, wolf, dry date-tree, roasted meat of goat, camel, mountain, lump of clay, trees, and stone speak to him. For whom You made sweet water burst forth from his finger. For whom You made heavy rain fall down in draught and famine by his invocation which made barren land, rocks, hilly places, dry fields, deserts, stones, clay hills fertile. You carried him by night from the Masjid of Mecca to the Masjid of al-Aqsa, and from there to seven spheres from there to the “Lote Tree of the Boundary” from there to “Two-bow length or closer”. To whom You did show your greatest signs. You bestowed on him the august and exalted position. You addressed him, conversed with him in Your presence, favoured him to see You with his bodily eyes. You reserved for him the elevated position of Chief mediator and great intercessor on the Resurrection Day which would be the day of utmost anxiety and disturbance. You made him eloquent in speech and pearl of wisdom. You made his nation, the best of all nations and pardoned their sins from the beginning to the end. He who conveyed Your message, fulfilled the trust, advised his Ummah, banished the trouble, enlightened the darkness and he waged holy war against infidelity and worshipped his Lord until he returned to eternal abode.
O Lord of Honour and Power, place him at the Lauded Station so that all his predecessors and successors envy him. O my Lord, exalt his name and make his religion dominant and his Shariah everlasting and endow him with abundant sublimities and in the Hereafter accept his intercession in respect of his Ummah and elevate him to prominent rank and award him the best recompense and return. Make the blessedness of his Praiswerly station manifest to all the predecessor and successors. Award him precedence over all the favourites of Divine presence. O my Lord, accept his most effective (right of) intercession and elevate him more to august rank. Also fulfil his desire in the world and the Hereafter as you have done in case of Ibrahim and Moses. O Allah, join him with those of your bondsmen who are highly honored and venerated in respect of sublimity and miracles and whose ranks are lofty in your presence and who are highly regarded near You and whose intercession is very strong in your court. O Allah, honor his authority and make his evidence prominent, and grant him his request in respect of the people of his house and his progeny. O Allah, make his offspring and his followers true adherent to his wont which may provide satisfaction to him. What recompense have You given to each prophet on behalf of his community, give the best reward to our patron on behalf of us and also give good return to all the Prophets.
O Allah! Shower blessings and peace on our master in number equal to the eyes that see and the ears that listen.
O Allah! Shower blessings and peace on him in number equal to those who have sent blessings to him and equal to those who have not sent blessings to him.
Send blessings and confer peace in the manner You like and pleased that blessings be sent to him.
Send blessings and confer peace in the manner which befits his majesty.
O Allah! Send blessings and confer peace on him and on his Children in number equal to the bounties of God Most High and His beneficence.
O Allah! Send blessings and confer peace on Muhammad (SAWS) our master and on his family, on his companions, on his progeny, on his grandsons, on his wives, on his children, on the pious people of his house, on his kins, on his father-in-law on his son-in-law, on his friends, on his followers, on his helpers who are the store-house of his secrets and mines of his light, and who are the treasure of Truth, who are the leaders of the people and are the stars of guidance for their followers. Infinite blessings and peace be on all of them.
O Allah be pleased with his companions for ever and equal to the number of Your creations and equal to the weight of Your Throne, and equal to the ink of Your words, Let this blessings and salutations continue as long as You are remembered by those who glorify you and by those who forget to glorify You. Such blessings be on him as it please Yourself and deserving for Your prophet and a cause of our weal and prosperity and grant him the right of mediation, and the august and the highest status. O Allah, bestow on him the Lauded Station and award him the Banner of Praise and the Heavenly Fountain (Kausar) where all the thirsty folk would assemble. O my Lord, shower blessings on all his brother prophets and messengers, saints of his community, the righteous, the angels of access [and our patron Shaikh Mohyuddin Abdul Qadir Jilani who occupies nearest place in Divine Presence and is the guardian of divine mysteries. This addition is made by Shaikh Abdul Haq. May all of them be blessed by the Lord.
O Allah! Bless our master Muhammad (SAWS) and his progeny who is the first primordial light and whose advent is mercy for the entire universe, equal in number to Your creation that has left and equal in number which has yet to come and as many as there were fortunate in them and as many as there were unfortunates in them; the blessings which could encompass all the numbers and encircle all the limits. Such blessings which have no limit, nor time-scale, nor end, nor estimation. Your those blessings that have been bestowed on him and presented in the presence of the Prophet (SAWS) and accepted there and is liked by the venerated Prophet, SAWS. Such eternal blessings be on him as Your are Eternal Yourself and listings as You are Everlasting and have no end, beyond your knowledge. Such blessings be on him which may please You and please Your Beloved and by the virtue of which you are pleased with us. Such blessing which may fill the heavens and earth. Such blessings by the grace of which You accept our supplications and purify our baser-self, bring to life our dead souls, solve our complex problems, banish all our trials and tribulations, by virtue of which Your grace and beneficence may permeate our affairs and affairs of all the Muslims.
O Allah, bestow unceasing benedictions on us, put up with our transgressions, keep us steadfast on his right path, and help us, and keep us in peace, make our matters easy by keeping our bodies and souls undisturbed. Confer peace and safety on our faith and creed, in our worldly matters and in the Hereafter. Our end should be on the Qur’an and Sunnah. Gather us with your Beloved friend in Paradise without indulging us in severe torment in the condition You are pleased with us and not angry with us. By Your grace, make our end without trouble in peace and safety.
Glory to the Lord, The Lord of Honour and Power! He is free from what they ascribe And Peace be on the Apostles and Praise is due to the Lord of the World. The Most Merciful of all the mercifuls.
Source :

Al-Hikmah an-Nuniyah
BismillaHi-r-Rahmani-r-RahimIn the Name of AllaH, the All-Effulgent, the All-Encompassing.
NUNUtter Transcendence belongs to AllaH.
ALLAH, ALLAH!All-One Praise belongs to AllaH, which is the Glory of His Sole Manifestation (Tajalli al-Fard) -- and It was before all else came to be empowered into manifestation and descent.
Verily He is AllaH, in Himself; by Himself; with Himself, for Himself, unto Himself, in the Most Hidden Beyondness (Ghayb al-Ghayb al-A
hadiyah bila Ta'ayn).
He is Ilah -- Huwa-AllaHu alladhi la Ilaha illa-Huwa; La ilaha illa-AllaH; Huwa-l Ilahu-l Mala'ikati wa-r Ru
h -- in His (non-composite) Oneness -- with or without emanating Names and reflective Mirrors -- in the First Realm of Oneness ('Alam al-A
hadiyah al-Uluhiyah).
He is Rabb -- Rabbu-l 'Izzat Jalla JalaluHu -- encompassing the Dominions of the Universe, and the Multiverses thereof, whose municipalities absolutely lie in His Hand of Power (Qudrat) and whose essences lie in His Gaze (Surjective Sight), such that if He stopped observing the created realms, they would cease to exist at once; and certainly He, the Beholder, Sees, even when there is none to be seen in creation.
He is He (Alone), al-Wujud adh-Dhati, such that if He wasn't He, both Existence and Non-Existence would be absolutely non-existent, impossible.
Existence (Peace) and Glory (Blessings) of AllaH, without end, be unto MU
HAMMAD, the First Light-Spirit -- the Absolute Radiant Point -- of Reality in and from AllaH's own Being (Wujud-AllaH al-Aqdas), without the Universe before Him.
h al-A'
zam al-Mu
hammadiyah) IS, and was before the Pen (Qalam), Tablet (Law
h), and Throne ('Arsh) -- and the rest of the differential constitutions -- came to be in the fold of the Four Corners of the Ka'ba.
He (SAWS) is the SPIRIT-BEING (Wujud ar-Ru
hiyah), around Whose Point of Singularity (Nun) the Divine Confluences of Light gather and originate.
He (SAWS) is Reality Itself -- with or without constitutional Realm of Oneness -- and the Last Noetic Appearance in Phenomena emanating from the glorious connective Foliage of the Prophetic Tree of Reality, Certainty, and Theophany, Who said, "Awwalu ma khalaq-AllaHu Ru
He (SAWS) also said, "Ana Awwalu man Tajallala-Hu."
He (SAWS) also said, "Kuntu Nabiyyan wa 'Adamu bayni-l Ma'i wa-
By my Utter Secret, MU
HAMMAD is That-Which-Is; the Greater Spirit -- Reality-in-Itself -- and, still beyond your limited mirror and knowledge, the Most Hidden (Elementary) Constitution of the First Universal Intellect ('Aql Kulli Awwal).
His (SAWS) First 'M' (Mim) is the Rank-Seat (Maqam), i.e., Heart, of the Divine Presence (
drat al-Ilahiyah).
His '
H' (
Ha) is the Reality (
Haqiqah) of the Divine Being (Wujud-AllaH).
His Second 'M' (Mim) is the Being (Wujud) of the Divine Reality (
Haqiqah al-
His 'D' (Dal) is the Truth (
Haqq) of the Divine Oneness (A
hdaniyah), which -- by Itself -- is the Trace (Lu
tf) and Secret (Sirr) of the Divine Being in the Realm of Union ('Alam al-Wa
By my soul, He (SAWS) is the Odd and the Even, the Twice-Within and the Twice-Without, neither of the East (Mashriq) nor of the West (Maghrib), whose Essence none can approach, for nothing enters It and none comes out of It, and Whose Surjective Being and Form (Wujud Nuniyah Mu
hammadiyah) shapes and moves -- and overwhelms -- the oceanic currents of manifestation, within and without.
O you among Adam's sons who have only perceived the shadows of the MUHAMMADAN REALITY (
Haqiqah al-Mu
hammadiyah) in your scanty mirror of self-constitution!
HAMMAD's Phenomenal-Isthmus Form, that Blessed Soul (SAWS) underwent Ascension (Mi'raj) by His own Primordial Sainthood (Walayah al-Azaliyah) and by His own Self-Constitution (Dhat al-Khulud al-Mu
hammadiyah). And because the Universal Wave-Fronts and Embers of Attraction reached their ultimate zenith and apex due to His own Reality (SAWS) being the Entire Greater Spirit Itself (Ru
h al-A'
zam al-Kulliyah), nothing veiled (nor unveiled) Him (SAWS) towards the Presence of the Most Sacred Essence of AllaH, just as no radiance would be powerful enough to hide and manifest Him (SAWS) as Him (SAWS), other than AllaH's own Being. Thus, He (SAWS) reached what was to be reached into the Essence of the First and Last Single Point of Truth, and was with AllaH as AllaH's own Secret, without eidetic veils and parallel manifestations, such that the Two Bows of Reality (Qaba Qawasayn) -- or That-Which-Is "Closer Still" (aw 'Adna) --, of Being and Witnessing (al-Wujud wa ash-Shuhud), and of the Absolute and the Possible (al-Wajib al-Wujud wa al-Mumkin al-Wujud), were nothing but Himself (SAWS).
Such ("{ }") is the Destiny (Qadr) spanning a single Muhammadan Day and a lone Muhammadan Night in the Attainment (Arrival, Wu
sul) of the most beloved and favored of AllaH's Saints (Awliya'-AllaH), in the Image-Form (
Surah) of their Master (SAWS), the Master of Prophets, Messengers, Angels, and Saints.
And, from the Most Original State of Divine Union, that Soul of Utter Sublimity (SAWS) -- more elusive (instantaneous) than the flashing and orbiting of the Angels of the Throne and more sublime than the particles of a Saint's mirror-heart -- returned to phenomenal existence with the Face of the Absolute Divine Caliphate (Wujud al-Insan al-Kamil) for the jinn and human realms, whether hidden or manifest, thus manifesting His Perfect, Total, Primordial Sainthood (Walayah al-Kamaliyah al-Azaliyah al-Kulliyah al-Mu
hammadiyah) as the Great Isthmus-Connector (Barzakh al-Kubra) and Absolute Sealing Messengership (Risalah al-Khatamiyah al-Kulliyah).
