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IDRIS SARDI – Gema Shalawat Nabi
Source :
اللهم صل صلاة كاملة، وسلم سلاما تاما على سيدنا محمد الذى تنحل به العقد، وتنفرج به
الكرب، وتقضى به الحوائج، وتنال به الرغائب، وحسن الخواتم وسيتشقى الغمام بوجهه الكريم،
وعلى أله وصحبه فى كل لمحة ونفس بعدد كل معلوم لك
Allohumma sholli ’sholaatan kaamilatan wa sallim salaaman taaamman ‘ala sayyidina Muhammadinilladzi tanhallu bihil ‘uqodu wa tanfariju bihil qurobu wa tuqdho bihil hawaaiju wa tunalu bihir roghooibu wa husnul khowaatimu wa yustasqol ghomamu biwajhihil kariem wa ‘ala aalihi wa shohbihi fie kulli lamhatin wa nafasim bi’adadi kulli ma’lumin laka
Artinya : Ya Alloh berilah sholawat dengan sholawat yang sempurna dan berilah salam dengan salam yang sempurna atas penghulu kami Muhammad yang dengannya terlepas segala ikatan, lenyap segala kesedihan, terpenuhi segala kebutuhan, tercapai segala kesenangan, semua diakhiri dengan kebaikan, hujan diturunkan, berkat dirinya yang pemurah, juga atas keluarga dan sahabat-sahabatnya dalam setiap kedipan mata dan hembusan nafas sebanyak hitungan segala yang ada dalam pengetahuanMu.
Sholawat ini hendaknya dibaca 11 kali setelah sholat fardhu. Sholawat ini banyak faedahnya, Imam Ad Dinawari berkata : Siapa saja yang membaca shalawat nariyah setiap selesai sholat sebanyak 11 kali dan ia menjadikannya sebagai bacaan rutin maka rizkinya tidak akan pernah putus dan ia mendapatkan derajat yang tinggi, juga keberkahan hidup dunia akherat.
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Lihat juga Secrets of salawat / Durood Naariyah
Allahumma salli salaatan kaamilatan Wa sallim salaaman taamman 'alaa Sayyidina Muhammad-I Nilladhee tanhallu bihi'l 'uqad wa tanfariju bihi'l kurab Wa tuqdhaa bihi'l hawaaij wa tunaalu bihi'r-raghaaib Wa husnu'l khawaatim wa yustasqa'l ghamaamu biwaj'hihi'l kareem Wa 'alaa aalihi wa sahbihee fee kulli lamhatin wa-nafas Bi 'adadi kulli ma'loomin-lak
O Allah! Bestow complete blessings and perfect peace on Sayyidina Muhammad and for his sake may all our difficulties be removed, all calamities and agonies prevented; all needs fulfilled; all our cherished desires obtained; and a felicitous end to earthly life attained (with Imaan); and (give us) rain-showering clouds through the generous countenance of the Prophet, and (bestow blessings and peace as well) on his family and companions in every moment and every breath, as many times as is in Your Knowledge (that is, unlimited blessings).
a different english translation of the same durood :
O Allah, send the perfect salawat and the complete salaam upon our master and patron Muhammad, by whom the knots are untied, and the afflictions are removed, and the needs are satisfied, and the desired goals are gained as are the best ends, and by whose noble countenance the clouds are watered; and also upon his family and companions, in every moment and breath, according to the number of things in Your Knowledge)
If read 41 times after fajr prayer will be successful with all the intentions in their heart and Allah will eliminate all the bad and facilitate all of lifes affairs.
if read 313 times A miraculous thing will open /or open secrets from the ghaib-unseen.
if read 4444 times will reach all his goals and the intention in this world and hereafter / and open all doors of goodness / To be read 4444 and dua made for ones intention for reading it.
IIf read 1000 times then for him (will obtain) what was not possible by human kind and will obtain what not had been seen by the eyes, nor had been heard by ears and not had crossed in the heart" of"humankind."
A saalik-(traveller on the spiritual path) is recommended to recite this salaat 4444 times in his lifetime.
Its recorded in the Ba-alawi wird manual, as the Ba-alawi's (al-Haba'ib of yemen) are connected to the Shadhili through Imam al-Faqih al-Muqaddam from Shaykh ‘Abd ar-Rahman al-Maq’ad al-Maghribi and Shaykh ‘Abdallah as-Salih al-Maghribi, both disciples of the great Shaykh Sidi Abu Madyan Al-Ghawth, it says to read it 11 times after every Fard salat.
In the section: 34 ways - Duas Seeing the Prophet (PBUH) in dreams, that is number 19, and was frequently Recited by Shaykh Abdul Qadir Gilani.
If it is recited daily, it will give such strength and power to the recitor that no one on Earth can subdue them. Allah will help the recitor from the quarters unknown to the human being. It grants success in all the affairs of the world. It brings about one's success for his/her net income.
Durood nariyah is also called salat taaziya
salat taaziya, from Sidi Ahmad at-Tazi, a great wali from the maghrib, traditionally when there is a big societal calamity, a group gets together and divides up the reading of this salat, so that the total number is 4444 times... useful for the repelling of great calamities and the solving of difficult problems.
This is how we read it in our tariqah (Qadiri-Budshishiyyah in the Fidya gathering)
This salawat is from the Kanzul as'rar and it opens the seven heavens and it was been tested by great awliya like Shaykh Sanusi, Sidi Omar Mukhtar, Sidi ibn Hajar asqalani Imam al-Qurtubi. It used very much in Morocco. And if a calamity or distress or danger than usually the sufis and the ahlu kheir-The people good, collect them themselves and read it 4444 after that they do tawwasul to the Prophet (s.a.w) and inshallah safety will come.
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