Therefore, understand that MU
HAMMAD's Sainthood is reflected in the Night Journey (Isra'-Mi'raj) from Creationality to AllaH -- away from the sight of all creation, other than with the Reality and Sight of the Real (al-
Haqq) --, and His (SAWS) Messengership from AllaH to all creation at the Hour of the Clear Blazing Day -- and so never dare to compare the Two outside His (SAWS) Self (Huwiyah al-Mu
hammadiyah), for you are without knowledge of this delicate truth!
As for His (SAWS) Prophethood, it is Absolute Special Prophethood (Nubuwah al-Mu
tlaq al-Kha
ssah) -- the Alpha and Omega of Intelligible Divine Manifestation, the Source-Reality of all Prophetic-Saintly Powers, Sightings, and Divine Outpourings. As such, He (SAWS) is the Great Hour (Qiyamah al-Kubra), the Divine Radiance (
Diya-AllaH) of the Absolute Point of No-Return (with respect to both ordinary existence and absolute non-existence). Such is the Prophethood of the Greatest Name (Nubuwah al-Ism al-A'
He (SAWS) is the Mount
Tur (Qaf) of Manifestation and Knowing, in Whose Spirit-Essence, AllaH's Manifestations (Tajalliyat) -- including Knowing Itself and, indeed, All His Knowings -- originate.
Indeed, you do not understand this, as Shaykh al-Akbar (Ibn 'Arabi) would have said!
Verily, the Prophet's (SAWS) WA
HY is of the most all-encompassing KASHF (Unveiling). And so it entirely is Divine Theophany (Tajalli al-Ilahiyah) -- of the All-One Praise-Glory (al-
Hamd) that He (SAWS) is. That is how the Muhammadan Self-Constitution (Dhat al-Mu
hammadiyah) forms the Divine Countenance (Wajh-AllaH), and modulates and reflects It, noumenally (in Itself) and phenomenally (extensively).
That is how the Prophet (SAWS) seals what is open and opens what is sealed. Though His (SAWS) Caliphs (Spiritual Successors, especially the First and the Last of Them, i.e.,
drat 'Ali and
drat al-Mahdi, and Those in between), upon Divine Invitation and Empowerment in the Muhammadan Image (
Surah al-Mu
hammadiyah), have also reached Places of Glory around That-Which-Is, by passing through the Doors of Power (opened and kept open by the Prophet's Ascension), there is no Prophet, nor Messenger, nor Angel, let alone Absolute Saint, before and after Him (SAWS). For MU
HAMMAD, just as AllaH is AllaH.
Inna-AllaHa wa Mala'ikataHu yusalluna 'ala-n Nabi. Ya ayyuha-l ladhina amanu sallu 'alaiHi wa sallimu taslima.
AllaHuMMa salli wa sallim wa barik da'iman abadan 'ala Sayyidi-r-Ruhi-l Wujud wa 'Ayni-l-Ghayni-l-Hudur; Shamsi Bahri Anwarika wa Mahbati Asrarika wa Turi Tajalliyati Ahsaniyatika;
Insani Nuni-l Wujud wa Yaquti fi kulli Mawjud; Nuri Kunhi-dh-Dhat wa Nuri kulli Nur; Imami-l Qiblatayn wa Sirri-l Haramayn wa Sayyidi-l Kaunayn; Na'ibi Hadrati Dhatika-l Aqdas wa Waliyyi Ismika-l A'zam,
Sayyidina wa Mawlana wa Shafi'ina wa Habibina MUHAMMADIN Haqiqati-l Kulliyah wa Sirri-l Ahadiyah, wa 'ala AliHi wa SahbiHi ajma'in.
Wa 'ala kulli hali Hadrati-sh-Shaykh 'Abdi-l Qadir Jilani wa Awliya'-AllaH ajma'in.
هم - اللهم يا ه - هوميهوه - هو اللههو الله لا هو الا هوهو - محمد - نمهمه هوم - أنا - هوم
Eid Mawlid Nabi Mubarak,
When I Know (that You Know)
AllaH!Oh my Utter One,
How can they say, "Love has found him,"
When not even Love knows me?
How can they say, "He is destined to meet Love and has reached it,"
And know the Determination (Taqdir) by which one has found one's Destiny,
When I know no cup, and when no cup knows me?
How should they know what contains my Potion (Syarab) then?
How can they say, "He has flown so high and the Sky has received him well,"
When no birds know me in the most silent heights, and when not
A single drop of Intoxication (Syakar) -- known to them -- has
Befriended me?
Not even distant star-lights shall ever guide them to know me,
Nor will the seven seas ever tell them of me,
Nor will they ever reach the dawn that shall unveil me.
Try as they may,
The silent branches of the night might kidnap them soon enough from
Understanding this Great Affair.
AllaH! When I know that You know (me),
I know that You are mine,
For I exist in Your Existence,
And I appear in Your Appearance.
It was You, Sweetheart,
Who said, "
Kaf", and something of it denuded the Universe,
And I, unlike lost wings, remained as its only remaining atom and self,
Without direction other than the Distinct Weight and Attraction
Towards the Presence of Mystery.
I saw Your Love within it, behind it, and ahead of it,
And I, seeing no way out, said, "Indeed, I am in Love with You."
You said, "
Kaf-Ha-Ya! Depart from there,
Love Me more, for even all this (atomic isthmus) knows not
How to love Me from behind Love's own Name and Reality!"
And You called me higher into "
Without the Universe as they know it, only the Pre-Eternal Ocean (Ba
hr al-Qudrat),
And I became "
Ra" and "
'Ayn-Shad", the Sublime Expanse and the Eye-Content thereof.
I saw the Pen (Qalam) as the Lone Perimeter and Supreme Center,
Emanating subtle forms from the pure covert pulses of the Ocean.
When I saw it, it revealed a Name for me,
And I became that Name, and that Name became the Throne ('Arsy)
And a Sky-Dome appeared around it.
And the Pen became the Higher Pen in my Form.
And Love? -- Love was as long as the Ocean breathed, but
Would become extinct at the Peak of the Throne and in the
Heart of the Magnificent Name's Sounding;
Indeed I owned Love by my very own Utterance and disowned it
By my very own Certainty.
Still, above it all, the Muhammadan "
Nun" appeared, not from behind,
Nor ahead, nor within anything they have heard of.
And at once that Ocean of Attributes dried up,
And the Pen made its Last Carving, which is
"Qaf", upon the Tablet (Law
h) of
Oceanic Lights, before disappearing into my Singularity.
And I discovered the Hidden Accent of "
Nun", the Light of Mu
HaMMaD (MaHaMMaH).
And, by the Truth that Mu
HaMMaD is,
I became that very Accent, and the All-New Oneness, yet Infinitely Ancient,
The Atom of All (Kulli Syai') and the Oneness (Wa
hdat) that would
Emerge from Reality in its Descent (Tanazzul).
So I said, without turning elsewhere, for I was Nowhere, and All was
Naught even before Nowhere became somewhere and nowhere,
And it remained that way as long as
I saw only You,
"I am that-which I am."
And my impenetrable silence would simply read, "
Ha-Mim", which is Reality's Name,
Whose Form is "
AllaH!Sweetheart, I am entirely Yours, without residue;
Nor shall I leave any residue for anyone else to follow me in this Reality and Form,
Let alone for any one of the
Ruhaniyyun to know me as You know me,
Even as I know You.
The Truthful see Your Mountain before them and move
Only with respect to its stillness,
While, in truth, it shall move only as I move,
And remain only as I remain,
For my Reality is sealed beyond movement and stillness,
In Yourself, with Yourself, by Yourself, for Yourself.
Indeed, I encountered Khidhr in my Descent,
While others meet him in their Ascent,
For the Sultan of the Presence, the First Reality (Sayyidina Mu
Has veiled Khidhr from me in his own Splendor of Green (
Lathifa al-Akhfa).
AllaH!Oceanic kisses and breezes that come to this shore,
Which Your creatures speak of so often,
Reach not this Intimacy, not even with hope.
Indeed, those who are capable of reading Love's metaphors,
They call this Nearness (Qurb),
And those who comprehend signs (isyarah),
They call it Love's Elocution (Tajwid).
But, the Muhammadan Loner (Fard) who reads
Knows that I am the
Ikhfa of Your own Name,
And nothing causes my Glory extinction, not even the Absolute Unseen,
For I am of the Muhammadan Origin.
I am he whom You call with All that You are, for You are You,
Whenever You mention Yourself, whether in Seclusion, deep into Your own Glory,
Or in Your Encompassment of All (Jam') that points to Your Presence:
I am of Your "inna",
I am of Your "illa",
I am of Your "Ana",
I am of Your "Huwa".
I witness You with or without 'Alam (Universal Form),
For I am the Last "
Lam" of Your Two "
And, by All that "
Mim" is, in Itself, with or without All,
I certainly meet Your "
Ha" and Your "
Indeed You, from every seeker's head to his toe,
From the narrow lanes, to scented doors, to relinquishment,
From Your Palace's Darkness to its even darker Engulfing Chamber,
To the Place of Pouring Lights;
From divulging hills to the abyss,
From the Universe and its sealing to the Presence without traces,
From "
'Ayn" to "
Shad", and from "
Shad" back to "
'Ayn" -- Your "Two Bows of Reality" --
And to "
Ghayn" -- Your "Closer Still";
My stretch of You can never be severed among
Those who inhere in Your Name, within and without,
Within the within, and without the without.
AllaH!Let there be nothing left for my onlookers, but You,
For I have indeed adorned Your Form, while they (still) say,
"He has been made to appear in the Beloved's Form."
Let the wind silently follow them all from the distant grasses to the
Vacant place of sunrise, amidst silent sands,
And let Desire's permeation
Meet the lagoon's shining surface in the Face of my Master (the Prophet),
And so let them find You oh so kissable in my own deep roots.
AllaH!You, You, You -- He (
I am the returning place of presences and whispers,
For my very last secret, away even from All and from All-in-All, is You.
[Dedicated to the Most Beloved Prophet (SAWS), who gave this faqir All

ShaD--Dal--QafThaalama asykuu gharaamii yaa Nuura-l WujuuD, wa unadi yaa Habiibii, yaa Huu-MuHaMMaD, yaa Siraaja-l Anbiyaa'i, yaa Taaja-l Awliyaa'i, yaa Mahbuubii, inna qalbii dzaab. 'Alaika-AllaaHu Shallaa Rabbii Dzu-l Jalaali wa-l Ikraam; yakfii yaa Nuura-l 'ArsyiLlaaH, inna hajri thaal. Sayyidii wa-l 'umru walla juud bi-l washli juud.AllaaHuMMa Shalli wa Sallim wa Baarik daa'iman abadan 'alaa RuuHi-l A'zhaM wa HuWiyati-l 'AalaM, Nuuri-l WujuuD Sayyidinaa MuHaMMaDin Nuuri Kunhi-dz Dzaati wa Nuuri Kulli Nuur; yaa Huu, yaa HaQQ.O faqir! May
AllaH Ta'ala grant you direct meeting with Sayyidina
MuHaMMaD---the One who glorifies
AllaH the most by that which is Himself, the way He really is in Himself, the One who is glorified by
AllaH the most, by His own Essence (
Dzat)---so that the highest of
Ma'rifat and
Mahabbat, the most unique of Unveiling (
Mukasyafat al-Qulub al-Muqarrab) following the perfection of one's self-constitution by the All-Merciful, no longer needs to be poured down in chained, contingent forms (such as words) but shall be manifest directly in you and shall radiate through you.
May you be granted so much more than what has been granted upon this poor faqir, dearest. May you reach so high, that this faqir can see you no longer except in his humility! Amin, Amin! (
AaMiiN, by the way, is the invisible Muhammadan Pillar that supports the Universe, just as Imam al-Mahdi is called
اللهُم يا هو يا حق
وجود الله حق الوجود
AlHaMDulillaH, despite all limitations on the side of creation, we witness how beautiful and merciful
AllaHu Ta'ala, our Sweetheart, is. And I, a weak servant, ever seek refuge in
HuWa Ta'ala from
istidraj and
bathil. Apparently, this shall be the conclusive end of our exposition concerning
Ma'rifat and
What praise can possibly land upon this faqir, beloved? All praise belongs to
AllaHu Ta'ala,
Rabbul 'Izzat, and Sayyidina wa Mawlana
MuHaMMaD is the One praised the most by
AllaH, beyond the
shuwar (forms) of manifest existence, i.e., by
AllaH's own
Dzat (Essence).
HuWa AHaD wa HuWa AHMaD
Qul (AHMaD!) HuWa-AllaaHu AHaD
Qul (HuuM!) ur-RuH
It is sufficient that a faqir is hidden in the Two
LaM's of
AllaH (
Alif--LaM--LaM--Ha) as
HuWa Ta'ala, oh so secretly, loves him. These Two
LaM's are like 'two endless theophanic vacua' for the general inhabitants of the Universe, including the Mala'ikat (
Laa, ad infinitum; none can approach
HuWa Ta'ala without being totally extinct here), but, for
AhlullaH (
Ahl al-Wushul ila-AllaH), salam
AllaHu 'AlaiHiM, the two
LaM's (with
MiM fully manifest from
AllaH's Most Hidden Essence) are the Two Muhammadan Bows of
Reality, BaQa' wa
WujuD wa
Although you may already know what the story with Hadhrat Musa is about, beloved of my heart, what did Hadhrat Musa truly see at Mount
Thur, in the valley of
Tha (
Tha--Ha) is the Station of
Ruku' of the
Anbiya and
Awliya. As we have noticed before, in the
Shalat of a Perfect Muhammadan
Ruku' is the Station of the First (
Outer Bow) of the
Two Bows of Reality (
QaBa QaWasayn) or the Ahmadan '
Closer Still' ('ADNa)---where All the Shifat and Asma' of
AllaH Ta'ala are brought unto the total transcendental Convergence of the
QalaM and the
LaWH (the two first Holy Emanations of
RuH MuHaMMaDi), hence necessitating Annihilation (
Fana' fi al-Musyahada al-Hudhuriya). This is the Entrance into the
Dal (
D, the Absolute Universe) of
HaQiQatu-l MuHaMMaDiya); and is equivalent to
Laylatu-l QaDr, the Unveiling of Mount
Qaf, where All the Power (
Qudrat) of the Absolute Unseen (the Reality of
MuHaMMaD) is 'gathered' and 'sealed' infinitely (due to
Ha--MiM: none enters It, none comes out of It).
That Annihilation ends with
QiYaMah (
WaHDat al-MuHaMMaDiya.
Hence, with the exception of the
Ma'shumin al-'Alawiya of
Ahl al-Bayt, including the primordial prophets and saints (numbering 124,000), none can gain Entrance into that Sealing Realm of Power from the lower worlds, including the Angelic realms; none except the closest
Awliya under the Footstall of Sayyidina
MuHaMMaD. These
Awliya are the most loved servants of
AllaHu Jalla JalaluH;
HuWa Ta'ala showers them so secretly with His
Ridha for the sake of Sayyidina
al-Habib al-Mahbub.
Awliya are mostly hidden from our sight nowadays. How can they not be, when all the
40 Maqamat of Sincerity, Witnessing, and Existence hide them and are hidden in them?
The Pen (
QalaM) is 'split into Two' here, at the Apex of
Sidratu-l Muntaha (the Furthermost Gnostic Tree). One Point touches upon the
LaWH and its manifestation can be written down by way of
syar'i revelation as well as (most categories of)
ilham, while the other one does not touch upon it and is not touched upon by anything from above and below, existing as Pure Radiant Sublimity, which can descend only through
Lathifa al-Akhfa (the Fifth of the Five Presences of the perfected heart).
uMMi---we cannot describe just what That is, which is the Ultimate Secret of the
Pre-Eternal (
Kalima Laa ilaaha illaa-AllaaHu---MuHaMMaDuN Rasuul AllaaH, except by the following Primordial
HuWa-AllaaHu laa HuWa illaa Huu--MuHaMMaD
HuuM ANAA HuuMThat is the experience of the Total
Hudhur of
Dzat AllaH in
(k)Ha---HuWa HuWa
Dal---ANAA-l HaQQ
Again, the substantial actualization of this Muhammadan Secret is only for those
Awliya of
AllaH who have been granted Abode (Existence) in the Effusive Sealing Reality of
Dal (
D), of His Absolute Sweetheart,
Shall-AllaHu Ta'ala 'AlaiHi wa AaliH.
Hence, if ordinary people, including fake teachers (pseudo-Sufis), merely imitate what We have alluded to here regarding the Muhammadan Reality, and if they think that the Muhammadan Reality, with Its subsequent
7 Tajalliyat (Manifestations), applies to just any creature without being self-perfected (through the
Maqamat and
Ahwal), they shall be repelled into thousand forms of illusion (
wahm) and wander endlessly in the realm of cursed self-glorification, quite like
Fir'aun. The Qur'an says,
By the Qur'an containing Reminder." (38:1)
So when I have proportioned him ('ADaM) and breathed into him My RuH, then fall down before him in prostration." (38:72)
We see here that the noble
Surah begins, and is sealed by, the Muhammadan
ShaD (
WaHDat al-WujuD al-MuHaMMaDiya; Muhammadan Existential Wholeness); which is a variant expression of the Hudhuri Power-Reality of
Qaf and
Dal, which is why we say that which
AllaH Himself says,
MuHaMMaD (ShaD): Shall-AllaaHu Ta'ala 'AlaiHi wa sallaM (
And so the Truth is that the
RuH (
RuH al-A'zhaM) belongs only to the First
Tajalli of
Dzat AllaH, who is Sayyidina
MuHaMMaD, the Being of the (Most Hidden) Pupil of the Eye of Reality (
al-Insan al-GhayN al-'AyN al-WujuD), whose
RuH is the First Reality, whose
'AQl is the First Intellect (Monad, Logos-Form) and the First Eye-Determination (
QaDr) of Unity, whose
QalB is the First World of Signs and the First Mirror of Unity, whose
'Arsy is the First Picture and Signature, whose
Barzakh is the First Self-Dual Veil (where
Jibra'il (the Muhammadan Isthmus-Intellect) resides), and whose
Nafs is the First Ever-Ascending Expansiveness (the First Phenomenon, the Universal Dust-Stream) and the First Contractive-Noumenal Microcosm (the Motes of Universal Light-Truth)---weak servants like ourselves cannot even claim to have That (
RuH), only souls (relatively called '
arwah' in imitation of the One (Singular)
RuH, just as the term '
nas' (or '
insan') is often used in the same manner with respect to the real, perfect
Insan (
Insan al-Kamil)) with various forms of radiance. Only upon being Perfected (Resurrected), a servant is given a Majestic Epiphanic Spark (
RuH al-QuDsiya) of
RuH MuHaMMaDi by
AllaH Jalla JalaluH. Only this way can he then be said to have been 'fully created' (perfected, resurrected). This way, he has become
Insan al-Kamil at the level of
TauHiD adz-Dzatiya, like Hadhrat
'ADaM; and the
7 Tajalliyat of
Nur-Sirr-Dzat MuHaMMaDi truly appear in and through him---that is essentially
MuHaMMaD al-MaHDi, for this Unity happens only in
M--H--M--D, in the
Dal (
D) of Sayyidina
MuHaMMaD. Other claimed unions---without perfection---are naught but illusory ones compared to the Absolute Muhammadan Union.
So, consider, beloved of my heart, how infinite
AllaH's Love and Mercy is unto His servants (no matter how weak, like myself) for the sake of Sayyidina
MuHaMMaD alone (the One and Only
Habib AllaH), to whom belongs the Absolute Reality of all That.
Even the highest of
Awliya are simply 'weak servants' feeding on the mighty crumbs of Sayyidina
MuHaMMaD at his Four-Pillared Square Table, just as all their miracles (
karamat) only derive from him.
AllaHu Akbar katsiran Kabira,
HaQQ AllaHu HaQQu-l WujuD; MuHaMMaDuN Nur AllaH.
There is nothing else to confess except this! I am so weak indeed---all Glory is
AllaH's and
AllaH's Endless Most Hidden, Most Manifest
Shalat upon Sayyidina
Dearest, following Annihilation (
FaNa') through the Unveiling (
Mukasyafah) of the Divine Muhammadan Throne (
'Arsy AllaH) in the presence of the perfected heart,
'Ayn--ShaD is the Furthest Station of the Wali in
HaQiQatu-l MuHaMMaDiya---and so he is stationed within It right under the Rank of Absolute Sealness (
D) emanating from the
Most Singular Ahmadan-Muhammadan Dzat (
M--H--M), whose Content no one among us has any share. However, this way, the Wali, by
AllaH's Mercy, becomes the Radiant Locus,
'Ayn--NuN, of the Muhammadan Secret Itself, according to the following Hierarchy, i.e., the Five (One + Four) Holy Presences:
Dzat AllaH (
Ghayb al-Ghayb al-AHaDiya adz-Dzatiya bila Ta'ayn)
Nur-Sirr-Dzat MuHaMMaD (
'Ayn al-HaQiQa al-MuHaMMaDiya (
Mir'at al-HaQiQa al-MuHaMMaDiya (
'Arsy AllaH)
Mir'at Tsani (the
'Alamin, the 18,000 worlds)
How does one strive towards the Beloved's Cradle of True Love and Perfection?
Ideally, may
AllaH so splendidly assist you, one shall completely encompass the three dimensions of Islamic learning:
Bayan (textual Qur'anic/Prophetic knowledge, through seeking knowledge),
Burhan (affirmative external reflection, through the expansive intellect), and
'Irfan (
'Ilm Ladunni, through Muhammadan self-purification, which ultimately depends on His Favor and Mercy alone). There are a few symbols alluded to so beautifully in the Qur'an pertaining to this.
Consider the following verse concerning the Prophet Ibrahim:
When night came upon him, he saw a star, and he said, "This is my rabb;" but when the star set, he said to himself, "I do not like those who set." When he saw the shining moon he said, "This is my rabb," but when the moon also set, he said, "If my Rabb does not guide me, I am afraid I too will become one of those who have bone astray." Then, when he saw the sun he said, "This is my rabb; this is the biggest (of them all);" but when the sun also set, he cried out, "O my people, I disown all those whom you associate with God; I turn away from them all and towards Him who created the heavens and the earth, and I shall not be of those who associate others with Him." (Qur'an 6:77-80)Beloved, know that the Sun here refers to the
'AQl (in this case, a mighty near-prophetic intellect, of course). The Shining Moon represents objects magnified and illuminated by the
'AQl. And the Stars refer to the potentialities of the
'AQl. Of course, Hadhrat Ibrahim was a prophet and
ma'shum, so he could not easily mistake the sun, the moon, and the stars for God; but, apparently, he did undergo intense intellectual and spiritual trial this way, as if seeing the
Tajalliyat of
al-HaQQ in himself, nearly 'mistaking' them for
AllaH's Essence. Only then then
Mukasyafa Haqiqiya took place for him.
Next, into the subject of
Suluk, the (archetypal) 'horse' in the Qur'an represents the soul of man 'galloping towards perfection'. It gallops as if an enemy carrying calamity was trying to take hold of it (reign it) from all perceivable directions, every second, with the breath. Hence it has to be constantly aware of both itself (its inherent power) and the danger, and its destination, and it proceeds swiftly, like an arrow of Absolute Certainty. It has four supports (four legs):
Haqiqat with which it runs in order to fully encompass its nafs towards Absolute Sublimity.
The Qur'an calls horses 'steeds of war', referring to
Jihad Akbar against the lower nafs, as if
AllaH was saying, "
Be ready with all your Might, by Our Might, for then your (Our) enemies (external and internal shaytan) shall be afraid of you."
The perfection (the encompassment) of the entirety of the horse is none other than the
Buraq, when the Four Supports are brought beyond self-density and gathered back into, and led by, the First
Tajalli of
RuH MuHaMMaDi, called
'AQl al-Mujarrad, the perfect, pure Divine Intellect, which is One (as Direct Emanation) with the First, Original Muhammadan Intellect (
'AQl al-MuHaMMaDiya al-Kulliya) and squarely encompasses the Universal Soul (
Nafs al-Kauniya). For this reason, the Holy Prophet and Sayyidina 'Ali once said, "
The Purpose of Ibadah is 'AQl," which refers to this
'AQl (in contrast to the shadowy, prevalent one)---referred to as
Misykat al-Anwar and
Mishbah al-Mishbah in the blessed
Surah Nur.
To summarize the reality of the
Mu'min (he, the Muslim, who has realized the Real for himself), the
Buraq has two
azali wings:
Ma'rifat and
Mahabbat, as if replacing the objective dense role of the legs in the running horse, for the Ground of Being of the perfected servant here is the Lahut---
AHaDiyat fi Kulli MiM---no longer the
As for the 'female cow' (
al-Baqarah), it is the symbol for
Nafs ar-Radhiyah (the Content Soul)---with universal feminine emphasis, while the color yellow represents
Nafs al-Muthma'inah (the Pleased Soul).
The profound Qur'an indeed begins in composition by the
Fatiha (though historically, by descent, it begins with
Surah al-'Alaq) followed by
al-Baqarah (of the surrendering self of
Jihad Akbar,
Nafs ar-Radhiyah; while the trappings of the nafs are also described and epitomized by the Bani Isra'il) and ends with
an-Nas, that of the
Insan Kamil---hence we are given the Ascending Migration (
Minhaj) of the
As for the Universal Significance of number 7, such as in the 7 heavens and the 7 earths---and the 7 rounds of the Ka'ba, know that 7 is the number of
Tanazzul Nur-Sirr-Dzat MuHaMMaDi, of the spheres of
Tajalliyat of what is called
Halat al-Muhammadiya or the Absolute Unseen (the First All-Encompassing Manifestation of
AllaH's Stateless Essence,
Ghayb al-Ghayb al-AHaDiya adz-Dzatiya, also often called the Greatest, Most Hidden Universal Element (
Unshur al-A'zhaM)), which is the Ahmadan Content of
RuH al-A'zhaM, that of Sayyidina
MuHaMMaD---there is no letter, except
MiM (
Kulli AHaDiyat al-JaMi', the
Allness of the Essence-Sealing One, which is the same as
Alif; the
One, the
First), to represent it; and consequently its knowledge is not to be taught in written form but must be received through the most hidden locus of the perfected heart (
Lathifa al-Akhfa), by
AllaH's Power and Mercy alone.
AllaHuMMa---cease using words!
Numerically, the Name
MHMD is known to bear the value
92 (
11). Besides
9 (
Maliku-l HaQQu-l Mubin,
ANAA MuHaMMaDuN Nurun 'Ala Nur) and
2 (
QaBa QaWasayn aw 'ADNa), we have, among others, three primary sacred numbers here:
11 =
9 +
2 (
Taraqi bi Dzat AllaH)
7 =
9 -
2 (
Tanazzul bi Dzat AllaH)
4 =
11 -
7 (the
Seal of
AllaaHuMMa Shalli wa Sallim wa Baarik daa'iman abadan 'alaa Haa--MiiM, wa Yaa--Siin, wa Thaa--Haa Sayyidinaa MuHaMMaDiN Nuuril Anwaar wa Sirril Asraar wa Sayyidil Abraar; wa 'alaa AaliH, Ahli Thaa--Haa ajma'iin.
Subhan-AllaH, in addition to what this faqir has shared here regarding
MHMD (which has caused my Pen to break), which is the actualized Secret of all
Anbiya and
Awliya of the highest rank, let us just listen to Syaikh al-Akbar Ibn 'Arabi regarding the Holy Prophet in his
Naqsy al-Fushush al-Hikam:
In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
The Wisdom of Singularity was dedicated to the Logos (Shurah) of Muhammad because he is the First Determination with which the One Essence determined Itself before It manifested Itself in any of the other infinite Self-determinations. And these Self-determinations are ranked according to genus, species, kind, and individual, some of them included under the others. So he encompasses all of the Self-determinations, and he is One and Singular in Existence, without parallel, for no Self-determination is equal to him in rank; and there is nothing above him but the Absolute One Essence, which is 'purified' from every determination, attribute, name, designation, definition, and description. So to him belongs the Absolute Singularity.
In addition, Singularity was actualized for the first time through his Immutable Archetype, since the first archetype to be effused by means of the Most Holy Emanation (al-Faydh al-Aqdas) was his. So he attained, through the Unique Essence, the Level of Divinity and his Immutable Archetype
the Supreme Singularity.
His miracle (mu'jiza), which proves his Prophethood, is the Qur'an, which is no different from his Self and his Reality in respect of its embracing all realities, or the verbal expression which is indicative of this All-Embracingness and which came to him (without a veil whatsoever) from Allah. In either case, the Qur'an is miraculous, for this All-Embracingness and Concentration is not possessed by any of the realities, because all of the realities are contained within the Muhammadan Reality as the part is contained in the whole; nor does any revealed book denote such an All-Embracingness and Concentration, for the Qur'an is the Comprehensive Unity of all the divine books.
Allah in His Essence is independent of the world and its inhabitants. But His
infinite Names require that each have a locus of manifestation, so that the effect of that Name will appear in that locus, and the Named---which is the Essence---will reveal Itself in that locus to him who professes the Divine Unity. For example, 'the Merciful', 'the Nourisher', and 'the Vanquisher' are each a Name of Allah, and their manifestation takes place through the Merciful and the Object of Mercy, the Nourisher and the Nourished, and the Vanquisher and the Vanquished. So as long as there is no Merciful or Object of Mercy in the world, Mercifulness will not become manifested; and, in the same way, Nourishing and Vanquishing.
Moreover, all of the Names must be judged analogously. Therefore, the reason for the manifestation of all particular beings is the demand of the Names of Allah. And all of the Names are under the sway of the Name ALLAH, which encompasses and comprehends them. Further still, this Name also necessitates a Universal Locus of Manifestation, which because of its All-Comprehensiveness would correspond to the All-Comprehensive Name and be the Vicegerent of Allah in conveying Effusion and perfections from the Name ALLAH to what is other than it.
That All-Comprehensive Locus-Substance is the Muhammadan Spirit (Ruh al-Muhammadiya), which is referred to by the hadits, "The first thing manifested by Allah was my Spirit," or "my Light."
The Root and the Origin of all creatures is the ontological level of the Reality of
Realities, which is the Muhammadan Reality or the Light of Ahmad, the Form of the One Unique Presence. That ontological level embraces all divine and cosmic
perfections and establishes the measure of all the levels of human, animal, and angelic harmonies. The world and its inhabitants are the forms and the parts of his Particularization, and 'Adam and his children are subjugated towards the goal of his Perfection. To this Reality refer the words of the hadits, "I am the Master of the children of 'Adam," and, "'Adam and those who come after him are under my Banner."
HuWa AHaD wa HuWa AHMaD. All in All is but (manifest as) One Form,
AllaH's First, Absolute Reality (as
Essence unto Essence), Light-Form, and Truth-Secret (
Haa--MiiM), with no otherness and shadow, besides whom there is no other true form for
AllaH's Essence (
Dzat), in whom
HuWa Ta'ala can most uniquely witness and praise Himself in Being Himself.
There is a beautiful famous hadits related by Hadhrat Jabir ibn 'Abdillah in which the Prophet explained the First
Tajalli of
Dzat AllaH (his
Nur MuHaMMaD;
Nur Kunhi-dz Dzat) and the creation of the First Four (the First Multiplicity out of Muhammadan Singularity) from his Most Blessed Light (namely, the
QaLaM, the
LaWH, the
'Arsy, and the Pillars of the
'Arsy, while the rest of the Universe was created from the corresponding 'residual' Light), when there was naught in
AllaH's Secret Manifestation but this
Nur-Sirr-Dzat MuHaMMaD. This hadits is similar to that related by Imam 'Ali, which has more detailed elaboration as it speaks of the creation of the 12 Veils of Majesty and other manifestations (the creation of the subsequent realms).
In short,
Ma'rifatulLaH is, for he who has been graced by Our Light:
هو الله لا هو الا هوُ محمدٌ نور سر الذات
هوُم أنا هوُم
هو }} محمد
م ح م د
أنا هو }} م
هو هو }} ح
هو أنا }} م
أنا الحق }} د
ح م
هو الله لا هو الا هو }} محمد
اللهم صل و بارك و سلم دائما ابدا علي نور كنه الذات سيدنا محمد نور كل نور
ع ص
Here ends the role of this faqir's Pen and comes the Silence of the Rising Fire, as
HuWa Ta'ala wishes.
AllaH. Salam
AllaH's most needy servant,
Dal--NuN (Dani)
Dedicated, with Fatiha and Shalat Nur, to the Spirit of Syaikh al-Akbar Ibn 'Arabi

Salam Allah,
Greetings and salutations unto the Resplendent Quthb (Pole) of our Muhammadan Path, ath-Thariqah al-Muhammadiyyah al-Akmaliyyah al-Ahadiyyah, ash-Shahib al-Himmah (the Master of Aspiration), wa al-Qawiyy al-Arkan al-Ma'rifat (the Strong One of the Pillars of Knowledge), wa al-Fatih al-Mughaqat (the Opener of the Locked Doors), wa al-Qudwata as-Sura (the Guide of those who travel at night), wa al-Warith al-Khatm an-Nabiyyin (the Inheritor of the Seal of Prophets), wa al-Burhan al-Haqiqah (the Proof of Reality), asy-Syaikh al-Akbar Ibn al-'Arabi, man yuqimu bi 'Amr Allah (he who is the Carrier of the Commandment of Allah).
As we know, Syaikh al-Akbar left quite many Shalawat 'ala Nabi, each of which is a Great Treasury (Kanz al-Haqa'iq) representing the Station (Maqam) of Uniqueness of the Syaikh as a Unique Knower of Allah's Light, which signifies his Proximity with the Reality of as-Sayyid al-Wujud wa as-Sabab al-Maujud (the Chieftain of Existences), wa al-Imam al-A'immah (the Imam of Imams), wa an-Naqib al-Mahbubin wa al-Fardh al-Ahbab (the Chieftain of the Loved Ones and the Most Unique Beloved), wa al-Maqsuda as-Salikin (the Destination of Spiritual Travelers), the
Holy Prophet Muhammad.
Know that every Pivotal Saint (Wali al-Quthb) in a specific age must have Direct Encounter with the Muhammadan Presence (al-Hadhrah al-Ahmadiyyah al-Muhammadiyyah). He also receives from the Prophet a special Wird unique to him, in the form of Shalat 'ala Nabi. This may apparently be long or short, representing the Simple Unity of that which is experienced in the Most Sacred Presence of Allah, al-Hadhrah al-Ahadiyyah. In itself, it encompasses the seven stages of Dzikr Allah:
1. Dzikr Thawwaf
2. Dzikr Nafi Itsbat
3. Dzikr Itsbat Faqat
4. Dzikr Ism Dzat
5. Dzikr Taraqi
6. Dzikr Tanazzul
7. Dzikr Ism Ghayb
Nowadays, the word 'Quthb' is so often misused to simply represent a leader of a thariqah, while he may lack the Muhammadan Reality in himself. Never has the world of Tashawwuf seen such a sorry state before.
Instead, there is something truly essential that the Quthb must know, regarding his Rank.
The Principal Hierarchy of Muhammadan Overflowing is known to Ahl al-Haqiqah in the following way:
1. The All-Encompassing al-Hadhrah al-Ahmadiyyah al-Muhammadiyyah, of Sayyidina Muhammad alone, who is the First Sign-Appearance (Manifestation/Tajalli) of Allah's Oneness (Ahadiyyah), that is, of Allah's Essence (Dzat Allah), by Allah's Essence, in Allah's Essence, with no relative, attainable 'openness' (directionality and derivative) with respect to contingent phenomena of Otherness, other than with respect to the Divine Names and Attributes proceeding from this State (al-Wahdah al-Muhammadiyyah), whereby Sayyidina Muhammad alone is the Absolute Prophet and the Absolute Saint, the Essence of Essences (al-'Ayn al-A'yan fi al-Haqiqah al-Haqa'iq) and the Lone Pearl (al-Jauhar al-Fard) in the Ocean of Being (al-Bahr al-Wujud). No one else has any share nor full comprehension of its Content (hence the term 'Ummi' (Indescribable) attributed to the Holy Prophet), for it is essentially, primarily, limitlessly One with the State of Non-Manifestation (La Ta'ayun) of Allah's Essence, beyond 'Manifestative Descent/Ascent' (Tanazzul/Taraqi). This is the Absolute, All-Inclusive Station of Singularity or at-Tauhid adz-Dzatiyyah, representing the Muhammadan Reality (al-Haqiqah al-Muhammadiyyah) of
Ha Mim (
2. Al-Hadhrah al-Masihiyyah, which is an Opening at the 'Right Side' of the Muhammadan Presence, existing in parallel with al-Hadhrah al-Muhammadiyyah al-Mahdiyyah. This belongs to Sayyidina 'Isa, who is closest to the Prophet Muhammad, and who is the first to receive his Light, in the line of Prophets. He receives the Muhammadan Light directly from the Holy Prophet Muhammad without an intermediary. This Station contains:
3. The Sphere of Prophets (al-Hadhrah al-Anbiyya), from Sayyidina 'Adam to Sayyidina 'Isa, who receive the First Means of Knowledge of Allah's Essence, al-'Aql al-Qudsiyyah al-Muhammadiyyah (the Sacred Muhammadan Intellect), directly from the Holy Prophet Muhammad, without an intermediary. They are also Carriers and Expositors of the Prophetic Standards.
4. Al-Hadhrah al-Muhammadiyyah al-Mahdiyyah, which is an Opening at the 'Left Side' of the Muhammadan Presence, existing in parallel with al-Hadhrah al-Masihiyyah. This belongs, primarily, to the historic
Hadhrat Muhammad al-Mahdi. It contains:
5. The Sphere of Appearances of Imam al-Mahdi (al-Hadhrah al-Muhammadiyyah al-Mahdiyyah ats-Tsanawiyyah), with each appearance manifest in the Reality of the Quthb of every age. Such a Quthb is called the Seal of
Saints (al-Khatm al-Awliyya), or simply the Primordial Pole (al-Quthb al-Fardh). The sphere also consists of the known
Caliphs of the Holy Prophet that succeeded him both historically (in time) and spiritually (in reality). Imam al-Mahdi and the Quthb of every age receive the Muhammadan Light (Nur Muhammad) directly from the
Holy Prophet Muhammad, without an intermediary.
6. Al-Hadhrah al-Awliyya ash-Shidiqiyyah al-Akmaliyyah, which extends from al-Hadhrah al-Muhammadiyyah al-Mahdiyyah, whereby the Muhammadan Light is bestowed by Allah on a few chosen souls as an Intrinsic Gift, and not by means of the usual practical training/guidance. They need not a physical human being (rabithah/mursyid/pir) to train them. Instead, they are trained by the Holy Prophet himself, whose communicative appearance (manifestation) in them is known as ar-Ruh al-Idhafi (al-Khidhr), or simply the
Holy Spirit (ar-Ruh al-Quddus).
The Apex-Source of this rare blessing, after the Prophet, is al-Mir'at an-Nabi (the Prophetic Mirror) Hadhrat
Abu Bakr ash-Shiddiq. The people of this State see only the Station of the Prophet before them, with themselves mirroring the Prophetic Essence (adz-Dzat al-Muhammadiyyah). They recognize the Muhammadan Reality in a most unique, singular (solitary) way, within and without, beyond the context of their birth, continuity (training), and death. Such individuals are very, very few in every age. They are usually not known to other people, including Saints (Awliyya) of lesser ranks. Their Station is also called al-Kahfi, due to its Sublimity and Solitariness. Among those possessing this State known to us are Syaikh Manshur al-Hallaj, Syaikh Bayazid al-Busthami, Syaikh Syams at-Tabriz, Quthb al-Ghawts 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jailani, Syaikh al-Ghawts
Abu Madyan al-Anshari al-Maghribi, Syaikh al-Akbar Ibn al-'Arabi, Sayyid 'Abd al-Karim al-Jilli, Syaikh 'Abd al-Jalil al-Jawi (Syaikh
Siti Jenar, in Java), Syah
Wali Allah ad-Dehlawi, and Syaikh Ahmad at-Tijani. Some of them are, in fact, the Poles (Aqthab) of the Sphere. This is the Special Way (ath-Thariqah al-Khashah). Extensively, it is also united with the more common ath-Thariqah an-Naqsybandiyyah al-'Isyqiyyah, stemming from Sayyidina Abu Bakr ash-Shiddiq.
7. Al-Hadhrah al-Awliyya al-'Alawiyyah al-Anfusiyyah (al-Hadhrah al-Masyaikh), which extends from al-Hadhrah al-Muhammadiyyah al-Mahdiyyah by means of hierarchical chains of spiritual teachers, stemming from Zhill Allah Sayyidina 'Ali ibn Abi Thalib through Imam Junayd al-Baghdadi. It consists of the sphere of all the organized, genuine paths (thuruq) known to us (essentially there are 40 of them), whose emphasis is attachment to the purified selves of their Syaikhs (hence the name 'Anfusiyyah'). This is the General Way (ath-Thariqah al-'Ammah), which many people can afford to follow. For them, Direct Unveiling (Kasyf) in the Muhammadan Presence/Reality is simply unbearable due to differences in their substances. Instead, they must follow the expansive route, step by step, towards Allah's Ultimate Mercy.
In reality, al-Maqam al-Quthbiyyah is one
with al-Maqam al-Khatmiyyah. It denotes the Wali who has fully experienced Qiyamah (Resurrection) in ar-Ruh al-A'zham (Nur Muhammad), receiving al-Faydh al-Aqdas (the Most Sacred Overflowing) directly from the Prophet Muhammad. Upon reaching this highest stage in the Mi'raj, the Muhammadan Reality is fully realized/activated in the Wali. This Self-Realized Muhammadan Reality is essentially what is called '
Muhammad al-Mahdi', and its Opening (Futuhiyyah) is what is called the Great News and the Great Fire (an-Nar Allah al-Muqada) preceding the (individual) Qiyamah. This is a highly solitary State of Glory. There can only be One Perfect Mahdi in a specific age. The chain of appearances of al-Mahdi culminates with Hadhrat
Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi himself, who shall appear at the end of ends, with the Banner of al-Mutakabbir.
At last, realizing the Muhammadan Reality (al-Haqiqah al-Muhammadiyyah) is what Sufism (Tashawwuf) is all about. Everything else you may witness is like a pollen grain, a dispersing wave, or a shadow perceived in your own incapacity.
Muhammad (
MHMD), Allah's Most Hidden Essence (Dzat Allah al-Ghayb al-Muthlaq) is the
H in his
M, and He witnesses Himself, in His own Uniqueness (al-Hadhrah al-Ahadiyyah al-Aqdas), in the
M of his
H. All in All is manifestly gathered in his
D, ensuing from his
HM (
Ha Mim), without otherness and precedence in Allah's Remembrance of Himself. Thus, if you know Allah as Allah, you shall know that Muhammad is Love's Only Meaning in all 70,000 vast Oceans of Secrets.
Wa shalla Allahu 'ala Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammadin wa Alihi-th-Thahirin
Wa Shahbihi-l-Mukhlisin wa sallam.Mahabbah,

The Tha-Sin of the Muhammadan Light
Of Asy-Syahid ar-Rabbani Husayn ibn Manshur al-Hallaj (r.a.)
Tha Sin(Qur'an: 27.1)
"In Muhammad (MHMD), Allah's Most Hidden Essence (Dzat Allah) is the H in his M, and He witnesses Himself, in His own Uniqueness (al-Hadhrah al-Ahadiyyah al-Aqdas), in the M of his H. All in All is manifestly gathered in his D, ensuing from his being HM (Ha Mim) without otherness and precedence in Allah's Remembrance of Himself. Thus, if you know Allah as Allah, you shall know that Muhammad is Love's Only Meaning in all 70,000 vast oceans of secrets. Realizing this (al-Haqiqah al-Muhammadiyyah) is what Sufism (Tashawwuf) is all about. Everything else you may witness is like a pollen grain, a dispersing wave, or a shadow perceived in your own incapacity." A Lamp appeared from the Light of the Absolute, the Unseen. It appeared and returned, and it surpassed the other lamps. It was a Ruling Moon, manifesting itself radiantly among the other moons. It was a star whose astrological house is in the Empyrean. Allah named him 'Indescribable' (Ummi) in view of the Unscaled Concentration of his Reality, which is his Desire in disguise, and also 'Consecrated' because of the Primeval Majesty of his Blessing, and 'Makkan' because of his Unique Domain in His Vicinity.
For your sake, He expanded his breast, and raised his power, and lifted from him the burden 'that had weighed down thy back,' and He imposed (on creation) his authority. As Allah made his Badr appear, his Full Moon rose from the cloud of Yamamah, and his Sun arose on the side of Tihamah (Makkah), and his Lamp shone from the Source of all Divine Munificence.
He did not report about anything except according to his inner vision, and he did not order the following of his example except according to the truth of his conduct. He (alone) was in the Presence of Allah, then he (alone) brought others into His Presence. He saw, then he related what he was (in Primacy). He was sent forth as a guide, so he defined the limits of conduct.
No one is capable of discerning his true significance, except the Sincere, since he confirmed its validity, and then accompanied him so that there would not remain any disparity between them.
No gnostic ever knew him who was not ignorant of his true quality. His quality is made clear only to those to whom Allah undertakes to disclose it. 'Those to whom We have given the Book, and they recognize their sons, even though a party of them conceal the Truth, and that wittingly.' (Qur'an: 2.46)
The lights of Prophethood issued from his Light, and his Light appeared from the Being of the Most Hidden Mystery, which is of himself, in himself, for himself. Among the lights, there is none more luminous, more manifest, or more uncreated-than-uncreatedness than the Light of the Master of Generosity.
His Aspiration preceded all other aspirations, his Existence preceded non-existence, his Name preceded the Pen because it existed before it. There was never on the horizons, beyond the horizons, nor below the horizons anyone more graceful, nobler, wiser, more just, kinder, more God-fearing, or more sympathetic than the holder of this role. His Title is 'Master of Existences', and his Name is
Ahmad, and his Attribute is
Muhammad. His Command is most certain, and his Essence is most excellent, and his Attribute is most glorious, and his Aspiration is most unique.
Oh marvel! What is more manifest, more visible, greater, more famous, more luminous, more powerful, or more discerning than him? He is and was, and was known before created things and existences and beings. He was and still is remembered before 'before' and after 'after', and before substances and qualities. His substance is completely light, his speech is prophetic, his knowledge is celestial, his mode of expression is Arabic, his tribe is 'neither of the East nor the West' (Qur'an: 24.35), his genealogy is patriarchal, his mission is conciliation, and he has the title of the 'Indescribable'.
Eyes were opened by his signs, secrets and selves perceived by his being there. It was Allah who made him articulate by His Word, and being the Proof, confirmed him as that which he (alone) is. It was Allah who sent him forth. He is the Proof and the Proven. He is the Truth by the Truth, and he is the Truth in the Truth, and he is the Truth for the Truth. It is he who quenches the thirst of the vehemently thirsty heart, it is he who brings the Uncreated Word that is not touched by what touches it, nor phrased by the tongue, nor made. His Reality is united with Allah without separation, as Uniqueness in Uniqueness, without shadow, and it surpasses the conceivable. It is he who announces the End, and the Ends, and the Ends of the End.
He lifted the cloud, and pointed to the Sacred House. He is the Limitation (Boundary), and he is a heroic warrior. It is he who received the order to break the idols, and it is he who was sent to mankind for the extermination of them.
Above him a cloud flashed bolts of lightning, and below him a bolt of lightning flashed, shone, caused rain, and fructified. All knowledge is but a drop from his Ocean, and all wisdom is but a handful from his Stream, and all times are but an hour from his Life.
Allah is with him, and with him is Reality. He is the First in Union and the Last to be commissioned as a prophet, the Inward by Reality, and the Outward by Gnosis.
No scholar ever attained his Knowledge, nor did any philosopher become cognizant of his Understanding. None, of the ancient, of the present, and of the future, can approach his Reality, either from within or from without, for he (alone) is he.
Allah did not surrender (His Reality) to His creation, because he (alone) is he, and his being there is He, and He (Alone) is He.
Nothing comes out of the
M of
MHMD, and none enters into his
H, and his
H is the same as his second
M, and his
D is as his first
M. His
D is his Universal Perpetuity, his
M is his Singular Rank, his
H is his Spiritual State (Inner Reality), as is his second
Allah made his Word manifest, and amplified his Mark, and made his Proof known. He sent down the Furqan to him, He made his Tongue adequate, and He made his Heart shine. He made his contemporaries incapable (of imitating the Qur'an). He established his Clarification and exalted his Glory.
With him, and him alone, Allah is pleased. He is the Most Certain of the Certain in the Plane of Glory, the Most Distinguished at the Peak of the Ascent, the Most Present at its Perimeter. He is the Truth, and he is the Witnessing Truth, and he is the Witnessed Truth.
He is the Most Solitary of the Solitary in the Divine Presence. He is the Singular Reality by the Singular Essence, and he is the Sign of Oneness, and he is the Sign for both (Absolute) Oneness and (Relative, Graded) Multiplicity. He is the Locus of Gathering and the Encompassment of Dispersion. His Certainty in Being, untouched by the whirling confluence of existences and non-existences encompassed by him, is his Light, which is of His Mercy. Light upon Light.
Where Beauty is sealed from within the Within, he is the Seal and the Secret. He is the Manifest Sea and the Hidden Pearl. And so, for his sake, Allah is indeed Allah.
If you flee from his domains, what route will you take without a guide, oh ailing one? The maxims of the philosophers are like a slipping heap of sand before his Wisdom.
{ }

On Ibn 'Arabi and the Genuine Muhammadan Reality
The women at Zulaikha's court cut their fingers when beholding Yusuf,
So shall you tear your only heart into pieces in awe of Muhammad,
In whom Beauty is sealed from within the Within.
Salam Allah,
Here's a quick, humble note on statements often falsely attributed to Syaikh al-Akbar Ibn al-'Arabi (q.s.). May Allah guide us with Pure Prophetic Light (al-'Aql al-Qudsiyyah al-Muhammadiyyah), that of the Seal of Prophets and Chieftain of Existence (s.a.w.s.), and deliver us from error, be it of philosophical or primitive nature, by means of His Clear Standards.
It is commonly known to the genuine, discerning Muslim scholars, specializing in 'Irfan (Ma'rifah) and truly cognizant of the in-depth nature of Islamic Sufism, that there have been lies attributed to the Great Syaikh, in the course of reproducing his works. These lies were originally inserted into the original works of Ibn 'Arabi by Bathini Zindiqs, from among the Isma'ilis, no doubt with the support of foreign (mason) agencies, after their systematic study of Ibn 'Arabi's doctrines, in their attempt to destroy the sinews of Islam from within (by creating division and slander) so that they might replace Allah's Verses and the Prophet's Words (Traditions) with their own neo-Platonic philosophical doctrines, on the ruins of Islam and in their ignorance of the true nature of Ultimate Prophethood.
These villainous mystics were called 'ghalis' by both Twelver (genuine) Shi'ites and Sunnis. They, in their blindness of the unique, self-complete, all-encompassing perfection of Islam, rejected the Noble Syari'ah. Indeed, they laughed at the whole religion of Islam itself, while ascribing divinity and absolute authority to their own adepts (loosely called 'imams'). They were pseudo-Shi'ites, with ultra-strong military tendency (associated with the Assassins), subscribing to the shallowest kind of theosophical extremism; and yes, they still exist today, especially in the Eastern Part of the Islamic World (such as Northern India and Pakistan), often misleading others in the name of Islamic Sufism and Illuminationist Philosophy (al-Hikmah al-Isyraq).
The great falsification of many of Ibn 'Arabi's doctrines took place immediately after the destruction of the Abbasid Caliphate by the razing Mongol forces. During the vacuum and impotence of both centralized, protective, secular power and authoritative religious scientists ('ulema, including genuine Sufi Syaikhs), many of these 'ghalis' aligned themselves with the Timurid Rulers and disguised themselves as 'sufis' and 'dervishes' in order to 'rebuild' Sufism (the culture of dervishes, later called 'haydaris' (the libertines), whom the great Mulla Shadra criticized openly), stamping it with their own mystical brand of heresy.
I'll just mention one of the contemptible fabrications they have attributed to Ibn 'Arabi (which, unfortunately, so often appears in modern prints of his books):
"...From one point of view, the Seal of Sainthood (who comes after Muhammad, in a cycle beginning with him) is inferior to Muhammad, for he is subject to the Syari'ah of the Seal of Prophethood; yet, from another point of view, he is indeed superior (to Muhammad) for the incidental sphere of activities of Muhammad was limited and its perfection depends on the activities of the Seal of Sainthood in the due course."
This is an absolute lie and greatly contradicts Ibn 'Arabi's own exposition of al-Haqiqah al-Muhammadiyyah (the Reality of Muhammad) as the Primacy, Completeness, and Sine Qua Non of Existence, without otherness (contingent multiplicity or 'shadow'), on all levels, Essential (Absolute, Eternal) and Expansive (Creational, Temporal), due to the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) being the First Self-Complete, Self-Inclusive, All-Encompassing Manifestation (Tajalli) of Allah's Essence (Dzat Allah) unto Allah Himself, which Allah subsequently displays, by means of creation, in the universes, which act as 'mirrors' for His Absolute Image (Muhammad), along with all the intelligible Names and Attributes emanating from him (s.a.w.s.). Just as Allah is Ahad, Muhammad is Ahmad, in perfect, unbroken, one-to-one correspondence, representing the Singular Station of the Universal, Absolute Seal. In his (Ibn 'Arabi's) own words, which have also been elaborated upon by his greatest genuine expositor, Sayyid 'Abd al-Karim al-Jilli al-Qadiri,
"His (Muhammad's) elemental sign is 'Mim', signifying al-Ahadiyyah al-Jam' (Total, Singular Self-Inclusiveness/Self- Uniqueness), nothing comes out of his Reality and nothing enters it; he gathers and manifests All in All, for he is Allah's Most Perfect Manifestation and Mirror. The Names and Attributes of Allah, as well as the different ranks of (incidental) prophets, emanate only from the Nature of his Sealness."
"He (Muhammad) is the Leader of all existences. Their atoms are permeated and sealed only with the Elementary Nature of his Primordial Perfection. None can approach his Primacy, either from within or from without, for his Reality is the Only Sign of Allah's Oneness, both for Allah, by His Own Essence and in His Own Essence, and for Creation, by their multiplicity-bearing creationality and in themselves."This Muhammadan Perfection is indeed beyond temporality (spatial process), expansiveness, particularity, and directionality as the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) himself has said, "My Station is neither in the East (of something) nor in the West (of something)," and, "With me are All Names." Also, "We are the First, We are the Middle (Continuity), and We are the Last."
Indeed, Syaikh Ibn 'Arabi has repeatedly stated that the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) himself, and only he (s.a.w.s.), is both the Absolute Prophet (an-Nabi al-Muthlaq) and the Absolute Saint (al-Wali al-Muthlaq), the Archetypal Perfect Man (al-Insan al-Kamil) for whose sake the worlds came to be by the sublime act of creation and manifestation, which is a most sanctified recognition in the circle of genuine, intellectual
Sufis who truly understand Ibn 'Arabi's theosophical system as it should be understood. He is the Absolute Image ((Ha) Mim) of Allah, and the Total Mirror (Dal) displaying that Image as well, i.e., the Reality of the Cosmos itself in its fundamental atomic and expansive exterior forms. For this reason, as we have presented elsewhere, the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) is as-Sayyid al-Wujud (Ya Sin) with respect to the totality of existences, as-Sabab al-Maujud in his capacity as the Isthmus (Barzakh) connecting the Hidden Essence and Manifest Causality (Creationality, Contingency of Multiplicity), and al-Huwiyyah al-'Alam at the heart of his splendid rank as the Universal Soul.
This way, Allah has essentially performed creation by the Order 'Kun', which is the Sign of Muhammadan Perfection, where the letter 'Kaf' stands for al-Kaf (Bahr) al-Qudrat (the Ocean of Power of the Muhammadan Reality) and where the letter 'Nun' stands for Nur Muhammad (the Muhammadan Light). Furthermore, the statement 'Kun faya kun' refers to the manifestation of Adam as a first-rank Image of Oneness (Singularity) of the Muhammadan Reality, so that he (Adam) may know Allah through his own Reality (within himself), thereby becoming the Locus of Tauhid (Existential-Essential Unity) itself. Adam's archetypal signature, Alif Dal Mim, reflects the fact that he, by his being fashioned of Muhammadan Reality, is the archetypal and manifest Entirety of the Universe itself, the Mirror-Expanse of Being (Dal) where Allah (Alif) beholds His Absolute Image, Muhammad (Mim), and vice versa.
By this genuine recognition, as strongly emphasized by traditional Poles (Aqthab) such as Hadhrat '
Abd al-Qadir al-Jailani (q.s.), Hadhrat Ahmad ar-Rifa'i, Hadhrat Abu-l Hassan asy-Syadzili, Hadhrat 'Umar as-Suhrawardi, Hadhrat Bayazid al-Busthami, Hadhrat Baha' ad-Din an-Naqsybandi, and Hadhrat Muhammad 'Abd al-Karim as-Saman al-Khalwati (as well as Imam al-Ghazali himself), it is absolutely false, in general, to raise the rank of
Saints above that of Prophets: Sainthood remains general while Prophethood is a special, convergent (all-encompassing) intellectual rank within the vastness of that generality. Muhammadan Prophethood (Absolute Prophethood) is the Highest Noetic (Intellectual) Capacity/Presence, often likened to the Highest Established Mountain (Thur) in Witnessing (Musyahadah), representing Prophetic Intellectual Uniqueness with respect to Witnessing Allah's Essence, while Muhammadan Sainthood (Absolute Sainthood) is the Sea (Expanse) of Intimacy without a shore, signifying the Generality of Friendship-Intimacy with al-Haqq Ta'ala.
All the great historical Prophets (al-Hadhrah al-Anbiyya) have received their ranks directly from the Highest, All-Encompassing Muhammadan Presence (al-Hadhrah al-Ahmadiyyah al-Muhammadiyyah) without an intermediary, which is their actual uniqueness and superiority (over general Saints), while only a special kind of Saint (in whose person the Great Muhammadan Sealness (Khatmiyyah) appears) can reach their general rank, receiving the overflows (fuyudh) of
Nur Muhammad (Muhammadan Reality-Light) directly from the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) without an intermediary.
In general, Saints are subject to a long, directive hierarchy of mediation (through a chain of Saints), instead of receiving Direct Endowment of the Muhammadan Reality. The most unique Saint is known as the Seal of Muhammadan Sainthood of the age. So long as the Appearance of Sealness takes place in such a person, Ibn 'Arabi himself once rightly claimed that he was indeed one; yet he realized that the Fullest Appearance was not for him; ultimately, it is the sole right of al-Qa'im al-Mahdi.
Also, there are two kinds of Muhammadan Sainthood with respect to expansiveness: Special-Legislative and General. The Seal of Special-Legislative Sainthood (al-Walayah al-Muhammadiyyah al-Khasha) is Imam al-Mahdi (a.s.), while the Seal of General Sainthood (al-Walayah al-Muhammadiyyah al-'Ammah) is the Prophet 'Isa (a.s.) who shall indeed descend again as a Muhammadan Saint, representing both the Syari'ah and the Haqiqah of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s.), lending his full support unto Imam al-Mahdi.
The story is much longer when it comes to the full elaboration of the types of Prophethood and Sainthood encompassed by the Muhammadan Reality; yet may this be enough for now to end all controversies regarding Syaikh al-Akbar.
It must also be noted though that, not withstanding the great intellectual capacity of Ibn 'Arabi, he was not 'ma'shum' (without fault) in his numerous secondary expositions (about the branches of his primary doctrine, al-Wahdah al-Wujud); at one point, he was simply too immersed in the expansive patterns, rather than the absolute depth, of the multiplicity of the reality of Sainthood, and once he did make an erroneous, unnecessary deduction concerning the superiority of Sainthood over Messengership (
Risalah) in the Person of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.), who is the Ultimate Prophet, Messenger, and Saint at once. The truth is, only the Absolute Prophet, who is also the Absolute Saint at once, can bear the Manifest Rank of Final, Authoritative Messengership (which, from the point of view of the Syari'ah, is the locus of descent of the
Qur'an), irrespective of the Risalah being described as an outward or inward task (in fact, it concerns both outward laws and inner mysteries). Comparing the apparent ranks here inherent in the Singular Person of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) appears to be misleading; it is like a superfluous oxymoronic statement, "The (Ideal) Ruler is inferior to the Best of Men." Rather, it is intuitively clear that (Ideal) Kingship is naturally reserved for the Best of Men alone.
Sometimes, it just takes a higher, or at least an equal, intellect (as long as it is also supported by a most unique, singular emanation/concentration of the Divine Essence) than that of Ibn 'Arabi to be able to genuinely assess him, apart from simply being mesmerized by his genius. For, although he was a great genius, almost beyond comparison for many, many centuries, we, Muslims, should expect a greater genius ('Arif) to supersede him, explaining the science of Haqiqah (Reality) perhaps with fresh emphasis and from hidden angles. Soon, insya Allah.
I shall close this note by quoting Ibn 'Arabi's words regarding Sufism and himself:
"The Most Perfect Saint is he who sees no other station in front of him, other than the Station of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.). In his capacity (as Watad, 'Pillar'), he does not even see the station of the Pole (Quthb).""My system of knowledge is entirely based on Kasyf (Unveiling), not as many (philosophers and jurists) imagine, for there is no rational direction in which this Station can be approached, nor can it be achieved merely by means of striving towards excellency. Rather, this is the reward of my fully following the Sunnah of the Prophet and a great bounty from Allah Himself; in fact, I have received the entirety of gnosis, including the Pillars and Explanations, directly from the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) himself, both in wakefulness and in sleep, as an 'Arif has said, 'By Allah, if the Messenger of Allah was veiled from me even for just a second, I would not consider myself as being among you (Muslims).'"Mahabbah,
Sumber :
صلوات : السعادة/الرءوف الرحيم /الكمالية/الإنعام/العالي القدر
صلاة السعادة
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ عَدَدَ مَا فِي عِلْمِ الله صَلاَةً دَائِمَةً بِدَوَامِ مُلْكِ الله.
* * * * * * * * * *
صلاة الرؤوف الرحيم
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ وَسَلِّمْ وَبَارِكْ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ الرَّؤُوفِ الرَّحِيمِ ذِي الْخُلُقِ الْعَظِيمِ
وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَأَصْحَابِهِ وَأَزْوَاجِهِ فِي كُلِّ لَحْظَةٍ عَدَدَ كُلِّ حَادِثٍ وَقَدِيمٍ.
* * * * * * * * * *
المشهورة بالكمالية
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ وَبَارِكَ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِهِ عَدَدَ كَمَالِ الله وَكَمَا يَلِيقُ بِكَمَالِهِ.
* * * * * * * * * *
صلاة الإنعام
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ وَسَلِّمْ وَبَارِكَ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِهِ عَدَدَ إِنْعَامِ الله وَأِفْضَالِهِ.
* * * * * * * * * *
صلاة العالي القدر
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ وَسَلِّمْ وَبَارِكَ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ النَّبِيِّ الأُمِّيِّ الْحَبِيبِ الْعَالِي الْقَدْرِ الْعَظِيمِ الْجَاهِ
وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ وَسَلِّمْ.
صلاة أبي الحسن الكرخي
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ
مِلْءَ الدُّنْيَا وَمِلْءَ الآخِرَةِ
وَارْحَمْ مُحَمَّداً وَآلَ مُحَمَّدٍ
مِلْءَ الدُّنْيَا وَمِلْءَ الآخِرَةِ
وَاجْزِ مُحَمَّداً وَآلَ مُحَمَّدٍ
مِلْءَ الدُّنْيَا وَمِلْءَ الآخِرَةِ
وَسَلِّمْ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ
مِلْءَ الدُّنْيَا وَمِلْءَ الآخِرَةِ.
* * * * * * * * * *
بعض صلوات الشيخ الأكبر ابن عربي قدس الله سرة
Selawat al-Sirr Ibnu Arabi
Source :
صلاة السّر
صلى الله على الأوّلِ في الإيجاَدِ والجُوْدِ والوُجُوْدِ، الفاتح لِكُلِّ شاهدٍ، حَضْرَتِي الشاهِدِ والمشهُودِ، السِّرِّ الباطنِ والنورِ الظاهِرِ الذي هُوَ عَيْنُ المقصودِ، حائِزِ قَصَبِ السَّبقِ في عالمِ الخلقِ، المخصوصِ بالأوليّةِ، والرّوحِ الأقْدَسِ العليِّ والنّورِ الأكْمَلِ البهيِّ القائمِ بكمالِ العُبُوْدِيَّةِ في حَضْرَةِ المعْبُودِ الذي أُفِيضَ على روحي مِنْ حضرةِ رُوْحاَنِيَّتِهِ واتَّصَلَتْ بِمِشْكاَةِ قَلْبِي أشيَّةُ نُوراَنِيَّتِهِ فهو الرّسولُ الأعظمُ والنّبيُّ الأكْرَمُ والوَلِيُّ المقرَّبُ المسعُودُ وعلى آله وأصحابِهِ خزائنِ أسرارهِ ومعارفِ أنْواَرِهِ، ومَطاَلِعِ أقْماَرِهِ كُنُوزِ الحقائِقِ وُهداَةِ الخَلاَئِقِ، نُجُومِ الهُدَى لمن اهْتَدَى وسلّم تسليماً كثيراً، وسبحانَ اللهِ وما أنا من المشركين، وحسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل، ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم، وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وآله وصحبه أجمعين، سُبْحَانَ رَبِّكَ رَبِّ الْعِزَّةِ عَمَّا يَصِفُونَ وَسَلامٌ عَلَى الْمُرْسَلِينَ [سورة الصافات: 180-181].
al-Kinj, ‘Abd al-Razzāaq Bakrī. سلسلة أعلام التصوف الإسلامي: لطائف وإشارات الشيخ الأكبر محي الدين بن عربي (قدس الله سره العزيز) ويليه الصلوات الحاتمية على خير البرية. 1998M. Cairo, Egypt.
Selawat al-Azal Ibnu Arabi
Source: http://www.antalhaq.com/2009/05/selawat-al-azal-ibnu-arabi_28.html
صلاة الأزل
أسألك اللهم فيما سَأَلْتُكَ وأتَوَسَّلُ إليك في قَبُولِهِ بِمُقَدَّمَةِ الوجود الأوّلِ الحياةِ الأفضلِ ونورِ العلمِ الأكْمَلِ وبِساَطِ الرَّحمةِ في الأَزَلِ وسَماَءِ الخُلُقِ الأجلِّ السَّابِقِ بالرُّوح والفضْلِ والخاتِمِ بالصُّورةِ والبعثِ والنُّورِ بالهدايةِ والبَياَنِ محمّداً الْمُصْطَفَى والرّسولِ الْمُجْتَبَى صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وصحبه وسلَّم تسليماً كثيراً إلى يَوْمِ الدِّيْنَ، والحَمْدُ لله رب العالمين.
al-Kinj, ‘Abd al-Razzāaq Bakrī. سلسلة أعلام التصوف الإسلامي: لطائف وإشارات الشيخ الأكبر محي الدين بن عربي (قدس الله سره العزيز) ويليه الصلوات الحاتمية على خير البرية. 1998M. Cairo, Egypt.
Selawat al-Fatḥ Ibnu Arabi
Source :
صلاة الفتح
اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آل سيدنا محمدٍ عَرْشِ استواءِ تَجلياتِك وَكُنْهِ هُوِيَّةِ تَنَزُّلاَتِك النّورِ الأزْهَرِ والسِّرِّ الأبْهَرِ والفردِ الجامعِ والوِتْرِ الواسعِ، صلاةً أُشاَهِدُ بها عجائِبَ الملكُوتِ وأستجلي بها عَراَئِسَ الجبروتِ وأستمطرُ بها غُيُوثَ الرَّحموتِ وأرتاَضُ بها عن عِلاَقةِ ناسُوت البَهَمُوتِ يا لا هُوتَ كلِّ ناَسُوتِ يا الله، والحمد لله رب العالمين.
Al-Kinj, ‘Abd al-Razzāaq Bakrī. سلسلة أعلام التصوف الإسلامي: لطائف وإشارات الشيخ الأكبر محي الدين بن عربي (قدس الله سره العزيز) ويليه الصلوات الحاتمية على خير البرية. 1998M. Cairo, Egypt.
Selawat al-Wusṭa Ibnu Arabi
الصلاة الوسطى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم، لا إله إلا الله الملك الحق المبين، محمد رسول الله صادق الوعد الأمين، رَبَّنَا آمَنَّا بِمَا أَنْزَلْتَ وَاتَّبَعْنَا الرَّسُولَ فَاكْتُبْنَا مَعَ الشَّاهِدِينَ (٥٣) سورة آل عمران،
اللهم صل وسلِّم وأبِرَّ وأكرمْ وأنْعِمَّ على العِزَّ الشامِخِ والمجدِ الباذِخِ، والنور الطاَّمِحِ، والحقِّ الواضحِ، مِيْمِ المملكةِ، وحاَءِ الرحمةِ، وميم العلمِ ودال الدَّلالةِ وألفِ الذَّاتِ، وحاءِ الرَّحموت، وميم الملكوتِ، ودالِ الهدايةِ وجِيْمِ الجبروتِ، ولامِ الألْطاَفِ الخفيَّةِ، وراءِ الرأفةِ الحقيَّة، ونون المِننِ وعينِ العنايةِ، وكافِ الكفايةِ، وياءِ السِّيادةِ، وسينِ السعادةِ، وقافِ القُرْبَةِ، وطاءِ السلطنةِ، وهاء العُروةِ، وواوِ الوُثْقَى، وصادِ العِصْمةِ،
وعلى آله جَواَهِرِ علمهِ العزيز، وأصحابِهِ مَنْ أصْبَحَ بِهِمُ الدينُ في حرز حَرِيزٍ، صَلاَتَك المُهَيْمِنَةَ بعظمةِ جلالك، المشرَّفةِ بجلالِ جمالك، المكرَّمةِ بعظيمِ نوالك، دائمةً بِدَواَمِ مُلْكِكَ لا اِنْتَهاءَ لها، ساميةً بسُمُوِّ رِفْعَتِكَ لا اِنْقَضاَءَ لها، صلاةً تفوقُ وتفْضُلُ وتليقُ بمجدِ كَرَمِكَ وعظيمِ فَضْلِكَ أنت لها أَهْلٌ لا يُبْلَغُ كُنْهُهاَ ولا يُقدَّرُ قَدْرُهاَ كما ينبغي لشرفِ نبوَّتِهِ وعظيمِ قدرهِ وكما هو لها أهلٌ صلاةً تُفَرِّجُ عَناَّ بها همومَ حوادثِ الإختيارِ، وتمحُو بها عَناَّ ذُنُوبَ وجودِناَ بماءِ سَماَءِ القربةِ حَيْثُ لا حيثُ ولا بَيْنَ ولا أيْنَ ولا كيفَ ولا جِهَةَ ولا قرارَ، وتغّيبُناَ بها في غَياَهِبِ غُيُوبِ أنوارِ أحديتِكَ فلا نشعُرُ بتعاقُبِ الليل والنهار، وتُخوِلُناَ بها سماحَ رياحِ فُتُوحِ حقائقِ بديعِ جَمالِ نبيكَ محمدٍ الْمُخْتاَرِ، وتُتْحِفُناَ بها بأسرارِ أنوارِ زيتُونيَّتِك في مِشْكاَةِ الزُّجاجةِ المحمَّديَّةِ فَتُضاعفَ أنوارُنا بلا امتِراءٍ ولا حَدٍ ولا انحِصاَرٍ،
يا رب يا الله يا حي يا قيوم يا ذا الجلال والإكرام يا أرحم الراحمين نسألك بدقائقِ معانِي القرآنِ العظيمِ المُتلاطِمةِ أمواجُهاَ في بحرِ باطنِ خزائنِ علمك المخزونِ وبآياتهِ البيِّناَتِ الزهراتِ الباهراتِ على مظهرِ إنسانِ عين سرّك المَصُونِ، أَنْ تذهبَ عَناَّ ظلامَ الفقدِ، بنور أُنْسِ المجدِ، وأنْ تكْسُوناَ مِنْ حُلَلِ صفاتِ كمالِ سيدنا محمدٍ صلى الله عليه وسلم نورَ الجَلاَلَةِ، وأنْ تَسْقِيْناَ مِنْ كَوْثَرِ معرفتِهِ رَحيقَ تسليم تسنِيمِ شرابِ الرِّسالةِ،
اللهم صل على الجودِ الأكرمِ، والنورِ الأفخمِ والعزِّ الأعظم، المبعوث بالقِيل الأقومِ، ومنَّةِ اللهِ على كلِّ فصيْحٍ وأعْجَمِ، سيدنا محمدٍ صلى الله عليه وسلم، قُطْبِ رَحَى النبيين، ونقطة دائرةِ المرسلين، المخاطَبِ في الكتابِ المكنُون، بقولك ما أنتَ بنعمةِ رَبِّكَ بِمجنُونِ، وإِنَّ لك لأجراً غيرَ ممنونٍ، الموصوفِ بقولك الكريم - وَإِنَّكَ لَعَلى خُلُقٍ عَظِيمٍ (٤) سورة القلم،
وارضَ عن أصحابه أئِمَّةِ الهُدَى، لمن اهْتَدَى، ونُجُومُ الإقتداء، لمن اقْتَدَى، ما تعاقبت أدوار الأنوار، وأشرقَتْ أنواَر الأسرارِ بالأسرارِ، والحمد لله رب العالمين.
al-Kinj, ‘Abd al-Razzāaq Bakrī. سلسلة أعلام التصوف الإسلامي: لطائف وإشارات الشيخ الأكبر محي الدين بن عربي (قدس الله سره العزيز) ويليه الصلوات الحاتمية على خير البرية. 1998M. Cairo, Egypt.
Selawat Tauḥīd Ibnu Arabi
Source : http://www.antalhaq.com/2009/05/selawat-tauhid-ibnu-arabi_07.html
صلاة التوحيد
أسألك اللهم أن تُصَلِّيَ وَتُسَلِّمُ على سَيِّدِ المرسلين وإِماَمِ المتقين الذي خَلَقْتَهُ مِنْ جَلاَلِكَ وَزَيَّنْتَهُ بِجَماَلِكَ وَتَوَّجْتَهُ بِكَماَلِكَ وَأَهَّلْتَهُ لِرُؤْيَةِ ذَاتِكَ وَجَعَلْتَهُ محلاً لِأَسْماَئِكَ وصفاتك وقَرنْتَ اسمَهُ وطاعتهُ بطاعتك محمدِ ابن عبد الله وآله وصحبه الدَّاعِيْنَ إلى الله، اللهم صل على سيدنا محمدٍ ناَئِبِ حَضْرَةِ ذاتك الْمُتَحَقِّقِ بِأَسْماَئِكَ وصفاتك الجاَمِعِ بين الوُجودِ والعَدَمِ والبَرْزَخِ الفاصِلِ بين الْحُدُوثِ والقِدَمِ عَيْنُ الأَحَدِيَّةِ الذي انْفَتَحَ بِهِ كُلُّ مَقْفُوْلٍ وَانْجَبَرَ بِِهِ كُلُّ مَكْسُوْرٍ وَانْعَتَقَ بِهِ كُلُّ مَقْهُوْرٍ والحمد لله رب العالمين.
Al-Kinj, ‘Abd al-Razzāaq Bakrī. سلسلة أعلام التصوف الإسلامي: لطائف وإشارات الشيخ الأكبر محي الدين بن عربي (قدس الله سره العزيز) ويليه الصلوات الحاتمية على خير البرية. 1998M. Cairo, Egypt.
Selawat Ẓātiyyah Ibnu Arabi
Source : http://www.antalhaq.com/2009/04/selawat-zatiyyah-ibnu-arabi_30.html
الصلاة الذاتية
اللهم صلِّ وسلِّمْ وبارِكْ على الذَّات الْمُطَلَّسْمِ، والغيثِ الْمُطَمْطَمِ، والكمال الْمُكَتَّمِ، لا هُوتَ الجَمال، وناسوت الوِصال، وطَلَعَةِ الحقِّ هُوِيَّةِ إنسانِ الأزلِ، في نشر مَنْ لَمْ يَزَلْ، مَنْ أقمتَ به نَواَسِيْتَ الفَرْقِ إلى طُرُقِ الحق، وصلِّ اللهم به منه فيه عليه وسلم تسليماً كثيرا والحمد لله رب العالمين.
Al-Kinj, ‘Abd al-Razzāaq Bakrī. سلسلة أعلام التصوف الإسلامي: لطائف وإشارات الشيخ الأكبر محي الدين بن عربي (قدس الله سره العزيز) ويليه الصلوات الحاتمية على خير البرية . 1998M. Cairo, Egypt.
Selawat Akbariyah Ibnu Arabi
الصلاة الأكبرية
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ وَسَلِّمْ عَلَى
سَيِّدِنا مُحَمَّداً أَكْمَلِ مَخْلُوقَاتِكَ، وَسَيِّدِ أَهْلِ أَرْضِكَ وَأَهْلِ
سَمَوَاتِكَ، النُّورِ الأَعْظَمِ، وَالكَنْزِ الْمُطَلْسَمٍ، وَالْجَوْهَرِ الْفَرْدَ،
وَالسِّرِّ المُمْتَدِّ، الَّذِي لَيْسَ لَهُ مِيْلٌ مَنْطُوقٌ، وَلاَ شِبْهٌ مَخْلُوقٌ،
وَأَرْضَ عَنْ خَلِيفَتِهِ فِي هَذَا الزَّمَانِ، مِنْ جِنْسِ عَالَمِ الإِنْسَانِ،
الرُّوحِ الْمُتَجَسِّدِ، وَالْفَرْدجِ الْمُتَعَدِّدِ، حُجَّةِ الله فِي الأَقْضِيَةِ،
وَعُمْدَةِ الله فِي الأَمْضِيَةِ، مَحَلِّ نَظَرِ الله مِنْ خَلْقِهِ، مُنَفِّذاً
أَحْكَامِهِ بَيْنَهُمْ بِصِدْقِهِ، الْمُمِدِّ لِلْعَوَالِمِ بِرُوحَانِيَّتِهِ، الْمُفِيضِ
عَلَيْهِمْ مِنْ نُورِ نُورَانِيَّتِهِ، مَنْ خَلَقَهُ الله عَلَى صُورَتِهِ، وَأَشْهَدَهُ
أَرْوَاحَ مَلاَئِكَتِهِ، وَخَصَّصَهُ فِي هَذَا الزَّمَانِ، لِيَكُونَ لِلْعَالَمِينَ
أَمَان، فَهُوَ قُطْبُ دَائِرَةِ الْوُجُودِ، وَمَحَلُّ السَّمْعِ وَالشُّهُودِ، فَلاَ
تَتَحَرَّكُ ذَرَّةٌ فِي الْكَوْنِ إِلاَّ بِعِلْمِهِ، وَلاَ تَسْكُنُ إِلاَّ بِحُكْمِهِ،
لأَِنَّهُ مَظْهَرُ الْحَقِّ، وَمَعْدَنُ الصِّدْقِ،